"property value" ) */ ?> Invoice

Warning: Undefined variable $arParams in D:\ktt\ttepla.com\public_html\bitrix\modules\sale\reports\invoice_en.php on line 42

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in D:\ktt\ttepla.com\public_html\bitrix\modules\sale\reports\invoice_en.php on line 42

Warning: Undefined variable $arParams in D:\ktt\ttepla.com\public_html\bitrix\modules\sale\reports\invoice_en.php on line 43

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in D:\ktt\ttepla.com\public_html\bitrix\modules\sale\reports\invoice_en.php on line 43

Warning: Undefined variable $arParams in D:\ktt\ttepla.com\public_html\bitrix\modules\sale\reports\invoice_en.php on line 43

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in D:\ktt\ttepla.com\public_html\bitrix\modules\sale\reports\invoice_en.php on line 43

Warning: Undefined variable $arParams in D:\ktt\ttepla.com\public_html\bitrix\modules\sale\reports\invoice_en.php on line 44

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in D:\ktt\ttepla.com\public_html\bitrix\modules\sale\reports\invoice_en.php on line 44

Warning: Undefined variable $arParams in D:\ktt\ttepla.com\public_html\bitrix\modules\sale\reports\invoice_en.php on line 45

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in D:\ktt\ttepla.com\public_html\bitrix\modules\sale\reports\invoice_en.php on line 45

Warning: Undefined variable $arParams in D:\ktt\ttepla.com\public_html\bitrix\modules\sale\reports\invoice_en.php on line 46

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in D:\ktt\ttepla.com\public_html\bitrix\modules\sale\reports\invoice_en.php on line 46

'') echo $arParams["BUYER_COMPANY_NAME"]; else echo $arParams["BUYER_LAST_NAME"]." ".$arParams["BUYER_FIRST_NAME"]." ".$arParams["BUYER_SECOND_NAME"]; echo "
".$arParams["BUYER_COUNTRY"].", ".$arParams["BUYER_CITY"]; echo "
".$arParams["BUYER_ADDRESS"]; echo "
".$arParams["BUYER_INDEX"]; if ($arParams["BUYER_CONTACT"] <> '') echo "
Contact person: ".$arParams["BUYER_CONTACT"];?>
'') echo $arParams["BUYER_COMPANY_NAME"]; else echo $arParams["BUYER_LAST_NAME"]." ".$arParams["BUYER_FIRST_NAME"]." ".$arParams["BUYER_SECOND_NAME"]; echo "
".$arParams["BUYER_COUNTRY"].", ".$arParams["BUYER_CITY"]; echo "
".$arParams["BUYER_ADDRESS"]; echo "
".$arParams["BUYER_INDEX"]; if ($arParams["BUYER_CONTACT"] <> '') echo "
Contact person: ".$arParams["BUYER_CONTACT"];?>
Payment Method: []
0 ) $bUseVat = true; $arBasketTmp["PROPS"] = array(); if (isset($_GET["PROPS_ENABLE"]) && $_GET["PROPS_ENABLE"] == "Y") { $dbBasketProps = CSaleBasket::GetPropsList( array("SORT" => "ASC", "NAME" => "ASC"), array("BASKET_ID" => $arBasketTmp["ID"]), false, false, array("ID", "BASKET_ID", "NAME", "VALUE", "CODE", "SORT") ); while ($arBasketProps = $dbBasketProps->GetNext()) $arBasketTmp["PROPS"][$arBasketProps["ID"]] = $arBasketProps; } $arBasketOrder[] = $arBasketTmp; } $arTaxList = array(); $db_tax_list = CSaleOrderTax::GetList(array("APPLY_ORDER"=>"ASC"), Array("ORDER_ID"=>$ORDER_ID)); while ($ar_tax_list = $db_tax_list->Fetch()) { $arTaxList[] = $ar_tax_list; } $bVat = false; //ClearVars("b_"); //$db_basket = CSaleBasket::GetList(($b="NAME"), ($o="ASC"), array("ORDER_ID"=>$ORDER_ID)); if (count($arBasketOrder) > 0) { ?> 0) { $nds_val = $b_AMOUNT - DoubleVal($b_AMOUNT/(1+$arBasket["VAT_RATE"])); $item_price = $b_AMOUNT - $nds_val; $taxRate = $arBasket["VAT_RATE"]*100; $bVat = true; } elseif(!$bUseVat) { $basket_tax = CSaleOrderTax::CountTaxes($b_AMOUNT, $arTaxList, $arOrder["CURRENCY"]); for ($i = 0; $i < count($arTaxList); $i++) if ($arTaxList[$i]["IS_IN_PRICE"] == "Y") $item_price -= $arTaxList[$i]["TAX_VAL"]; $nds_val = DoubleVal($iNds > -1? $arTaxList[$iNds]["TAX_VAL"] : 0); $taxRate = ($iNds > -1? $arTaxList[$iNds]["VALUE"] : 0); } $total_nds += $nds_val*$arQuantities[$mi]; ?> ExtractFields("b_")); ?>
Products Price Tax Price (inc) Total
"ASC"), Array("ORDER_ID"=>$ORDER_ID)); while ($ar_tax_list = $db_tax_list->Fetch()) { ?>
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function SaleFormatCurrency() in D:\ktt\ttepla.com\public_html\bitrix\modules\sale\reports\invoice_en.php:286 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in D:\ktt\ttepla.com\public_html\bitrix\modules\sale\reports\invoice_en.php on line 286