"field", "body" => "field", "module_id" => "uint", "module" => "string", "item_id" => "uint", "item" => "string", "param1_id" => "uint", "param1" => "string", "param2_id" => "uint", "param2" => "string", "date_change" => "timestamp", "date_from" => "timestamp", "date_to" => "timestamp", "custom_rank" => "uint", "tags" => "mva", "right" => "mva", "site" => "mva", "param" => "mva", ); private static $typesMap = array( "timestamp" => "rt_attr_timestamp", "string" => "rt_attr_string", "bigint" => "rt_attr_bigint", "uint" => "rt_attr_uint", "field" => "rt_field", "mva" => "rt_attr_multi", ); private $errorText = ""; private $errorNumber = 0; private $recodeToUtf = false; public $tags = ""; public $query = ""; public $SITE_ID = ""; public $connectionIndex = ""; public $indexName = ""; public function connect($connectionIndex, $indexName = "", $ignoreErrors = false) { global $APPLICATION; if (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\$/", $indexName)) { if ($ignoreErrors) $APPLICATION->ThrowException(GetMessage("SEARCH_SPHINX_CONN_ERROR_INDEX_NAME")); else throw new \Bitrix\Main\Db\ConnectionException('Sphinx connect error', GetMessage("SEARCH_SPHINX_CONN_ERROR_INDEX_NAME")); return false; } if (!$this->canConnect()) { if ($ignoreErrors) $APPLICATION->ThrowException(GetMessage("SEARCH_SPHINX_CONN_EXT_IS_MISSING")); else throw new \Bitrix\Main\Db\ConnectionException('Sphinx connect error', GetMessage("SEARCH_SPHINX_CONN_EXT_IS_MISSING")); return false; } $error = ""; $this->db = $this->internalConnect($connectionIndex, $error); if (!$this->db) { if ($ignoreErrors) $APPLICATION->ThrowException(GetMessage("SEARCH_SPHINX_CONN_ERROR", array("#ERRSTR#" => $error))); else throw new \Bitrix\Main\Db\ConnectionException('Sphinx connect error', GetMessage("SEARCH_SPHINX_CONN_ERROR", array("#ERRSTR#" => $error))); return false; } if ($ignoreErrors) { $result = $this->query("SHOW TABLES"); if (!$result) { $APPLICATION->ThrowException(GetMessage("SEARCH_SPHINX_CONN_ERROR", array("#ERRSTR#" => $this->getError()))); return false; } if ($indexName == "") { $APPLICATION->ThrowException(GetMessage("SEARCH_SPHINX_CONN_NO_INDEX")); return false; } $indexType = ""; while($res = $this->fetch($result)) { if ($indexName === $res["Index"]) $indexType = $res["Type"]; } if ($indexType == "") { $APPLICATION->ThrowException(GetMessage("SEARCH_SPHINX_CONN_INDEX_NOT_FOUND")); return false; } if ($indexType != "rt") { $APPLICATION->ThrowException(GetMessage("SEARCH_SPHINX_CONN_INDEX_WRONG_TYPE")); return false; } $indexColumns = array(); $result = $this->query("DESCRIBE `".$indexName."`"); if (!$result) { $APPLICATION->ThrowException(GetMessage("SEARCH_SPHINX_DESCR_ERROR", array("#ERRSTR#" => $this->getError()))); return false; } while($res = $this->fetch($result)) { $indexColumns[$res["Field"]] = $res["Type"]; } $missed = array(); foreach (self::$fields as $name => $type) { if (!isset($indexColumns[$name]) || $indexColumns[$name] !== $type) { $missed[] = self::$typesMap[$type]." = ".$name; } } if (!empty($missed)) { $APPLICATION->ThrowException(GetMessage("SEARCH_SPHINX_NO_FIELDS", array("#FIELD_LIST#" => implode(", ", $missed)))); return false; } } $this->indexName = $indexName; $this->connectionIndex = $connectionIndex; //2.2.1 version test (they added HAVING support and moved to UTF8) if ( !defined("BX_UTF") && $this->query("select id from ".