textType = ($type == 'html' ? 'html' : 'text'); $this->arNowiki = array(); $this->arLink = array(); $this->arLinkExists = array(); $this->arFile = $arFile; $this->arVersionFile = array(); // An array can be either array (23,45,67), and array ('file_name' => 'file_path'), if this version of the document in the history of if (!is_array($this->arFile)) $this->arFile = array(); foreach ($this->arFile as $_k => $file) { if (!is_numeric($file) && !is_numeric($_k)) { $this->arVersionFile[$_k] = $file; unset($this->arFile[$_k]); } } reset($this->arFile); if(isset($arParams["POST_URL"])) $this->postUrl = (CMain::IsHTTPS() ? "https://" : "http://").$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"].$arParams["POST_URL"]; // cut code $text = preg_replace_callback("/(\{\{\{(.*)\}\}\})/imsU".BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, array(&$this, '_codeCallback'), $text); $text = preg_replace_callback("/(\[CODE\](.*)\[\/CODE\])/imsU".BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, array(&$this, '_codeCallback'), $text); // cut nowiki $text = preg_replace_callback('/((.*)<\/nowiki>)/isU'.BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, array(&$this, '_noWikiCallback'), $text); #if($this->textType == "html") # $text = CWikiUtils::htmlspecialchars_decode($text); // bi $text = str_replace("'''", "'''", $text); $text = str_replace("''", "''", $text); $text = preg_replace( array( '/\'{3}(.*)\'{2}(.+)\'{2}(.*)\'{3}/imU'.BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, '/\'{3}(.+)\'{3}/imU'.BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, '/\'{2}(.+)\'{2}/imU'.BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER ), array( '\\1\\2\\3', '\\1', '\\1' ), $text); // hr $text = preg_replace( '/-----*/'.BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, '\\1
', $text ); // Header for($i = 6; $i >= 1; $i--) { $_H = str_repeat('=', $i); $text = preg_replace('/^\s*'.$_H.'(.+?)'.$_H.'\s*$/miU'.BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, '\\1', $text); } // Internal link & categories $text = $this->processInternalLink($text); // External link $text = preg_replace_callback('/\[((http|https|ftp)(.+))( (.+))?\]/iU'.BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, array(&$this, '_processExternalLinkCallback'), $text); // images and other files $text = preg_replace_callback('/\[?\[(:)?(File|'.GetMessage('FILE_NAME').'):(.+)\]\]?/iU'.BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, array(&$this, '_processFileCallback'), $text); // TOC $text = $this->processToc($text); // Paste nowiki if (!empty($this->arNowiki)) $text = preg_replace_callback('/(##NOWIKI(\d+)##)/isU'.BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, array(&$this, '_noWikiReturnCallback'), $text); $text = preg_replace_callback('/(##NOWIKI(\d+)##)/isU'.BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, array(&$this, '_noWikiReturn2Callback'), $text); if ($type == 'text') { $text = preg_replace("/(<\s*\/?(h(\d+)|li|ul|ol|p|table|tbody|td|tr|hr|div|span)\s*>)\s*(<\s*br\s*\/*\s*>){0,1}(\s*(\r*\n)\s*){1,2}/ism", "$1##NN##", $text); $text = preg_replace("/(<\s*(ul)\s*>)\s*(<\s*br\s*\/*\s*>){0,1}(\s*(\r*\n)\s*){1,2}/ism", "$1##NN##", $text); $text = preg_replace("/<\s*br\s*\/*\s*>\s*(\r*\n)/ismU", "##BR##", $text); $text = self::NToBr($text); $text = preg_replace("/##NN##/ismU","\n", $text); $text = preg_replace("/##BR##/ismU","
\n", $text); } // Paste code $text = preg_replace_callback('/(##CODE(\d+)##)/isU'.BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, array(&$this, '_codeReturnCallback'), $text); // $text .= '
'; return $text; } static function NToBr($text) { $ret = preg_replace("/(<\s*br\s*\/*\s*>)*\s*(\r)*\n/ism", "
