namespace Bitrix\Wiki;
* This Class implements the Difference Algorithm published in
* "An O(ND) Difference Algorithm and its Variations" by Eugene Myers
* Algorithmica Vol. 1 No. 2, 1986, p 251.
class Diff
protected $upVector = array();
protected $downVector = array();
protected $modifiedA = array();
protected $modifiedB = array();
* Function finds the difference between two versions of text and creates html output with highlighted edits to
* transform text from first to second version.
* @param string $a First version of text to be compared.
* @param string $b Second version of text to be compared.
* @return string
public function getDiffHtml($a, $b)
preg_match_all("/(<.*?>\s*|\s+)([^\s<]*)/", " ".$a, $matchA);
preg_match_all("/(<.*?>\s*|\s+)([^\s<]*)/", " ".$b, $matchB);
$diffScript = $this->getDiffScript($matchA[2], $matchB[2]);
if(count($diffScript) == 0)
// no difference found
return $a;
$positionA = 0;
$result = '';
foreach($diffScript as $diffItem)
while($positionA < $diffItem['startA'])
$result .= $matchA[0][$positionA];
//deleted items
if($diffItem['deletedA'] > 0)
$result .= $matchA[1][$positionA] . '' . $matchA[2][$positionA];
for($i = 1; $i < $diffItem['deletedA']; $i++)
$result .= $matchA[0][$positionA + $i];
$result .= '';
$positionA = $positionA + $diffItem['deletedA'];
if($diffItem['insertedB'] > 0)
$result .= $matchB[1][$diffItem['startB']] . '' . $matchB[2][$diffItem['startB']];
for($i = 1; $i < $diffItem['insertedB']; $i++)
$result .= $matchB[0][$diffItem['startB'] + $i];
$result .= '';
while($positionA < count($matchA[0]))
$result .= $matchA[0][$positionA];
return $result;
* Function compares two arrays and creates edit script, that is required to transform array $a to array $b
* @param array $a First array to be compared.
* @param array $b Second array to be compared.
* @return array Array of edit steps to transform array $a to array $b. Each step is an array with keys:
startA - position in array $a
* startB - position in array $b
* deletedA - count of elements deleted from array $a
* insertedB - count of elements inserted from array $b.
public function getDiffScript(array $a, array $b)
$this->longestCommonSubsequence($a, 0, count($a), $b, 0, count($b));
return $this->createDiff($a, $b);
* Function initializes object's fields for usage in difference algorithm.
* @return void
protected function init()
$this->upVector = array();
$this->downVector = array();
$this->modifiedA = array();
$this->modifiedB = array();
* Function looks for longest common subsequence between two array
* @param array $a First array to be compared.
* @param int $lowerA Lower bound of the first array.
* @param int $upperA Upper bound of the first array.
* @param array $b Second array to be compared.
* @param int $lowerB Lower bound of the second array.
* @param int $upperB Upper bound of the second array.
* @return void
protected function longestCommonSubsequence(array $a, $lowerA, $upperA, array $b, $lowerB, $upperB)
// Skipping equal lines at the start
while ($lowerA < $upperA && $lowerB < $upperB && $a[$lowerA] == $b[$lowerB])
// Skipping equal lines at the end
while ($lowerA < $upperA && $lowerB < $upperB && $a[$upperA - 1] == $b[$upperB - 1])
if ($lowerA === $upperA)
// mark as inserted lines.
while ($lowerB < $upperB)
$this->modifiedB[$lowerB++] = true;
if ($lowerB === $upperB)
// mark as deleted lines.
while ($lowerA < $upperA)
$this->modifiedA[$lowerA++] = true;
// Find the middle snake and length of an optimal path for A and B
$sms = $this->shortestMiddleSnake($a, $lowerA, $upperA, $b, $lowerB, $upperB);
// The path is from LowerX to (x,y) and (x,y) to UpperX
$this->longestCommonSubsequence($a, $lowerA, $sms['x'], $b, $lowerB, $sms['y']);
$this->longestCommonSubsequence($a, $sms['x'], $upperA, $b, $sms['y'], $upperB);
* Function looks for shortest middle snake between two arrays (see Meyer's work
* "An O(ND) Difference Algorithm and its Variations")
* @param array $a First array to be compared.