$this->indexName." where id=1 group by id having count(*) = 1") ) { $this->recodeToUtf = true; } return true; } public function truncate() { $this->query("truncate rtindex ".$this->indexName); $this->connect($this->connectionIndex, $this->indexName); } public function deleteById($ID) { $this->query("delete from ".$this->indexName." where id = ".intval($ID)); } public function recodeTo($text) { if ($this->recodeToUtf) { $error = ""; $result = \Bitrix\Main\Text\Encoding::convertEncoding($text, SITE_CHARSET, "UTF-8", $error); if (!$result && !empty($error)) #$this->ThrowException($error, "ERR_CHAR_BX_CONVERT"); return $text; return $result; } else { return $text; } } public function recodeFrom($text) { if ($this->recodeToUtf) { $error = ""; $result = \Bitrix\Main\Text\Encoding::convertEncoding($text, "UTF-8", SITE_CHARSET, $error); if (!$result && !empty($error)) #$this->ThrowException($error, "ERR_CHAR_BX_CONVERT"); return $text; return $result; } else { return $text; } } public function replace($ID, $arFields) { $DB = CDatabase::GetModuleConnection('search'); if(array_key_exists("~DATE_CHANGE", $arFields)) { $arFields["DATE_CHANGE"] = $arFields["~DATE_CHANGE"]; unset($arFields["~DATE_CHANGE"]); } elseif(array_key_exists("LAST_MODIFIED", $arFields)) { $arFields["DATE_CHANGE"] = $arFields["LAST_MODIFIED"]; unset($arFields["LAST_MODIFIED"]); } elseif(array_key_exists("DATE_CHANGE", $arFields)) { $arFields["DATE_CHANGE"] = $DB->FormatDate($arFields["DATE_CHANGE"], "DD.MM.YYYY HH:MI:SS", CLang::GetDateFormat()); } $DATE_FROM = intval(MakeTimeStamp($arFields["DATE_FROM"])); if ($DATE_FROM > 0) $DATE_FROM -= CTimeZone::GetOffset(); $DATE_TO = intval(MakeTimeStamp($arFields["DATE_TO"])); if($DATE_TO > 0) $DATE_TO -= CTimeZone::GetOffset(); $DATE_CHANGE = intval(MakeTimeStamp($arFields["DATE_CHANGE"])); if($DATE_CHANGE > 0) $DATE_CHANGE -= CTimeZone::GetOffset(); $BODY = CSearch::KillEntities($arFields["BODY"])."\r\n".$arFields["TAGS"]; $sql = " REPLACE INTO ".$this->indexName." ( id ,module_id ,module ,item_id ,item ,param1_id ,param1 ,param2_id ,param2 ,date_change ,date_from ,date_to ,custom_rank ,tags ,right ,site ,param ,title ,body ) VALUES ( $ID ,".sprintf("%u", crc32($arFields["MODULE_ID"]))." ,'".$this->Escape($arFields["MODULE_ID"])."' ,".sprintf("%u", crc32($arFields["ITEM_ID"]))." ,'".$this->Escape($arFields["ITEM_ID"])."' ,".sprintf("%u", crc32($arFields["PARAM1"]))." ,'".$this->Escape($arFields["PARAM1"])."' ,".sprintf("%u", crc32($arFields["PARAM2"]))." ,'".$this->Escape($arFields["PARAM2"])."' ,".$DATE_CHANGE." ,".$DATE_FROM." ,".$DATE_TO." ,".intval($arFields["CUSTOM_RANK"])." ,(".$this->tags($arFields["SITE_ID"], $arFields["TAGS"]).") ,(".$this->rights($arFields["PERMISSIONS"]).") ,(".$this->sites($arFields["SITE_ID"]).") ,(".$this->params($arFields["PARAMS"]).") ,'".$this->recodeTo($this->Escape($arFields["TITLE"]))."' ,'".