$MESS["SEARCH_REINDEX_REINDEX_CHANGED"] = "Re-index modified content only";
$MESS["SEARCH_REINDEX_TOTAL"] = "Indexed documents:";
$MESS["SEARCH_REINDEX_COMPLETE"] = "Re-index complete.";
$MESS["SEARCH_REINDEX_STEP_sec"] = "seconds";
$MESS["SEARCH_REINDEX_TITLE"] = "Reindexing site";
$MESS["SEARCH_REINDEX_TAB"] = "Reindexing";
$MESS["SEARCH_REINDEX_TAB_TITLE"] = "Reindexing parameters";
$MESS["SEARCH_REINDEX_MAIN"] = "Static files";
$MESS["SEARCH_REINDEX_SOCNET_WARNING"] = "The Social Network module is installed.";
$MESS["SEARCH_REINDEX_SOCNET_WARN_DETAILS"] = "After indexation by the Search module, the social network needs to be reindexed using the Social Network component in the public section.";
$MESS["SEARCH_REINDEX_SOCNET_MESSAGE"] = "Attention! When reindexing completes, the Social Network module needs to be reindexed individually in the public section. Open any social network section (the one containing the components socialnetwork, socialnetwork_group, socialnetwork_user) and click \"Reindex\" on the toolbar.
$MESS["SEARCH_REINDEX_CLEAR_SUGGEST"] = "Delete search phrase suggestions:";