* @param int $lowerA Lower bound of the first array.
* @param int $upperA Upper bound of the first array.
* @param array $b Second array to be compared.
* @param int $lowerB Lower bound of the second array.
* @param int $upperB Upper bound of the second array.
* @return array Array with keys 'x' and 'y', describing found shortest middle snake
protected function shortestMiddleSnake(array $a, $lowerA, $upperA, array $b, $lowerB, $upperB)
$result = array();
$downK = $lowerA - $lowerB; // the k-line to start the forward search
$upK = $upperA - $upperB; // the k-line to start the reverse search
$delta = ($upperA - $lowerA) - ($upperB - $lowerB);
$oddDelta = ($delta & 1) != 0;
$maxD = (($upperA - $lowerA + $upperB - $lowerB) / 2) + 1;
// init vectors
$this->downVector[$downK + 1] = $lowerA;
$this->upVector[$upK - 1] = $upperA;
for ($d = 0; $d <= $maxD; $d++)
// Extend the forward path.
for ($k = $downK - $d; $k <= $downK + $d; $k += 2)
// find the only or better starting point
$x = 0;
$y = 0;
if ($k == $downK - $d)
$x = $this->downVector[$k + 1]; // down
$x = $this->downVector[$k - 1] + 1; // a step to the right
if (($k < $downK + $d) && ($this->downVector[$k + 1] >= $x))
$x = $this->downVector[$k + 1];
} // down
$y = $x - $k;
// find the end of the furthest reaching forward D-path in diagonal k.
while (($x < $upperA) && ($y < $upperB) && ($a[$x] == $b[$y]))
$this->downVector[$k] = $x;
// overlap ?
if ($oddDelta && ($upK - $d < $k) && ($k < $upK + $d))
if ($this->upVector[$k] <= $this->downVector[$k])
$result['x'] = $this->downVector[$k];
$result['y'] = $this->downVector[$k] - $k;
return $result;
// Extend the reverse path.
for ($k = $upK - $d; $k <= $upK + $d; $k += 2)
// find the only or better starting point
$x = 0;
$y = 0;
if ($k == $upK + $d)
$x = $this->upVector[$k - 1]; // up
$x = $this->upVector[$k + 1] - 1; // left
if (($k > $upK - $d) && ($this->upVector[$k - 1] < $x))
$x = $this->upVector[$k - 1];
} // up
$y = $x - $k;
while (($x > $lowerA) && ($y > $lowerB) && ($a[$x - 1] == $b[$y - 1]))
// diagonal
$this->upVector[$k] = $x;
// overlap ?
if (!$oddDelta && ($downK - $d <= $k) && ($k <= $downK + $d))
if ($this->upVector[$k] <= $this->downVector[$k])
$result['x'] = $this->downVector[$k];
$result['y'] = $this->downVector[$k] - $k;
return $result;
* Function creates diff script. Should be called after longestCommonSubsequence().
* @param array $a First array to be compared.
* @param array $b Second array to be compared.
* @return array Array of edit steps to transform array $a to array $b.
protected function createDiff(array $a, array $b)
$indexA = 0;
$indexB = 0;
$result = array();
while ($indexA < count($a) || $indexB < count($b))
if (($indexA < count($a)) && (!$this->modifiedA[$indexA]) && ($indexB < count($b)) && (!$this->modifiedB[$indexB]))
// equal lines
// maybe deleted and/or inserted lines
$startA = $indexA;
$startB = $indexB;
while ($indexA < count($a) && ($indexB >= count($b) || $this->modifiedA[$indexA]))
while ($indexB < count($b) && ($indexA >= count($a) || $this->modifiedB[$indexB]))
if (($startA < $indexA) || ($startB < $indexB))
// store a new difference-item
$result[] = array("startA" => $startA, "startB" => $startB, "deletedA" => $indexA - $startA, "insertedB" => $indexB - $startB);
return $result;