$this->recodeTo($this->Escape($BODY))."' ) "; $result = $this->query($sql); if ($result) { $this->tagsRegister($arFields["SITE_ID"], $arFields["TAGS"]); } else { throw new \Bitrix\Main\Db\SqlQueryException('Sphinx select error', $this->getError(), $sql); } } public function update($ID, $arFields) { $DB = CDatabase::GetModuleConnection('search'); $ID = intval($ID); $arUpdate = array(); $bReplace = false; if (array_key_exists("TITLE", $arFields)) { $bReplace = true; } if (array_key_exists("BODY", $arFields)) { $bReplace = true; } if (array_key_exists("MODULE_ID", $arFields)) { $bReplace = true; } if (array_key_exists("ITEM_ID", $arFields)) { $bReplace = true; } if (array_key_exists("PARAM1", $arFields)) { $bReplace = true; } if (array_key_exists("PARAM2", $arFields)) { $bReplace = true; } if(array_key_exists("~DATE_CHANGE", $arFields)) { $arFields["DATE_CHANGE"] = $arFields["~DATE_CHANGE"]; unset($arFields["~DATE_CHANGE"]); } elseif(array_key_exists("LAST_MODIFIED", $arFields)) { $arFields["DATE_CHANGE"] = $arFields["LAST_MODIFIED"]; unset($arFields["LAST_MODIFIED"]); } elseif(array_key_exists("DATE_CHANGE", $arFields)) { $arFields["DATE_CHANGE"] = $DB->FormatDate($arFields["DATE_CHANGE"], "DD.MM.YYYY HH:MI:SS", CLang::GetDateFormat()); } if (array_key_exists("DATE_CHANGE", $arFields)) { $DATE_CHANGE = intval(MakeTimeStamp($arFields["DATE_CHANGE"])); if($DATE_CHANGE > 0) $DATE_CHANGE -= CTimeZone::GetOffset(); $arUpdate["date_change"] = $DATE_CHANGE; } if (array_key_exists("DATE_FROM", $arFields)) { $DATE_FROM = intval(MakeTimeStamp($arFields["DATE_FROM"])); if ($DATE_FROM > 0) $DATE_FROM -= CTimeZone::GetOffset(); $arUpdate["date_from"] = $DATE_FROM; } if (array_key_exists("DATE_TO", $arFields)) { $DATE_TO = intval(MakeTimeStamp($arFields["DATE_TO"])); if($DATE_TO > 0) $DATE_TO -= CTimeZone::GetOffset(); $arUpdate["date_to"] = $DATE_TO; } if (array_key_exists("CUSTOM_RANK", $arFields)) { $arUpdate["custom_rank"] = "".intval($arFields["CUSTOM_RANK"]).""; } if (array_key_exists("TAGS", $arFields)) { $arUpdate["tags"] = "(".$this->tags($arFields["SITE_ID"], $arFields["TAGS"]).")"; } if (array_key_exists("PERMISSIONS", $arFields)) { $arUpdate["right"] = "(".$this->rights($arFields["PERMISSIONS"]).")"; } if (array_key_exists("SITE_ID", $arFields)) { $arUpdate["site"] = "(".$this->sites($arFields["SITE_ID"]).")"; } if (array_key_exists("PARAMS", $arFields)) { $arUpdate["param"] = "(".$this->params($arFields["PARAMS"]).")"; } if (!empty($arUpdate) && !$bReplace) { foreach ($arUpdate as $columnName => $sqlValue) $arUpdate[$columnName] = $columnName."=".$sqlValue; $this->query(" UPDATE ".$this->indexName." SET ".implode(", ", $arUpdate)." WHERE id = $ID " ); } elseif ($bReplace) { $dbItem = $DB->Query("SELECT * FROM b_search_content WHERE ID = ".$ID); $searchItem = $dbItem->fetch(); if ($searchItem) { $dbTags = $DB->Query("SELECT * from b_search_tags WHERE SEARCH_CONTENT_ID=".$ID); while($tag = $dbTags->fetch()) $searchItem["TAGS"] .= $tag["NAME"].","; $dbRights = $DB->Query("SELECT * from b_search_content_right WHERE SEARCH_CONTENT_ID=".$ID); while($right = $dbRights->fetch()) $searchItem["PERMISSIONS"][] = $right["GROUP_CODE"]; $dbSites = $DB->Query("SELECT * from b_search_content_site WHERE SEARCH_CONTENT_ID=".$ID); while($site = $dbSites->fetch()) $searchItem["SITE_ID"][$site["SITE_ID"]] = $site["URL"]; $dbParams = $DB->Query("SELECT * from b_search_content_param WHERE SEARCH_CONTENT_ID=".