getInterface()->getAuthUrl(); } /** * Creates OAuth interface object instance * * @return \CYandexOAuthInterface */ public function getInterface() { if($this->authInterface === null) { $this->authInterface = new \CYandexOAuthInterface($this->engine['CLIENT_ID'], $this->engine['CLIENT_SECRET']); if($this->engineSettings['AUTH']) { $this->authInterface->setToken($this->engineSettings['AUTH']['access_token']); $this->authInterface->setRefreshToken($this->engineSettings['AUTH']['refresh_token']); $this->authInterface->setAccessTokenExpires($this->engineSettings['AUTH']['expires_in']); } } return $this->authInterface; } public function clearSitesSettings() { unset($this->engineSettings['SITES']); $this->saveSettings(); } public function setAuthSettings($settings = null) { if($settings === null) { $settings = $this->getInterface(); } if($settings instanceof \CYandexOAuthInterface) { $settings = array( 'access_token' => $settings->getToken(), 'refresh_token' => $settings->getRefreshToken(), 'expires_in' => $settings->getAccessTokenExpires() ); } $this->engineSettings['AUTH'] = $settings; $this->saveSettings(); } public function checkAuthExpired() { $ob = $this->getInterface(); return !$ob->checkAccessToken(); } public function getAuth($code) { $ob = $this->getInterface(); $ob->setCode($code); if($ob->getAccessToken()) { unset($this->engineSettings['AUTH_USER']); $this->setAuthSettings(); return true; } throw new \Exception($ob->getError()); } /** * Returns current Yandex user data * * @return array * * @throws SystemException * @throws YandexException */ public function getCurrentUser() { if( !array_key_exists('AUTH_USER', $this->engineSettings) || !is_array($this->engineSettings['AUTH_USER']) ) { $queryResult = self::query(self::QUERY_USER); if($queryResult->getStatus() == self::HTTP_STATUS_OK && $queryResult->getResult() <> '') { $res = Web\Json::decode($queryResult->getResult()); if(is_array($res)) { $this->engineSettings['AUTH_USER'] = $res; $this->saveSettings(); return $this->engineSettings['AUTH_USER']; } } throw new Engine\YandexException($queryResult); } else { return $this->engineSettings['AUTH_USER']; } } /** * Returns HttpClient object with query result * * @param string $scope Url to call * @param string $method HTTP method (GET/POST/PUT supported) * @param array|null $data Post data * @param bool $skipRefreshAuth Skip authorization refresh * * @returns \Bitrix\Main\Web\HttpClient * @throws SystemException */ protected function query($scope, $method = "GET", $data = null, $skipRefreshAuth = false) { if($this->engineSettings['AUTH']) { $http = new Web\HttpClient(); $http->setHeader('Authorization', 'OAuth '.$this->engineSettings['AUTH']['access_token']); $http->setRedirect(false); switch($method) { case 'GET': $http->get($scope); break; case 'POST': $http->post($scope, $data); break; case 'PUT': $http->query($method, $scope, $data); break; case 'DELETE': break; } if($http->getStatus() == 401 && !$skipRefreshAuth) { if($this->checkAuthExpired()) { $this->query($scope, $method, $data, true); } } return $http; } else { throw new SystemException("No Yandex auth data"); } } protected function prepareQueryResult(array $result) { return Text\Encoding::convertEncodingArray($result, 'utf-8', LANG_CHARSET); } }