SEO module settings."; $MESS["SEO_PAGE_STATS_INDEX"] = "Search engine hits for last #COUNT# days"; $MESS["SEO_PAGE_STATS_ERROR_NO_DATA"] = "No page indexing statistics found for the requested period."; $MESS["SEO_PAGE_STATS_SITE_INDEX"] = "Site Indexing Summary"; $MESS["SEO_PAGE_PHRASES_SEARCHER"] = "search engine"; $MESS["SEO_PAGE_PHRASES_HITS"] = "hits"; $MESS["SEO_PAGE_PHRASES_LAST_HIT"] = "last hit"; $MESS["SEO_PAGE_GOTO_CP"] = "View in Control Panel"; $MESS["SEO_PAGE_PHRASES_ERROR_NO_DATA"] = "No page hits data available."; $MESS["SEO_PAGE_REFERERS_ERROR_NO_DATA"] = "No referral data is available for this page."; $MESS["SEO_PAGE_STATS_SITE_INDEX_ERROR_NO_DATA"] = "No data to create search engine crawling graph."; $MESS["SEO_PAGE_REFERERS_LINK"] = "link"; $MESS["SEO_PAGE_REFERERS_COUNT"] = "hits"; $MESS["SEO_PAGE_REFERERS_SEO_PAGE_PHRASES_ALT"] = "show detailed information on requests"; $MESS["SEO_PAGE_REFERERS_SEO_PAGE_REFERERS_ALT"] = "show detailed information on referrals"; $MESS["SEO_HELP_counters"] = "Page rating counters. You can add counters in the SEO module settings."; $MESS["SEO_HELP_base_title"] = "The page base title. This can be modified by components existing on the page."; $MESS["SEO_HELP_current_title"] = "The page current title. The title text might be modified by some component(s)."; $MESS["SEO_HELP_property_window_title"] = "The browser window title. This can be modified by components existing on the page."; $MESS["SEO_HELP_property_keywords"] = "The page keywords. May be inherited from the parent section in which case the property will be saved in the page parameters."; $MESS["SEO_HELP_property_description"] = "The page description. May be inherited from the parent section in which case the property will be saved in the page parameters."; $MESS["SEO_PAGE_CONNECTION_ERROR_HINT"] = "Possible reason: port is not specified in Kernel module settings \"Website URL\"."; $MESS["SEO_PAGE_ERROR_FOLDER_ACCESS"] = "Current user needs write permission for #F to use this function."; $MESS["SEO_PAGE_REFERERS_PHRASE"] = "Keyword"; $MESS["SEO_PAGE_REFERERS_SITE"] = "Website"; $MESS["SEO_PAGE_REFERERS_SEARCHERS_COUNT"] = "Search engine visits"; ?>