$ID); while($param = $dbParams->fetch()) $searchItem["PARAMS"][$param["PARAM_NAME"]][] = $param["PARAM_VALUE"]; $this->replace($ID, $searchItem); } } } function tags($arLID, $sContent) { $tags = array(); if(is_array($arLID)) { foreach($arLID as $site_id => $url) { $arTags = tags_prepare($sContent, $site_id); foreach($arTags as $tag) { $tags[] = sprintf("%u", crc32($tag)); } } } return implode(",", $tags); } function tagsRegister($arLID, $sContent) { $DB = CDatabase::GetModuleConnection('search'); static $tagMap = array(); if(is_array($arLID)) { foreach($arLID as $site_id => $url) { $arTags = tags_prepare($sContent, $site_id); foreach($arTags as $tag) { $tag_id = sprintf("%u", crc32($tag)); if($tag_id > 0x7FFFFFFF) $tag_id = -(0xFFFFFFFF - $tag_id + 1); if (!isset($tagMap[$tag_id])) { $rs = $DB->Query("select * from b_search_tags where SEARCH_CONTENT_ID=".$tag_id." AND SITE_ID='??'"); $tagMap[$tag_id] = $rs->fetch(); if (!$tagMap[$tag_id]) { $DB->Query("insert into b_search_tags values ( $tag_id, '??', '".$DB->ForSql($tag)."' )" ); } } } } } } function tagsFromArray($arTags) { $tags = array(); if(is_array($arTags)) { foreach($arTags as $tag) { $tags[] = sprintf("%u", crc32($tag)); } } return implode(",", $tags); } function rights($arRights) { $rights = array(); if (is_array($arRights)) { foreach ($arRights as $group_id) { if(is_numeric($group_id)) $rights[$group_id] = sprintf("%u", crc32("G".intval($group_id))); else $rights[$group_id] = sprintf("%u", crc32($group_id)); } } return implode(",", $rights); } function sites($arSites) { $sites = array(); if (is_array($arSites)) { foreach ($arSites as $site_id => $url) { $sites[$site_id] = sprintf("%u", crc32($site_id)); } } else { $sites[$arSites] = sprintf("%u", crc32($arSites)); } return implode(",", $sites); } function params($arParams) { $params = array(); if(is_array($arParams)) { foreach($arParams as $k1 => $v1) { $name = trim($k1); if($name != "") { if(!is_array($v1)) $v1 = array($v1); foreach($v1 as $v2) { $value = trim($v2); if($value != "") { $params[] = sprintf("%u", crc32(urlencode($name)."=".urlencode($value))); } } } } } return implode(",", $params); } public function getErrorText() { return $this->errorText; } public function getErrorNumber() { return $this->errorNumber; } public function search($arParams, $aSort, $aParamsEx, $bTagsCloud) { $result = array(); $this->errorText = ""; $this->errorNumber = 0; $this->tags = trim($arParams["TAGS"]); $limit = 0; if (is_array($aParamsEx) && isset($aParamsEx["LIMIT"])) { $limit = intval($aParamsEx["LIMIT"]); unset($aParamsEx["LIMIT"]); } $offset = 0; if (is_array($aParamsEx) && isset($aParamsEx["OFFSET"])) { $offset = intval($aParamsEx["OFFSET"]); unset($aParamsEx["OFFSET"]); } if (is_array($aParamsEx) && !empty($aParamsEx)) { $aParamsEx["LOGIC"] = "OR"; $arParams[] = $aParamsEx; } $this->SITE_ID = $arParams["SITE_ID"]; $arWhere = array(); $cond1 = implode("\n\t\t\t\t\t\tand ", $this->prepareFilter($arParams, true)); $rights = $this->CheckPermissions(); if ($rights) $arWhere[] = "right in (".$rights.")"; $strQuery = trim($arParams["QUERY"]); if ($strQuery != "") { $arWhere[] = "MATCH('".$this->recodeTo($this->Escape($strQuery))."')"; $this->query = $strQuery; } if ($cond1 != "") $arWhere[] = "cond1 = 1"; if ($strQuery || $this->tags || $bTagsCloud) { if ($limit <= 0) { $limit = intval(COption::GetOptionInt("search", "max_result_size")); } if ($limit <= 0) { $limit = 500; } $ts = time()-CTimeZone::GetOffset(); if ($bTagsCloud) { $sql = " select groupby() tag_id ,count(*) cnt ,max(date_change) dc_tmp ,if(date_to, date_to, ".