It is recommended that you scan the system right now."; $MESS["SEC_SCANNER_FAST_LOCAL_TESTS"] = "Run fast internal scan"; $MESS["SEC_SCANNER_SLOW_LOCAL_TESTS"] = "Run complex internal scan"; $MESS["SEC_SCANNER_REMOTE_TESTS"] = "Run external scan"; $MESS["SEC_SCANNER_CRITICAL_ERRORS_TITLE"] = "Scanner errors:"; $MESS["SEC_SCANNER_TESTING_FAILURE"] = "Security scanner encountered an irreparable error and cannot continue. Please contact technical support."; $MESS["SEC_SCANNER_NO_PROBLEMS"] = "No threats detected."; $MESS["SEC_SCANNER_TESTING_FAILURE_CODE"] = "(error code: #CODE#)"; $MESS["SEC_SCANNER_ADDITIONAL_INFO_BUTTON_ON"] = "Hide"; $MESS["SEC_SCANNER_ADDITIONAL_INFO_TITLE"] = "Details"; $MESS["SEC_SCANNER_EXECUTION_TIME_TITLE"] = "Cannot start Security Scanner."; $MESS["SEC_SCANNER_EXECUTION_TIME_DESCRIPTION"] = "Your configuration specifies a way too small amount of time a PHP script is allowed to run before it is terminated (the max_execution_time parameter). Recommended value is no less than #MIN# sec."; ?>