File integrity check is useful for determining what changes have been made to the system files. You can verify the integrity of the system kernel, system files or public files anytime you want.

Before you start verification, you first have to check the verification script for unauthorized modifications.

Type the password you have used here to sign the verification script. In the verification results, the script will show the keyword you have typed when signing the script.

Absence of your keyword in the output indicates that the script is compromised (i.e. it was modified and cannot be trusted).

You will have to set the key again whenever the update system modifies the integrity verification script.


File integrity check is useful for determining what changes have been made to the system files. You can verify the integrity of the system kernel, system files or public files anytime you want.

Before you start verification, you first have to check the verification script for unauthorized modifications.

When running the script for the first time, type any desired password here containing at least 10 characters (letters and digits), and any keyword (it must differ from the password), and click "Set New Key".

Recommended for high security level.

"; $MESS["MFCW_LEGEND_2"] = "If you have previously signed the verification script, check the keyword. If it is not the same as what you previously used for signing, the script was modified and you should not trust the verification results.
Select the desired action: check the files or collect file information anew."; $MESS["MFCW_LEGEND_3_verify"] = "Select a log file or upload a file from your computer."; $MESS["MFCW_LEGEND_4_verify"] = "Type the password you have used to create a log file.
Specify the step duration (seconds) for step-by-step file check."; $MESS["MFCW_LEGEND_3_collect"] = "Type and memorize the password which will be used to encrypt the log file.
Enter the step duration (seconds) for step-by-step file check."; $MESS["MFC1_ZEND_FILE"] = "Unable to check integrity of Zend encoded file"; ?>