$ts.") date_to_nvl ,if(date_from, date_from, ".$ts.") date_from_nvl ".($cond1 != ""? ",$cond1 as cond1": "")." from ".$this->indexName." where ".implode("\nand\t", $arWhere)." group by tags order by cnt desc limit 0, ".$limit." option max_matches = ".$limit." "; $DB = CDatabase::GetModuleConnection('search'); $startTime = microtime(true); $r = $this->query($sql); if($DB->ShowSqlStat) $DB->addDebugQuery($sql, microtime(true)-$startTime); if (!$r) { throw new \Bitrix\Main\Db\SqlQueryException('Sphinx select error', $this->getError(), $sql); } else { while($res = $this->fetch($r)) $result[] = $res; } } else { $sql = " select id ,item ,param1 ,param2 ,module_id ,param2_id ,date_change ,custom_rank ,weight() as rank ".($cond1 != ""? ",$cond1 as cond1": "")." ,if(date_to, date_to, ".$ts.") date_to_nvl ,if(date_from, date_from, ".$ts.") date_from_nvl from ".$this->indexName." where ".implode("\nand\t", $arWhere)." ".$this->__PrepareSort($aSort)." limit ".$offset.", ".$limit." option max_matches = ".($offset + $limit)." "; $DB = CDatabase::GetModuleConnection('search'); $startTime = microtime(true); $r = $this->query($sql); if($DB->ShowSqlStat) $DB->addDebugQuery($sql, microtime(true)-$startTime); if (!$r) { throw new \Bitrix\Main\Db\SqlQueryException('Sphinx select error', $this->getError(), $sql); } else { $forum = sprintf("%u", crc32("forum")); while($res = $this->fetch($r)) { if($res["module_id"] == $forum) { if (array_key_exists($res["param2_id"], $this->arForumTopics)) continue; $this->arForumTopics[$res["param2_id"]] = true; } $result[] = $res; } } } } else { $this->errorText = GetMessage("SEARCH_ERROR3"); $this->errorNumber = 3; } return $result; } function searchTitle($phrase = "", $arPhrase = array(), $nTopCount = 5, $arParams = array(), $bNotFilter = false, $order = "") { $sqlWords = array(); foreach(array_reverse($arPhrase, true) as $word => $pos) { $word = $this->Escape($word); if(empty($sqlWords) && !preg_match("/[\\n\\r \\t]$/", $phrase)) $sqlWords[] = $word."*"; else $sqlWords[] = $word; } $match = '@title '.implode(' ', array_reverse($sqlWords)); $checkDates = false; if (array_key_exists("CHECK_DATES", $arParams)) { if($arParams["CHECK_DATES"] == "Y") { $checkDates = true; } unset($arParams["CHECK_DATES"]); } $arWhere = $this->prepareFilter($arParams); $cond1 = ""; if (isset($arWhere["cond1"])) { $cond1 = $arWhere["cond1"]; unset($arWhere["cond1"]); } $ts = time()-CTimeZone::GetOffset(); if ($checkDates) { $arWhere[] = "date_from_nvl <= ".$ts; $arWhere[] = "date_to_nvl >= ".$ts; } $rights = $this->CheckPermissions(); if ($rights) $arWhere[] = "right in (".$rights.")"; $arWhere[] = "site = ".sprintf("%u", crc32(SITE_ID)); $arWhere[] = "match('".$this->recodeTo($match)."')"; $sql = " select id ,weight() as rank ".($cond1 != ""? ",$cond1 as cond1": "")." ,if(date_to, date_to, ".$ts.") date_to_nvl ,if(date_from, date_from, ".$ts.") date_from_nvl from ".$this->indexName." where ".implode("\nand\t", $arWhere)." ".($cond1 != ""? " and cond1 = ".intval(!$bNotFilter): "")." ".$this->__PrepareSort($order)." limit 0, ".$nTopCount." option max_matches = ".$nTopCount." "; $DB = CDatabase::GetModuleConnection('search'); $startTime = microtime(true); $r = $this->query($sql); if($DB->ShowSqlStat) $DB->addDebugQuery($sql, microtime(true)-$startTime); if (!