SetTitle('Отчеты'); $clients = Service::GetClientList(); $first_client = array_keys($clients)[0]; $rows = CIBlockElement::GetList(["SORT"=>"ASC"], Array("IBLOCK_ID" => 15, "ID" => 12971, "ACTIVE"=>"Y", "GLOBAL_ACTIVE"=>"Y"), false, false); $arResult['object'] = []; if($ob = $rows->GetNextElement()) { $arResult['object'] = Register::GetObjectRow($ob, true, true); } $obj = $arResult['object']; $month = $_GET['m']; session_start(); if($month) { session_start(); $_SESSION['month'] = $month; } elseif(isset($_SESSION['month'])) { $month = $_SESSION['month']; } else $month = date('m'); $time_begin = date('Y').'-'.$month.'-01 00:00:00'; $number_month = cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, $month, date('Y')); $time_end = date('Y').'-'.$month.'-' . $number_month . ' 23:59:59'; $time_begin = strtotime($time_begin . "-2 hours"); $time_end = strtotime($time_end . "-2 hours"); function isWeekend($date) { return (date('N', strtotime($date)) >= 6); } $months = array( '01' => 'январь', '02' => 'февраль', '03' => 'март', '04' => 'апрель', '05' => 'май', '06' => 'июнь', '07' => 'июль', '08' => 'август', '09' => 'сентябрь', '10' => 'октябрь', '11' => 'ноябрь', '12' => 'декабрь' ); $curMonth = $months[$month] . ' ' . date('Y'); ?>
$c): $client_info = Service::GetUserInfo($key); if($time_begin > $client_info['contract_to_s']) $contract_end = true; else $contract_end = false; $records = Register::GetRecords($total_records, 'UF_DATE', 'asc', [3,8], $time_begin, $time_end, 0, 1000000, $key, 0, 0, 0); $notroubleMoveCount = Register::GetRecordsTotalMove([3,8], $time_begin, $time_end,$key, 0); $troubleMoveCount = Register::GetRecordsTotalMove([3,8], $time_begin, $time_end,$key, 1); $planRecords = Register::GetRecordsTotal([1,4,2], $time_begin, $time_end, $key); // $planRecordsQq = Register::GetRecords($tot, 'UF_DATE', 'desc', 1, $time_begin, $time_end, 0, 10000000, $key); $class='gray'; if($notroubleMoveCount < $client_info['move_plan']) $class = "red"; elseif($notroubleMoveCount > $client_info['move_plan']) $class = "yellow";?>
Дата Выходной день Исполнитель

Warning: Undefined variable $c in D:\ktt\\public_html\service\report\index.php on line 109

Окончание договора:
Warning: Undefined variable $client_info in D:\ktt\\public_html\service\report\index.php on line 109

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in D:\ktt\\public_html\service\report\index.php on line 109
| Выездов по договору: обычных -
Warning: Undefined variable $client_info in D:\ktt\\public_html\service\report\index.php on line 109

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in D:\ktt\\public_html\service\report\index.php on line 109
, аварийных -
Warning: Undefined variable $client_info in D:\ktt\\public_html\service\report\index.php on line 109

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in D:\ktt\\public_html\service\report\index.php on line 109
Запланировано в журнале:
Warning: Undefined variable $planRecords in D:\ktt\\public_html\service\report\index.php on line 110
| Совершено выездов: обычных -
Warning: Undefined variable $notroubleMoveCount in D:\ktt\\public_html\service\report\index.php on line 110
, аварийных -
Warning: Undefined variable $troubleMoveCount in D:\ktt\\public_html\service\report\index.php on line 110

Warning: Undefined variable $rec in D:\ktt\\public_html\service\report\index.php on line 115

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in D:\ktt\\public_html\service\report\index.php on line 115

Warning: Undefined variable $rec in D:\ktt\\public_html\service\report\index.php on line 117

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in D:\ktt\\public_html\service\report\index.php on line 117
Сводный отчет за
Warning: Undefined variable $curMonth in D:\ktt\\public_html\service\report\index.php on line 122
Записи не найдены