\n",$text); return $ret; } static function BrToN($text) { $ret = preg_replace("/<\s*br\s*\/*>((\r)*\n)*/ism", "\n",$text); return $ret; } static function Clear($text) { $arWhiteTags = array( 'a' => array('href', 'title','name','style','id','class','shape','coords','alt','target'), 'b' => array('style','id','class'), 'br' => array('style','id','class'), 'big' => array('style','id','class'), 'caption' => array('style','id','class'), 'code' => array('style','id','class'), 'color' => array(), 'del' => array('title','style','id','class'), 'div' => array('title','style','id','class','align'), 'dt' => array('style','id','class'), 'dd' => array('style','id','class'), 'font' => array('color','size','face','style','id','class'), 'h1' => array('id','class','align'), 'h2' => array('id','class','align'), 'h3' => array('id','class','align'), 'h4' => array('id','class','align'), 'h5' => array('id','class','align'), 'h6' => array('id','class','align'), 'hr' => array('style','id','class'), 'i' => array('style','id','class'), 'img' => array('src','alt','height','width','title'), 'ins' => array('title','style','id','class'), 'li' => array('style','id','class'), 'list' => array(), 'map' => array('shape','coords','href','alt','title','style','id','class','name'), 'nowiki' => array(), 'ol' => array('style','id','class'), 'p' => array('style','id','class','align'), 'pre' => array('style','id','class'), 's' => array('style','id','class'), 'small' => array('style','id','class'), 'strong' => array('style','id','class'), 'span' => array('title','style','id','class','align'), 'sub' =>array('style','id','class'), 'sup' =>array('style','id','class'), 'table' => array('border','width','style','id','class','cellspacing','cellpadding'), 'tbody' => array('align','valign','style','id','class'), 'td' => array('width','height','style','id','class','align','valign','colspan','rowspan'), 'tfoot' => array('align','valign','style','id','class','align','valign'), 'th' => array('width','height','style','id','class','colspan','rowspan'), 'thead' => array('align','valign','style','id','class'), 'tr' => array('align','valign','style','id','class'), 'ul' => array('style','id','class'), 'blockquote' => array(), 'u' => array('style','id','class') ); /* TODO:erase CBXSanitizer::SetTags($arWhiteTags); $text=CBXSanitizer::Sanitize($text,'CUSTOM',true,true); */ $Sanitizer = new CBXSanitizer; $Sanitizer->AddTags($arWhiteTags); //TODO: delete condition, after main update if(method_exists($Sanitizer,"ApplyDoubleEncode")) $Sanitizer->ApplyDoubleEncode(false); $text = $Sanitizer->SanitizeHtml($text); return $text; } function _processFileCallback($matches) { static $sImageAlign = ''; $bLink = false; if ($matches[1] == ':') $bLink = true; // if the internal file then get it $sFile = $sFileName = $sPath = CWikiUtils::htmlspecialcharsback(trim($matches[3])); $bOur = false; if (is_numeric($sFile) && in_array($sFile, $this->arFile)) { $arFile = CFile::GetFileArray($sFile); if ($arFile != false) { $bOur = true; $sPath = $arFile['SRC']; $sFileName = $arFile['ORIGINAL_NAME']; } } else if (isset($this->arVersionFile[mb_strtolower($sFile)])) { $sPath = $this->arVersionFile[mb_strtolower($sFile)]; $sFileName = $sFile; } else if (!empty($this->arFile)) { $arFilter = array( '@ID' => implode(',', $this->arFile) ); $rsFile = CFile::GetList(array(), $arFilter); while($arFile = $rsFile->Fetch()) { if ($arFile['ORIGINAL_NAME'] == $sFile) { $bOur = true; $sFile = $arFile['ID']; $sPath = CFile::GetFileSRC($arFile); $sFileName = $arFile['ORIGINAL_NAME']; break; } } } // if the image is processed as a picture $sName = bx_basename($sPath); if (CFile::IsImage($sName)) { if ($bOur) { $imageFile = CFile::MakeFileArray($sPath); $checkRes = CFile::CheckImageFile($imageFile); if($checkRes != null) return $checkRes; if ($bLink) $sReturn = ''.$s.''; else { $sReturn = CFile::ShowImage($sFile, COption::GetOptionString('wiki', 'image_max_width', 600), COption::GetOptionString('wiki', 'image_max_height', 600), 'border="0" align="'.$sImageAlign.'"' ); } } else { if ($bLink) $sReturn = ''.$s.''; else $sReturn = ''.htmlspecialcharsbx($sFileName).''; } } else if (mb_strpos($sPath, 'http://') === 0) $sReturn = ' [ '.GetMessage('FILE_DOWNLOAD').' ] '; // otherwise the file else $sReturn = '['.GetMessage('FILE_NAME').':'.htmlspecialcharsbx((is_numeric($sFile) || empty($sFileName) ? $sFile : $sFileName)).']'; return $sReturn; } function _processExternalLinkCallback($matches) { $sLink = trim($matches[1]); $sName = $sTitle = $sLink; $matches[5] = isset($matches[5]) ? trim($matches[5]) : ''; if (!empty($matches[5])) $sTitle = trim($matches[5]); $sTitle = strip_tags($sTitle); $sReturn = ''.$sTitle.''; return $sReturn; } function processInternalLink($text) { global $APPLICATION, $arParams; $text = preg_replace_callback('/\[\[(.+)(\|(.*))?