$r) { throw new \Bitrix\Main\Db\SqlQueryException('Sphinx select error', $this->getError(), $sql); } else { $result = array(); while($res = $this->fetch($r)) { $result[] = $res["id"]; } return $result; } } function getRowFormatter() { return new CSearchSphinxFormatter($this); } function filterField($field, $value, $inSelect) { $arWhere = array(); if(is_array($value)) { if (!empty($value)) { $s = ""; if ($inSelect) { foreach ($value as $i => $v) $s .= ",".sprintf("%u", crc32($v)); $arWhere[] = "in($field $s)"; } else { foreach ($value as $i => $v) $s .= ($s? " or ": "")."$field = ".sprintf("%u", crc32($v)); $arWhere[] = "($s)"; } } } else { if($value !== false) $arWhere[] = "$field = ".sprintf("%u", crc32($value)); } return $arWhere; } function prepareFilter($arFilter, $inSelect = false) { $arWhere = array(); if (!is_array($arFilter)) $arFilter = array(); $orLogic = false; if (array_key_exists("LOGIC", $arFilter)) { $orLogic = ($arFilter["LOGIC"] == "OR"); unset($arFilter["LOGIC"]); } foreach($arFilter as $field=>$val) { $field = mb_strtoupper($field); if( is_array($val) && count($val) == 1 && $field !== "URL" && $field !== "PARAMS" && !is_numeric($field) ) $val = $val[0]; switch($field) { case "ITEM_ID": case "=ITEM_ID": $arWhere = array_merge($arWhere, $this->filterField("item_id", $val, $inSelect)); break; case "!ITEM_ID": if($val !== false) $arWhere[] = "item_id <> ".sprintf("%u", crc32($val)); break; case "MODULE_ID": case "=MODULE_ID": if($val !== false && $val !== "no") $arWhere[] = "module_id = ".sprintf("%u", crc32($val)); break; case "PARAM1": case "=PARAM1": $arWhere = array_merge($arWhere, $this->filterField("param1_id", $val, $inSelect)); break; case "!PARAM1": case "!=PARAM1": if($val !== false) $arWhere[] = "param1_id <> ".sprintf("%u", crc32($val)); break; case "PARAM2": case "=PARAM2": $arWhere = array_merge($arWhere, $this->filterField("param2_id", $val, $inSelect)); break; case "!PARAM2": case "!=PARAM2": if($val !== false) $arWhere[] = "param2_id <> ".sprintf("%u", crc32($val)); break; case "DATE_CHANGE": if($val <> '') $arWhere[] = "date_change >= ".intval(MakeTimeStamp($val)-CTimeZone::GetOffset()); break; case "<=DATE_CHANGE": if($val <> '') $arWhere[] = "date_change <= ".intval(MakeTimeStamp($val)-CTimeZone::GetOffset()); break; case ">=DATE_CHANGE": if($val <> '') $arWhere[] = "date_change >= ".intval(MakeTimeStamp($val)-CTimeZone::GetOffset()); break; case "SITE_ID": if($val !== false) { if ($inSelect) $arWhere[] = "in(site, ".sprintf("%u", crc32($val)).")"; else $arWhere[] = "site = ".sprintf("%u", crc32($val)); } break; case "CHECK_DATES": if($val == "Y") { $ts = time()-CTimeZone::GetOffset(); if ($inSelect) { $arWhere[] = "if(date_from, date_from, ".$ts.") <= ".$ts; $arWhere[] = "if(date_to, date_to, ".$ts.") >= ".$ts; } else { $arWhere[] = "date_from_nvl <= ".$ts; $arWhere[] = "date_to_nvl >= ".$ts; } } break; case "TAGS": $arTags = explode(",", $val); foreach($arTags as $i => &$strTag) { $strTag = trim($strTag, " \n\r\t\""); if ($strTag == "") unset($arTags[$i]); } unset($strTag); $arWhere = array_merge($arWhere, $this->filterField("tags", $arTags, $inSelect)); break; case "PARAMS": if (is_array($val)) { $params = $this->params($val); if ($params != "") { if ($inSelect) { $arWhere[] = "in(param, ".$params.")"; } else { foreach(explode(",", $params) as $param) $arWhere[] = "param = ".