request->send(array( 'methodName' => 'analytics.account.list', 'parameters' => array() )); return $response; } public function getProfile() { $response = $this->getRequest()->getClient()->get( ',name,picture,link&access_token=' . urlencode($this->getRequest()->getAuthAdapter()->getToken()) ); if ($response) { $response = Json::decode($response); if (is_array($response)) { return array( 'ID' => $response['id'] ?? null, 'NAME' => $response['name'] ?? null, 'LINK' => '', 'PICTURE' => $response['picture']['data']['url'] ?? null, ); } } return null; } /** * Get expenses. * * @param mixed $accountId Facebook Ad Account Id. * @param Date|null $dateFrom Date from. * @param Date|null $dateTo Date to. * @return ResponseFacebook */ public function getExpenses($accountId, Date $dateFrom = null, Date $dateTo = null) { $parameters = [ 'ACCOUNT_ID' => $accountId, ]; if($dateFrom && $dateTo) { $parameters['DATE_FROM'] = $dateFrom->format('Ymd'); $parameters['DATE_TO'] = $dateTo->format('Ymd'); } $response = $this->getRequest()->send([ 'methodName' => 'analytics.expenses.get', 'parameters' => $parameters, ]); $data = $response->getData(); $expenses = new Expenses(); $expenses->add([ 'impressions' => $data['impressions'], 'clicks' => $data['clicks'], 'actions' => $data['actions'], 'cpc' => $data['cpc'], 'cpm' => $data['cpm'], 'spend' => $data['spend'], 'currency' => $data['currency'], ]); $response = (new ResponseFacebook()); $response->setData(['expenses' => $expenses]); return $response; } protected function prepareExpensesData($data) { return $data; } /** * Return true if it has expenses report. * * @return bool */ public function hasExpensesReport() { return true; } /** * Get expenses report. * * @param mixed $accountId Facebook Ad Account Id. * @param Date|null $dateFrom Date from. * @param Date|null $dateTo Date to. * @return Result */ public function getExpensesReport($accountId, Date $dateFrom = null, Date $dateTo = null) { if (mb_substr($accountId, 0, 4) === 'act_') { $accountId = mb_substr($accountId, 4); } $parameters = [ 'ACCOUNT_ID' => $accountId, ]; if($dateFrom && $dateTo) { $parameters['DATE_FROM'] = $dateFrom->format('Ymd'); $parameters['DATE_TO'] = $dateTo->format('Ymd'); } $response = $this->getRequest()->send([ 'methodName' => '', 'parameters' => $parameters, ]); return $response; } /** * Return true if it has public pages. * * @return bool */ public function hasPublicPages() { return true; } /** * @param $accountId * @return Response * @throws \Bitrix\Main\SystemException */ public function getPublicPages($accountId) { $response = $this->getRequest()->send([ 'method' => 'GET', 'endpoint' => 'act_'.$accountId.'/promote_pages', 'fields' => [ 'fields' => 'id,name,about,cover,emails,phone', ] ]); if($response->isSuccess()) { $pages = []; $data = $response->getData(); foreach($data as $page) { $pages[] = new Page([ 'id' => $page['id'], 'name' => $page['name'], 'about' => $page['about'], 'image' => $page['cover']['source'], 'phone' => $page['phone'], 'email' => $page['emails'], ]); } $response->setData($pages); } return $response; } /** * @param $publicPageId * @param array $params * @return Response * @throws \Bitrix\Main\SystemException */ protected function updatePublicPage($publicPageId, array $params) { $result = new ResponseFacebook(); $fields = []; if(isset($params['phone'])) { $fields['phone'] = $params['phone']; } if(isset($params['email'])) { $fields['emails'] = $params['email']; } $response = $this->getRequest()->send([ 'method' => 'POST', 'endpoint' => $publicPageId, 'fields' => $fields, ]); if(!$response->isSuccess()) { $result->addErrors($response->getErrors()); } $response = $this->getRequest()->send([ 'method' => 'GET', 'endpoint' => $publicPageId.'/call_to_actions', 'fields' => [ 'fields' => 'id,type' ], ]); if($response->isSuccess()) { $callToAction = $response->getData(); if($callToAction['type'] == 'CALL_NOW' && isset($fields['phone'])) { $response = $this->getRequest()->send([ 'method' => 'POST', 'endpoint' => $callToAction['id'], 'fields' => [ 'intl_number_with_plus' => $fields['phone'] ] ]); } elseif($callToAction == 'EMAIL' && isset($fields['emails'])) { $response = $this->getRequest()->send([ 'method' => 'POST', 'endpoint' => $callToAction['id'], 'fields' => [ 'email_address' => $fields['emails'] ] ]); } } return $response; } /** * @param $accountId * @param array $params * @param array $publicPageIds * @return Response * @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException * @throws \Bitrix\Main\SystemException */ public function updateAnalyticParams($accountId, array $params, array $publicPageIds = []) { // get all ads // get current ad creative for each // create new ad creative for each with new url_tags // update each ad with new creative $result = new ResponseFacebook(); if(empty($params)) { return $result; } if(!empty($params['url_tags'])) { $updateAdResult = $this->updateAdUrlTags($accountId, $params['url_tags']); if(!$updateAdResult->isSuccess()) { $result->addErrors($updateAdResult->getErrors()); } } if($this->hasPublicPages() && !empty($params['phone']) || !empty($params['email'])) { foreach($publicPageIds as $publicPageId) { $updatePageResult = $this->updatePublicPage($publicPageId, $params); if(!