system has sent you an invoice #INVOICE_NUM#

'; $MESS["MM_PAY_NEW_INVOICE"]='The invoice is being accepted at this time by the payment system, you can make payment from your personal cabinet at #URL#'; $MESS["MM_PAY_DELIVERED_INVOICE"]='Your invoice is ready for payment. To make payment on this invoice, follow this link:#URL#'; $MESS["MM_ALLREADY_PAID"]="The order is paid. Thanks."; $MESS["MM_ERROR_TRY_LATER"]="Unfortunately, was not able to create an invoice for payment of your order. Please try to make payment at a later time from your personal cabinet."; $MESS["MM_PAID"]="invoice paid"; $MESS["MM_DELIVERED"]="invoice sent to receiver"; $MESS["MM_NEW"]="new invoice"; $MESS["MM_EXPIRED"]="invoice no longer valid"; $MESS["MM_REJECTED"]="receiver refused to pay"; $MESS["MM_DESC"]='order No. #ORDER_ID# on "#SITE_NAME#" from #DATE#'; $MESS["MM_REJECT_PAY"]='You have refused to make payment on this invoice.'; $MESS["MM_DESCRIPTION"]=""; ?>