$param; } } } break; case "URL": //TODO case "QUERY": case "LIMIT": case "USE_TF_FILTER": break; default: if (is_numeric($field) && is_array($val)) { $subFilter = $this->prepareFilter($val, true); if (!empty($subFilter)) { if (isset($subFilter["cond1"])) $arWhere["cond1"][] = "(".implode(")and(", $subFilter).")"; else $arWhere[] = "(".implode(")and(", $subFilter).")"; } } else { //AddMessage2Log("field: $field; val: ".print_r($val, 1)); } break; } } if (isset($arWhere["cond1"])) $arWhere["cond1"] = "(".implode(")and(", $arWhere["cond1"]).")"; if ($orLogic && !empty($arWhere)) { $arWhere = array( "cond1" => "(".implode(")or(", $arWhere).")" ); } return $arWhere; } function CheckPermissions() { global $USER; $DB = CDatabase::GetModuleConnection('search'); $arResult = array(); if(!$USER->IsAdmin()) { if($USER->GetID() > 0) { CSearchUser::CheckCurrentUserGroups(); $rs = $DB->Query("SELECT GROUP_CODE FROM b_search_user_right WHERE USER_ID = ".$USER->GetID()); while ($ar = $rs->Fetch()) $arResult[] = $ar["GROUP_CODE"]; } else { $arResult[] = "G2"; } } return $this->rights($arResult); } function __PrepareSort($aSort = array()) { $arOrder = array(); if(!is_array($aSort)) $aSort = array($aSort => "ASC"); $this->flagsUseRatingSort = 0; foreach($aSort as $key => $ord) { $ord = mb_strtoupper($ord) <> "ASC"? "DESC": "ASC"; $key = mb_strtolower($key); switch($key) { case "date_change": case "custom_rank": case "id": case "param1": case "param2": case "date_from": case "date_to": $arOrder[] = $key." ".$ord; break; case "item_id": $arOrder[] = "item ".$ord; break; case "module_id": $arOrder[] = "module ".$ord; break; case "rank": $arOrder[] = "rank ".$ord; break; } } if(count($arOrder) == 0) { $arOrder[]= "custom_rank DESC"; $arOrder[]= "rank DESC"; $arOrder[]= "date_change DESC"; } return " ORDER BY ".implode(", ",$arOrder); } public function Escape($str) { static $search = array( "\\", "'", "/", ")", "(", "$", "~", "!", "@", "^", "-", "|", "<", "\x0", "=", ); static $replace = array( "\\\\", "\\'", "\\\\/", "\\\\)", "\\\\(", "\\\\\$", "\\\\~", "\\\\!", "\\\\@", "\\\\^", "\\\\-", "\\\\|", "\\\\<", " ", " ", ); $str = str_replace($search, $replace, $str); $stat = count_chars($str, 1); if (isset($stat[ord('"')]) && $stat[ord('"')] % 2 === 1) $str = str_replace('"', '\\\"', $str); return $str; } public function Escape2($str) { static $search = array( "\\", "'", "\"", "\x0", ); static $replace = array( "\\\\", "\\'", "\\\\\"", " ", ); return str_replace($search, $replace, $str); } protected function canConnect() { return function_exists("mysqli_connect"); } protected function internalConnect($connectionIndex, &$error) { $error = ""; if (function_exists("mysqli_connect")) { $result = mysqli_init(); if (mb_strpos($connectionIndex, ":") !== false) { list($host, $port) = explode(":", $connectionIndex, 2); $port = intval($port); } else { $host = $connectionIndex; $port = 0; } if ($port > 0) { if (!$result->real_connect($host, '', '', '', $port)) { $error = mysqli_connect_error(); $result = false; } } else { if (!