\]\]/iU'.BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, array(&$this, '_processInternalLinkPrepareCallback'), $text); $text = preg_replace('/(##Category##)(\s)*((\r*)\n)*/',"", $text); // check pages for exists if (!empty($this->arLink)) { $arFilter = array(); $arFilter['=NAME'] = $this->arLink; $arFilter['IBLOCK_ID'] = $arParams['IBLOCK_ID']; $arFilter['ACTIVE'] = 'Y'; $arFilter['CHECK_PERMISSIONS'] = 'N'; if (CWikiSocnet::IsSocNet()) $arFilter['SUBSECTION'] = CWikiSocnet::$iCatId; $rsElement = CIBlockElement::GetList(array(), $arFilter, false, false, Array()); while($obElement = $rsElement->GetNextElement()) { $arFields = $obElement->GetFields(); $this->arLinkExists[] = mb_strtolower(CWikiUtils::htmlspecialcharsback($arFields['NAME'], true)); } } $text = preg_replace_callback('/(##LINK(\d+)##)/isU'.BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, array(&$this, '_processInternalLinkCallback'), $text); return $text; } function _processInternalLinkPrepareCallback($matches) { $sLink = trim($matches[1]); $sName = $sTitle = $sLink; $sCatName = ''; $matches[3] = isset($matches[3]) ? trim($matches[3]) : ''; if (!empty($matches[3])) $sName = $sTitle = $matches[3]; else { if (CWikiUtils::IsCategoryPage($sName, $sCatName)) return '##Category##'; } $sTitle = strip_tags($sTitle); $i = count($this->arLink); $this->arLink[] = CWikiUtils::htmlspecialcharsback($matches[1], true); $sReturn = ''.$sName.''; return $sReturn; } function _processInternalLinkCallback($matches) { global $arParams; $sReturn = ''; if (in_array(mb_strtolower($this->arLink[$matches[2]]), $this->arLinkExists)) { $sURL = CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate($arParams['PATH_TO_POST'], array( 'wiki_name' => rawurlencode($this->arLink[$matches[2]]), 'group_id' => CWikiSocnet::$iSocNetId ) ); $sReturn = 'href="'.$sURL.'"'; } else { $sURL = CHTTP::urlAddParams( CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate( $arParams['PATH_TO_POST_EDIT'], array( 'wiki_name' => rawurlencode($this->arLink[$matches[2]]), 'group_id' => CWikiSocnet::$iSocNetId ) ), $arParams['IN_COMPLEX'] == 'Y' && $arParams['SEF_MODE'] == 'N' ? array($arParams['OPER_VAR'] => 'edit') : array() ); $sReturn = 'href="'.$sURL.'" class="wiki_red"'; } return $sReturn; } function processToc($text) { $matches = array(); $sToc = ''; if (preg_match_all('/\d)(?.*)>(?.*)<\/H\g>/isU'.BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, $text, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { if (count($matches) > 4) { $iCurrentToc = 1; // work level TOC $iCurrentTocLevel = 0; // previous user defined level of TOC $iRealPrevItemTocLevel = 1; // previous working level of TOC $iPrevItemTocLevel = 0; // current user defined the level of TOC $iRealItemTocLevel = 1; $bfirst = true; $aNumToc = array(); foreach ($matches as $_m => $arMatch) { $iRealItemTocLevel = (int)$arMatch['level']; $sItemToc = trim($arMatch['innerHtml']); // normalize levels if ($bfirst && $iRealPrevItemTocLevel < $iRealItemTocLevel) $iItemTocLevel = 1; else if ($iCurrentTocLevel == 1 && $iRealItemTocLevel < $iRealPrevItemTocLevel) $iItemTocLevel = $iCurrentTocLevel; else if ($iRealItemTocLevel > $iRealPrevItemTocLevel) $iItemTocLevel = $iCurrentTocLevel + 1; else if ($iRealItemTocLevel < $iRealPrevItemTocLevel) { $_delta = $iRealPrevItemTocLevel - $iRealItemTocLevel; $iItemTocLevel = $iCurrentTocLevel - $_delta; if ($iItemTocLevel < 1) $iItemTocLevel = 1; } else $iItemTocLevel = $iCurrentTocLevel; // create a numbering of TOC $iCurrentNumTocLevel = $bfirst ? 1 : $iItemTocLevel; $aNumToc[$iCurrentNumTocLevel] = !isset($aNumToc[$iCurrentNumTocLevel]) ? 1 : $aNumToc[$iCurrentNumTocLevel] + 1; if ($iItemTocLevel < $iPrevItemTocLevel) { for ($i = $iItemTocLevel + 1; $i <= $iPrevItemTocLevel; $i++) unset($aNumToc[$i]); } // build a TOC if ($iItemTocLevel > $iCurrentTocLevel || empty($sToc)) { $iCurrentTocLevel++; $sToc .= '
    '; } else if ($iItemTocLevel < $iCurrentTocLevel) { if ($iItemTocLevel <= 0) $iItemTocLevel = 1; if ($iCurrentTocLevel > 1) { for ($i = 0; $i < ($iCurrentTocLevel - $iItemTocLevel); $i++) $sToc .= '
'; } else $sToc .= ''; if ($iCurrentTocLevel > 1) $iCurrentTocLevel = $iItemTocLevel; } $iRealPrevItemTocLevel = $iRealItemTocLevel; $iPrevItemTocLevel = $iItemTocLevel; $bfirst = false; $sNumToc = implode('.', $aNumToc); $sItemTocId = str_replace(array('%', '+', '.F2', '..'), array('.', '.', '_', '.'), rawurlencode($sItemToc.$sNumToc)); $sToc .= '
  • '.$sNumToc.' '.strip_tags($sItemToc).'