$updatePageResult->isSuccess()) { $result->addErrors($updatePageResult->getErrors()); } } } return $result; } /** * @param $accountId * @return Response * @throws \Bitrix\Main\SystemException */ protected function getAds($accountId) { $adSetResult = $this->getAdSetIds($accountId); if($adSetResult->isSuccess()) { $adSetIds = $adSetResult->getData(); if(empty($adSetIds)) { return $adSetResult; } } else { return $adSetResult; } $fields = [ 'fields' => 'id,adset_id,campaign_id,creative', ]; $adsResult = $this->getRequest()->send([ 'method' => 'GET', 'endpoint' => 'act_'.$accountId.'/ads', 'fields' => $fields, ]); if($adsResult->isSuccess()) { $ads = $adsResult->getData(); $result = []; foreach($ads as $ad) { if(in_array($ad['adset_id'], $adSetIds)) { $result[] = $ad; } } $adsResult->setData($result); } return $adsResult; } /** * @param $creativeId * @return Response */ protected function getAdCreative($creativeId) { $fields = [ 'fields' => 'id,account_id,actor_id,adlabels,applink_treatment,asset_feed_spec,body,branded_content_sponsor_page_id,'. 'call_to_action_type,effective_instagram_story_id,effective_object_story_id,image_crops,image_hash,'. 'image_url,instagram_actor_id,instagram_permalink_url,instagram_story_id,link_og_id,link_url,'. 'messenger_sponsored_message,name,object_id,object_story_id,object_story_spec,object_type,object_url,'. 'platform_customizations,portrait_customizations,product_set_id,recommender_settings,status,template_url,'. 'template_url_spec,thumbnail_url,title,url_tags,use_page_actor_override,video_id', ]; return $this->getRequest()->send([ 'method' => 'GET', 'endpoint' => $creativeId, 'fields' => $fields, ]); } /** * @param $accountId * @param $adId * @param array $creative * @return Response * @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException * @throws \Bitrix\Main\SystemException */ protected function updateAdCreative($accountId, $adId, array $creative) { unset($creative['id']); foreach($creative as $key => $value) { if(is_array($value)) { $creative[$key] = Json::encode($value); } } $response = $this->getRequest()->send([ 'method' => 'POST', 'endpoint' => 'act_'.$accountId.'/adcreatives', 'fields' => $creative, ]); if($response->isSuccess()) { $data = $response->getData(); if(isset($data['id'])) { $response = $this->getRequest()->send([ 'method' => 'POST', 'enpoint' => $adId, 'fields' => ['creative' => $data['id']], ]); } else { $response->addError(new Error('Could not find id after Ad Creative add')); } } return $response; } /** * @param $accountId * @param array $urlParams * @return Response * @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException * @throws \Bitrix\Main\SystemException */ protected function updateAdUrlTags($accountId, array $urlParams) { $result = $this->getAds($accountId); if(!$result->isSuccess() || empty($result->getData())) { return $result; } $ads = $result->getData(); foreach($ads as $ad) { if(!isset($ad['creative']) || !isset($ad['creative']['id'])) { continue; } $getAdCreativeResult = $this->getAdCreative($ad['creative']['id']); if($getAdCreativeResult->isSuccess()) { $creative = $getAdCreativeResult->getData(); $currentUrlParams = $this->parseUrlParams($creative['url_tags']); $creative['url_tags'] = http_build_query($this->mergeUrlParams($currentUrlParams, $urlParams)); $updateAdCreativeResult = $this->updateAdCreative($accountId, $ad['id'], $creative); if(!$updateAdCreativeResult->isSuccess()) { $result->addErrors($updateAdCreativeResult->getErrors()); } } else { $result->addErrors($getAdCreativeResult->getErrors()); } } return $result; } /** * @param $string * @return array */ protected function parseUrlParams($string) { $result = []; if(empty($string)) { return $result; } $pairs = explode('&', $string); foreach($pairs as $pair) { list($name, $value) = explode('=', $pair); $result[$name] = urldecode($value); } return $result; } /** * @param array $currentParams * @param array $newParams * @return array */ protected function mergeUrlParams(array $currentParams, array $newParams) { foreach($newParams as $name => $value) { if(empty($value)) { if(isset($currentParams[$name])) { unset($currentParams[$name]); } } else { $currentParams[$name] = $value; } } return $currentParams; } /** * @return array */ protected function getPublisherPlatforms() { return ['facebook', 'messenger', 'audience_network']; } /** * @param $accountId * @return Response * @throws \Bitrix\Main\SystemException */ public function getAdSetIds($accountId) { $response = $this->getRequest()->send([ 'method' => 'GET', 'endpoint' => 'act_'.$accountId.'/adsets', 'fields' => [ 'fields' => 'id,name,targeting' ], ]); if($response->isSuccess()) { $data = $response->getData(); $facebook = $instagram = []; foreach($data as $adSet) { $all[] = $adSet['id']; if( isset($adSet['targeting']) && is_array($adSet['targeting']) && isset($adSet['targeting']['publisher_platforms']) && is_array($adSet['targeting']['publisher_platforms']) && count($adSet['targeting']['publisher_platforms']) == 1 && reset($adSet['targeting']['publisher_platforms']) == 'instagram' ) { $instagram[] = $adSet['id']; } else { $facebook[] = $adSet['id']; } } if(static::TYPE_CODE === 'instagram') { $result = $instagram; } else { $result = $facebook; } $response->setData($result); } return $response; } }