$result->real_connect($host, '', '', '')) { $error = mysqli_connect_error(); $result = false; } } } else { $result = false; $error = 'No MySql connection function has been found.'; } return $result; } public function query($query) { if (is_object($this->db)) { $result = $this->db->query($query); } else { $result = false; } return $result; } public function fetch($queryResult) { if (is_object($this->db)) { $result = mysqli_fetch_assoc($queryResult); } else { $result = false; } return $result; } public function getError() { if (is_object($this->db)) { $result = "[".$this->db->errno."] ".$this->db->error; } else { $result = ''; } return $result; } } class CSearchSphinxFormatter extends CSearchFormatter { /** @var CSearchSphinx */ private $sphinx = null; function __construct($sphinx) { $this->sphinx = $sphinx; } function format($r) { if ($r) { if (array_key_exists("tag_id", $r)) return $this->formatTagsRow($r); elseif (array_key_exists("id", $r)) return $this->formatRow($r); } } function formatTagsRow($r) { $DB = CDatabase::GetModuleConnection('search'); $tag_id = $r["tag_id"]; if($tag_id > 0x7FFFFFFF) $tag_id = -(0xFFFFFFFF - $tag_id + 1); $rs = $DB->Query(" select st.NAME from b_search_tags st where st.SEARCH_CONTENT_ID = ".$tag_id." and st.SITE_ID = '??' "); $rt = $rs->Fetch(); if ($rt) { $rt["NAME"] = htmlspecialcharsex($rt["NAME"]); $rt["CNT"] = $r["cnt"]; $rt["FULL_DATE_CHANGE"] = ConvertTimeStamp($r["dc_tmp"]+CTimeZone::GetOffset(), "FULL"); $rt["DATE_CHANGE"] = ConvertTimeStamp($r["dc_tmp"]+CTimeZone::GetOffset(), "SHORT"); } return $rt; } function formatRow($r) { $DB = CDatabase::GetModuleConnection('search'); if ($this->sphinx->SITE_ID) { $rs = $DB->Query(" select sc.ID ,sc.MODULE_ID ,sc.ITEM_ID ,sc.TITLE ,sc.TAGS ,sc.BODY ,sc.PARAM1 ,sc.PARAM2 ,sc.UPD ,sc.DATE_FROM ,sc.DATE_TO ,sc.URL ,sc.CUSTOM_RANK ,".$DB->DateToCharFunction("sc.DATE_CHANGE")." as FULL_DATE_CHANGE ,".$DB->DateToCharFunction("sc.DATE_CHANGE", "SHORT")." as DATE_CHANGE ,scsite.SITE_ID ,scsite.URL SITE_URL ".(BX_SEARCH_VERSION > 1? ",sc.USER_ID": "")." from b_search_content sc INNER JOIN b_search_content_site scsite ON sc.ID=scsite.SEARCH_CONTENT_ID where ID = ".$r["id"]." and scsite.SITE_ID = '".$DB->ForSql($this->sphinx->SITE_ID)."' "); } else { $rs = $DB->Query(" select sc.ID ,sc.MODULE_ID ,sc.ITEM_ID ,sc.TITLE ,sc.TAGS ,sc.BODY ,sc.PARAM1 ,sc.PARAM2 ,sc.UPD ,sc.DATE_FROM ,sc.DATE_TO ,sc.URL ,sc.CUSTOM_RANK ,".$DB->DateToCharFunction("sc.DATE_CHANGE")." as FULL_DATE_CHANGE ,".$DB->DateToCharFunction("sc.DATE_CHANGE", "SHORT")." as DATE_CHANGE ".(BX_SEARCH_VERSION < 1? ",sc.LID as SITE_ID": "")." from b_search_content sc where ID = ".$r["id"]." "); } $r = $rs->Fetch(); if ($r) { $r["TITLE_FORMATED"] = $this->buildExcerpts(htmlspecialcharsex($r["TITLE"])); $r["TITLE_FORMATED_TYPE"] = "html"; $r["TAGS_FORMATED"] = tags_prepare($r["TAGS"], SITE_ID); $r["BODY_FORMATED"] = $this->buildExcerpts(htmlspecialcharsex($r["BODY"])); $r["BODY_FORMATED_TYPE"] = "html"; } return $r; } public function buildExcerpts($str) { $sql = "CALL SNIPPETS( '".$this->sphinx->Escape2($this->sphinx->recodeTo($str))."' ,'".$this->sphinx->Escape($this->sphinx->indexName)."' ,'".$this->sphinx->Escape($this->sphinx->recodeTo($this->sphinx->query." ".$this->sphinx->tags))."' ,500 as limit ,1 as query_mode )"; $result = $this->sphinx->query($sql); if ($result) { $res = $this->sphinx->fetch($result); if ($res) { return $this->sphinx->recodeFrom($res["snippet"]); } else { return ""; } } else { throw new \Bitrix\Main\Db\SqlQueryException('Sphinx select error', $this->sphinx->getError(), $sql); } } }