  • '; $matches[$_m]['innerHtml'] = $sItemToc; $matches[$_m]['tocId'] = $sItemTocId; } for ($i = $iCurrentTocLevel; $i > 0; $i--) $sToc .= ''; $bfirst = true; foreach ($matches as $arMatch) { $sReplase = ''.$arMatch['innerHtml'].''; if ($bfirst) $sReplase = $sToc.'
    '.$sReplase; // so as not to replace all of the same titles $text = preg_replace('/'.preg_quote($arMatch[0], '/').'/'.BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, $sReplase, $text, 1); $bfirst = false; } } } return $text; } function _codeCallback($matches) { $codeText = ""; $i = count($this->arCode); $codeText = $matches[2]; if($this->textType == "html") $codeText = CWikiUtils::htmlspecialchars_decode($codeText); $this->arCode[] = $codeText; return '##CODE'.$i.'##'; } function _noWikiCallback($matches) { $i = count($this->arNowiki); $this->arNowiki[] = $matches[2]; return '##NOWIKI'.$i.'##'; } function _codeReturnCallback($matches) { return '
    '; } function _noWikiReturnCallback($matches) { return $this->arNowiki[$matches[2]]; } function _noWikiReturn2Callback($matches) { return ''.htmlspecialcharsbx($this->arNowiki[$matches[2]]).''; } function parseBeforeSave($text, &$arCat = array(), $nameTemplate = "") { $userLogin = CWikiUtils::GetUserLogin(array(), $nameTemplate); //$text = preg_replace_callback('/((.*)<\/nowiki>)/isU'.BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, array(&$this, '_noWikiCallback'), $text); // Subscribe $text = preg_replace( '/--~~~~*/'.BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, '\\1--'.$userLogin.' '.ConvertTimeStamp(false, 'FULL'), $text ); // Category $matches = array(); $textWithoutNowiki = preg_replace('/((.*)<\/nowiki>)/isU'.BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, '', $text); if (preg_match_all('/\[\[(Category|'.GetMessage('CATEGORY_NAME').'):(.+)\]\]/iU'.BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, $textWithoutNowiki, $matches)) $arCat = array_unique($matches[2]); //$text = preg_replace_callback('/(##NOWIKI(\d+)##)/isU'.BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, array(&$this, '_noWikiReturn2Callback'), $text); return $text; } function parseForSearch($text) { // delete Category $text = preg_replace('/\[\[(Category|'.GetMessage('CATEGORY_NAME').'):(.+)\]\]/iU'.BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, '', $text); // delete Files $text = preg_replace('/\[?\[(:)?(File|'.GetMessage('FILE_NAME').'):(.+)\]\]?/iU'.BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, '', $text); // delete External Links $text = preg_replace('/\[((http|https|ftp)(.+))( (.+))?\]/iU'.BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, '\\1\\2 \\5', $text); // delete Internal Links $text = preg_replace('/\[\[(.+(?!:))(\|(.*))?\]\]/iU'.BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, '\\1\\2', $text); // delete Headers for($i = 6; $i >= 1; $i--) { $_H = str_repeat('=', $i); $text = preg_replace('/'.$_H.'(.*?)'.$_H.'/miU'.BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, '\\1', $text); } return $text; } } ?>