$MESS["SEC_FRAME_TITLE"] = "Anti-frame protection"; $MESS["SEC_FRAME_MAIN_TAB"] = "Anti-frame protection"; $MESS["SEC_FRAME_MAIN_TAB_TITLE"] = "Anti-frame protection"; $MESS["SEC_FRAME_ON"] = "Anti-frame protection is enabled"; $MESS["SEC_FRAME_EXCL_FOUND"] = "Exclusions exist."; $MESS["SEC_FRAME_OFF"] = "Anti-frame protection is disabled"; $MESS["SEC_FRAME_BUTTON_OFF"] = "Disable anti-frame protection"; $MESS["SEC_FRAME_BUTTON_ON"] = "Enable anti-frame protection"; $MESS["SEC_FRAME_NOTE"] = "
Protect your website and users against UI redressing, clickjacking and framesniffing by disabling or restricting the display of your website's pages in a frame. This will also reduce the risk of cross-site scripting attacks substantially.
"; $MESS["SEC_FRAME_EXCEPTIONS_TAB"] = "Exceptions"; $MESS["SEC_FRAME_EXCEPTIONS_TAB_TITLE"] = "Protection will not be applied to pages matching the filter."; $MESS["SEC_FRAME_SITE"] = "for website:"; $MESS["SEC_FRAME_MASKS"] = "Exclusion masks: