0) { $rsUser = CUser::GetByID($USER_ID); $arUser = $rsUser->Fetch(); if (count($arUser) > 1) { $user = " "; } } return $user; } /* * get template recomendet & basket product */ function fGetFormatedProductData($USER_ID, $LID, $arData, $CNT, $currency, $type, $crmMode = false) { $result = ""; $arSet = array(); if (!is_array($arData) || count($arData) <= 0) return $result; $result = ''; if (CModule::IncludeModule('catalog')) { $arProductId = array(); $arDataTab = array(); $arSkuParentChildren = array(); $arSkuParentId = array(); $arSkuParent = array(); foreach ($arData as $item) { if (!empty($item["CURRENCY"]) && $item["CURRENCY"] != $currency) { if (doubleval($item["PRICE"]) > 0) $item["PRICE"] = CCurrencyRates::ConvertCurrency($item["PRICE"], $item["CURRENCY"], $currency); if (doubleval($item["DISCOUNT_PRICE"]) > 0) $item["DISCOUNT_PRICE"] = CCurrencyRates::ConvertCurrency($item["DISCOUNT_PRICE"], $item["CURRENCY"], $currency); $item["CURRENCY"] = $currency; } // get set items /** @var $productProvider IBXSaleProductProvider */ if ($productProvider = CSaleBasket::GetProductProvider($item)) { if (method_exists($productProvider, "GetSetItems")) { $itemInfo = (isset($item['ID']) ? array('BASKET_ID' => $item['ID']) : array()); $arSets = $productProvider::GetSetItems($item["PRODUCT_ID"], CSaleBasket::TYPE_SET, $itemInfo); unset($itemInfo); if (is_array($arSets)) { foreach ($arSets as $arSetData) { foreach ($arSetData["ITEMS"] as $setItem) { $setItem["FUSER_ID"] = $item["FUSER_ID"]; $setItem["LID"] = $item["LID"]; $setItem["MODULE"] = $item["MODULE"]; $setItem["PRODUCT_PROVIDER_CLASS"] = $productProvider; $setItem["SET_PARENT_ID"] = $item["ID"]; $arSet[$item["PRODUCT_ID"]][] = $setItem; } } } } } if ($item["MODULE"] == "catalog") { $arProductId[] = $item["PRODUCT_ID"]; $arDataTab[$item["PRODUCT_ID"]] = $item; $arParent = CCatalogSku::GetProductInfo($item["PRODUCT_ID"]); if ($arParent) { $arSkuParentChildren[$item["PRODUCT_ID"]] = $arParent["ID"]; $arSkuParentId[$arParent["ID"]] = $arParent["ID"]; } } } if(!empty($arSkuParentId)) { $res = CIBlockElement::GetList(array(), array("ID" => $arSkuParentId), false, false, array("ID", "IBLOCK_ID", "IBLOCK_SECTION_ID", "PREVIEW_PICTURE", "DETAIL_PICTURE", "NAME", "DETAIL_PAGE_URL")); while ($arItems = $res->GetNext()) $arSkuParent[$arItems["ID"]] = $arItems; } if(!empty($arProductId)) { $arProducts = array(); $dbProduct = CIBlockElement::GetList(array(), array("ID" => $arProductId), false, false, array('ID', 'IBLOCK_ID', 'IBLOCK_SECTION_ID', 'DETAIL_PICTURE', 'PREVIEW_PICTURE', 'IBLOCK_TYPE_ID')); while($arProduct = $dbProduct->GetNext()) $arProducts[] = $arProduct; foreach ($arProducts as $arProduct) { $imgCode = ""; $arDataTab[$arProduct['ID']]['IBLOCK_ID'] = $arProduct['IBLOCK_ID']; $arDataTab[$arProduct['ID']]['IBLOCK_SECTION_ID'] = $arProduct['IBLOCK_SECTION_ID']; $arDataTab[$arProduct['ID']]['DETAIL_PICTURE'] = $arProduct['DETAIL_PICTURE']; $arDataTab[$arProduct['ID']]['PREVIEW_PICTURE'] = $arProduct['PREVIEW_PICTURE']; $arDataTab[$arProduct['ID']]['IBLOCK_TYPE_ID'] = $arProduct['IBLOCK_TYPE_ID']; $arProduct = $arDataTab[$arProduct['ID']]; if ($arProduct["PREVIEW_PICTURE"] == "" && $arProduct["DETAIL_PICTURE"] == "" && is_set($arSkuParentChildren[$arProduct["PRODUCT_ID"]])) { $idTmp = $arSkuParentChildren[$arProduct["PRODUCT_ID"]]; $arProduct["DETAIL_PICTURE"] = $arSkuParent[$idTmp]["DETAIL_PICTURE"]; $arProduct["PREVIEW_PICTURE"] = $arSkuParent[$idTmp]["PREVIEW_PICTURE"]; } if ($arProduct["IBLOCK_ID"] > 0) { $arProduct["EDIT_PAGE_URL"] = CIBlock::GetAdminElementEditLink($arProduct["IBLOCK_ID"], $arProduct["PRODUCT_ID"], array( "find_section_section" => $arProduct["IBLOCK_SECTION_ID"], 'WF' => 'Y', )); } $arProduct["NAME"] = htmlspecialcharsEx($arProduct["NAME"]); $arProduct["DETAIL_PAGE_URL"] = htmlspecialcharsEx($arProduct["DETAIL_PAGE_URL"]); $arProduct["CURRENCY"] = htmlspecialcharsEx($arProduct["CURRENCY"]); if ($arProduct["PREVIEW_PICTURE"] > 0) $imgCode = $arProduct["PREVIEW_PICTURE"]; elseif ($arProduct["DETAIL_PICTURE"] > 0) $imgCode = $arProduct["DETAIL_PICTURE"]; $imgProduct = ''; if ($imgCode > 0) { $arFile = CFile::GetFileArray($imgCode); $arImgProduct = CFile::ResizeImageGet($arFile, array('width'=>80, 'height'=>80), BX_RESIZE_IMAGE_PROPORTIONAL, false, false); if (is_array($arImgProduct)) { $imgProduct = ''; } } else $imgProduct = '
"; $result .= '"; // show set items if (!empty($arSet) && array_key_exists($arProduct["PRODUCT_ID"], $arSet)) { foreach ($arSet[$arProduct["PRODUCT_ID"]] as $set) { $editUrl = CIBlock::GetAdminElementEditLink($set["IBLOCK_ID"], $set["ITEM_ID"], array( "find_section_section" => $set["IBLOCK_SECTION_ID"], 'WF' => 'Y', )); if ($set["PREVIEW_PICTURE"] > 0) $imgCode = $set["PREVIEW_PICTURE"]; elseif ($set["DETAIL_PICTURE"] > 0) $imgCode = $set["DETAIL_PICTURE"]; $img = ''; if ($imgCode > 0) { $arFile = CFile::GetFileArray($imgCode); $arImgProduct = CFile::ResizeImageGet($arFile, array('width'=>80, 'height'=>80), BX_RESIZE_IMAGE_PROPORTIONAL, false, false); if (is_array($arImgProduct)) { $img = ''; } } else $img = '
"; $result .= ' '; } } } } }//end if $result .= '"; $result .= "
'.GetMessage('SOD_ORDER_RECOM_PRICE').': '.SaleFormatCurrency($arProduct["PRICE"], $currency).''; if (!empty($arSet) && array_key_exists($arProduct["PRODUCT_ID"], $arSet)) // show/hide set item link { $result .= '
'; } $result .= '
'; $arResult = CSaleProduct::GetProductSku($USER_ID, $LID, $arProduct["PRODUCT_ID"], $arProduct["NAME"], '', $arProduct); $arResult["POPUP_MESSAGE"] = array( "PRODUCT_ADD" => GetMessage('SOD_POPUP_TO_BASKET'), "PRODUCT_NOT_ADD" => GetMessage('SOD_POPUP_TO_BASKET_NOT'), "PRODUCT_PRICE_FROM" => GetMessage('SOD_POPUP_FROM') ); if (!$crmMode) { if (!empty($arResult["SKU_ELEMENTS"])) { $result .= ''.GetMessage('SOD_SUBTAB_ADD_ORDER').''; } else { $cntProd = (floatval($arProduct["QUANTITY"]) > 0) ? floatval($arProduct["QUANTITY"]) : 1; $url = "/bitrix/admin/sale_order_new.php?lang=".LANGUAGE_ID."&user_id=".$USER_ID."&LID=".$LID."&product[".$arProduct["PRODUCT_ID"]."]=".$cntProd; $result .= "".GetMessage('SOD_SUBTAB_ADD_ORDER').""; } } $result .= "
'; if ($CNT > 2) $result .= "".GetMessage('SOD_SUBTAB_MORE').""; $result .= "
"; return $result; } function fChangeOrderStatus($ID, $STATUS_ID) { global $APPLICATION; global $crmMode; $errorMessageTmp = ""; $STATUS_ID = trim($STATUS_ID); if ($STATUS_ID == '') $errorMessageTmp .= GetMessage("ERROR_NO_STATUS").". "; if ('' == $errorMessageTmp) { if (!CSaleOrder::CanUserChangeOrderStatus($ID, $STATUS_ID, $GLOBALS["USER"]->GetUserGroupArray())) $errorMessageTmp .= GetMessage("SOD_NO_PERMS2STATUS").". "; } if ('' == $errorMessageTmp) { if (!CSaleOrder::StatusOrder($ID, $STATUS_ID)) { if ($ex = $APPLICATION->GetException()) { if ($ex->GetID() != "ALREADY_FLAG") $errorMessageTmp .= $ex->GetString(); } else $errorMessageTmp .= GetMessage("ERROR_CHANGE_STATUS").". "; } } $arResult = array( 'STATUS_ERR' => false, 'STATUS_ERR_MESS' => '', ); $dbOrder = CSaleOrder::GetList( array("ID" => "DESC"), array("ID" => $ID), false, false, array("DATE_STATUS", "EMP_STATUS_ID", "STATUS_ID") ); if ($arOrder = $dbOrder->Fetch()) { $arResult["DATE_STATUS"] = $arOrder["DATE_STATUS"]; if (!$crmMode && (int)$arOrder["EMP_STATUS_ID"] > 0) $arResult["EMP_STATUS_ID"] = GetFormatedUserName($arOrder["EMP_STATUS_ID"], false); $arResult["STATUS_ID"] = $arOrder["STATUS_ID"]; } if ('' != $errorMessageTmp) { $arResult['STATUS_ERR'] = true; $arResult['STATUS_ERR_MESS'] = $errorMessageTmp; } return $arResult; } /* * shows file property input control */ function fShowFilePropertyField($name, $property_fields, $values, $max_file_size_show=50000) { global $crmMode; $disableFiles = (isset($crmMode) && $crmMode); $res = ""; if (CModule::IncludeModule('fileman')) { if (!is_array($values) || empty($values)) $values = array("n0" => 0); if ($property_fields["MULTIPLE"] == "N") { foreach($values as $key => $val) { if(is_array($val)) $file_id = $val["VALUE"]; else $file_id = $val; $res = CFileInput::Show( $name."[".$key."]", $file_id, array( "IMAGE" => "Y", "PATH" => "Y", "FILE_SIZE" => "Y", "DIMENSIONS" => "Y", "IMAGE_POPUP" => "Y", "MAX_SIZE" => array("W" => 200, "H" => 170), ), array( 'upload' => !$disableFiles, 'del' => !$disableFiles, 'medialib' => false, 'file_dialog' => false, 'cloud' => false, 'description' => false ) ); } } else { $inputName = array(); foreach($values as $key=>$val) { if(is_array($val)) $inputName[$name."[".$key."]"] = $val["VALUE"]; else $inputName[$name."[".$key."]"] = $val; } $res = CFileInput::ShowMultiple($inputName, $name."[n#IND#]", array( "IMAGE" => "Y", "PATH" => "Y", "FILE_SIZE" => "Y", "DIMENSIONS" => "Y", "IMAGE_POPUP" => "Y", "MAX_SIZE" => array("W" => 200, "H" => 170), ), false, array( 'upload' => !$disableFiles, 'del' => !$disableFiles, 'medialib' => false, 'file_dialog' => false, 'cloud' => false, 'description' => false )); } } return $res; } /* * get count name, mail, phones in profiles */ function fGetCountProfileProps($PERSON_TYPE_ID) { $arResult = array(); $dbProperties = CSaleOrderProps::GetList( array(), array("PERSON_TYPE_ID" => $PERSON_TYPE_ID, "ACTIVE" => "Y"), array("IS_PHONE", "COUNT" => "ID"), false, array("IS_PHONE") ); while ($arProperties = $dbProperties->Fetch()) { if ($arProperties["IS_PHONE"] == "Y") $arResult["IS_PHONE"] = $arProperties["CNT"]; } $dbProperties = CSaleOrderProps::GetList( array(), array("PERSON_TYPE_ID" => $PERSON_TYPE_ID, "ACTIVE" => "Y"), array("IS_PAYER", "COUNT" => "ID"), false, array("IS_PAYER") ); while ($arProperties = $dbProperties->Fetch()) { if ($arProperties["IS_PAYER"] == "Y") $arResult["IS_PAYER"] = $arProperties["CNT"]; } $dbProperties = CSaleOrderProps::GetList( array(), array("PERSON_TYPE_ID" => $PERSON_TYPE_ID, "ACTIVE" => "Y"), array("IS_EMAIL", "COUNT" => "ID"), false, array("IS_EMAIL") ); while ($arProperties = $dbProperties->Fetch()) { if ($arProperties["IS_EMAIL"] == "Y") $arResult["IS_EMAIL"] = $arProperties["CNT"]; } return $arResult; } /* * user property (parameters order) */ function fGetBuyerType($PERSON_TYPE_ID, $LID, $USER_ID = '', $ORDER_ID = 0, $formVarsSubmit = false) { global $locationZipID, $locationID, $DELIVERY_LOCATION, $DELIVERY_LOCATION_ZIP; $resultHtml = ""; //select person type $personTypeSelect = ""; $userComment = ""; $userDisplay = "none"; if (intval($ORDER_ID) > 0) { $dbOrder = CSaleOrder::GetList( array(), array("ID" => $ORDER_ID, "ACTIVE" => "Y"), false, false, array() ); $arOrder = $dbOrder->Fetch(); $userComment = $arOrder["USER_DESCRIPTION"]; $userDisplay = "table-row"; } if ($formVarsSubmit && $_REQUEST["btnTypeBuyer"] == "btnBuyerNew") $userDisplay = "none"; elseif ($formVarsSubmit && $_REQUEST["btnTypeBuyer"] == "btnBuyerExist") $userDisplay = "table-row"; $resultHtml .= ""; $resultHtml .= ""; $bShowTrProfile = "none"; if ($formVarsSubmit && $_POST["btnTypeBuyer"] == "btnBuyerExist") $bShowTrProfile = "table-row"; $resultHtml .= ""; if ($ORDER_ID <= 0) { $arCountProps = fGetCountProfileProps($PERSON_TYPE_ID); $resultHtml .= ""; if (count($arCountProps) < 3) { $resultHtml .= ""; } $resultHtml .= ""; } $arPropertiesList = array(); $dbProperties = CSaleOrderProps::GetList( array("GROUP_SORT" => "ASC", "PROPS_GROUP_ID" => "ASC", "SORT" => "ASC", "NAME" => "ASC"), array("PERSON_TYPE_ID" => $PERSON_TYPE_ID, "ACTIVE" => "Y", "RELATED" => false), false, false, array("*") ); while($property = $dbProperties->GetNext()) { $arPropertiesList[$property['ID']] = $property; } // getting values $arPropValues = array(); if ($formVarsSubmit) // from request { $locationIndexForm = ""; foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { if (mb_substr($key, 0, mb_strlen("CITY_ORDER_PROP_")) == "CITY_ORDER_PROP_") { $arPropValues[intval(mb_substr($key, mb_strlen("CITY_ORDER_PROP_")))] = htmlspecialcharsbx($value); $locationIndexForm = intval(mb_substr($key, mb_strlen("CITY_ORDER_PROP_"))); } if (mb_substr($key, 0, mb_strlen("ORDER_PROP_")) == "ORDER_PROP_") { if ($locationIndexForm != intval(mb_substr($key, mb_strlen("ORDER_PROP_"))) && !is_array($value)) $arPropValues[intval(mb_substr($key, mb_strlen("ORDER_PROP_")))] = htmlspecialcharsbx($value); } } $userComment = $_POST["USER_DESCRIPTION"]; } elseif ($ORDER_ID == "" AND $USER_ID != "") // from profile { //profile $userProfile = CSaleOrderUserProps::DoLoadProfiles($USER_ID, $PERSON_TYPE_ID); $arPropValues = $userProfile[$PERSON_TYPE_ID]["VALUES"]; } elseif ($ORDER_ID != "") // from order properties { $dbPropValuesList = CSaleOrderPropsValue::GetList( array(), array("ORDER_ID" => $ORDER_ID, "ACTIVE" => "Y"), false, false, array("ID", "ORDER_PROPS_ID", "NAME", "VALUE", "CODE") ); while ($arPropValuesList = $dbPropValuesList->Fetch()) { $arPropValues[intval($arPropValuesList["ORDER_PROPS_ID"])] = htmlspecialcharsbx($arPropValuesList["VALUE"]); } } $location2townFldMap = array(); $arDisableFieldForLocation = array(); //select field (town) for disable $dbProperties = CSaleOrderProps::GetList( array(), array("PERSON_TYPE_ID" => $PERSON_TYPE_ID, "ACTIVE" => "Y", ">INPUT_FIELD_LOCATION" => 0), false, false, array("INPUT_FIELD_LOCATION") ); while ($arProperties = $dbProperties->Fetch()) { $arDisableFieldForLocation[$arProperties["INPUT_FIELD_LOCATION"]] = $arProperties["INPUT_FIELD_LOCATION"]; } //show town if location is another if ($ORDER_ID > 0) { $dbOrderProps = CSaleOrderPropsValue::GetOrderProps($ORDER_ID); while ($arOrderProps = $dbOrderProps->Fetch()) { if ($arOrderProps["TYPE"] == "LOCATION" && $arOrderProps["ACTIVE"] == "Y" && $arOrderProps["IS_LOCATION"] == "Y") { if (in_array($arOrderProps["INPUT_FIELD_LOCATION"], $arDisableFieldForLocation)) { if (CSaleLocation::isLocationProMigrated()) { //if(CSaleLocation::checkLocationIsAboveCity($arPropValues[$arOrderProps["ORDER_PROPS_ID"]])) unset($arDisableFieldForLocation[$arOrderProps["INPUT_FIELD_LOCATION"]]); } else { $arLocation = CSaleLocation::GetByID($arPropValues[$arOrderProps["ORDER_PROPS_ID"]]); if (intval($arLocation["CITY_ID"]) <= 0) unset($arDisableFieldForLocation[$arOrderProps["INPUT_FIELD_LOCATION"]]); } } $location2townFldMap[$arOrderProps['ORDER_PROPS_ID']] = $arOrderProps['INPUT_FIELD_LOCATION']; } } } $propertyGroupID = -1; foreach($arPropertiesList as $arProperties) { if (intval($arProperties["PROPS_GROUP_ID"]) != $propertyGroupID) { $resultHtml .= "\n"; $propertyGroupID = intval($arProperties["PROPS_GROUP_ID"]); } if (intval($arProperties["PROPS_GROUP_ID"]) != $propertyGroupID) $propertyGroupID = intval($arProperties["PROPS_GROUP_ID"]); $adit = ""; $requiredField = ""; if ($arProperties["REQUIED"] == "Y" || $arProperties["IS_PROFILE_NAME"] == "Y" || $arProperties["IS_LOCATION"] == "Y" || $arProperties["IS_LOCATION4TAX"] == "Y" || $arProperties["IS_PAYER"] == "Y" || $arProperties["IS_ZIP"] == "Y") { $adit = " class=\"adm-detail-required-field\""; $requiredField = " class=\"adm-detail-content-cell-l\""; } $isTownProperty = in_array($arProperties["ID"], $location2townFldMap) || $arProperties['CODE'] == 'CITY'; //delete town from location if (in_array($arProperties["ID"], $arDisableFieldForLocation)) $resultHtml .= "\n"; else $resultHtml .= "\n"; if(($arProperties["TYPE"] == "MULTISELECT" || $arProperties["TYPE"] == "TEXTAREA" || $arProperties["TYPE"] == "FILE") || ($ORDER_ID <= 0 && $arProperties["IS_PROFILE_NAME"] == "Y") ) $resultHtml .= ""; $curVal = $arPropValues[intval($arProperties["ID"])]; if($arProperties["IS_EMAIL"] == "Y" || $arProperties["IS_PAYER"] == "Y") { if($arProperties["DEFAULT_VALUE"] == '' && intval($USER_ID) > 0) { $rsUser = CUser::GetByID($USER_ID); if ($arUser = $rsUser->Fetch()) { if($arProperties["IS_EMAIL"] == "Y") $arProperties["DEFAULT_VALUE"] = $arUser["EMAIL"]; else { if ($arUser["LAST_NAME"] <> '') $arProperties["DEFAULT_VALUE"] .= $arUser["LAST_NAME"]; if ($arUser["NAME"] <> '') $arProperties["DEFAULT_VALUE"] .= " ".$arUser["NAME"]; if ($arUser["SECOND_NAME"] <> '' AND $arUser["NAME"] <> '') $arProperties["DEFAULT_VALUE"] .= " ".$arUser["SECOND_NAME"]; } } } } $resultHtml .= "\n"; }//end while $resultHtml .= "\n"; $resultHtml .= "
".GetMessage("SOE_PERSON_TYPE").": ".$personTypeSelect."
"; if ($formVarsSubmit && $_POST["btnTypeBuyer"] == "btnBuyerExist") { $resultHtml .= fUserProfile(intval($_POST["user_id"]), intval($_POST["buyer_type_id"]), $default = ''); } $resultHtml .= "
"; if (intval($arCountProps["IS_EMAIL"]) <= 0) $resultHtml .= ""; if (intval($arCountProps["IS_PAYER"]) <= 0) $resultHtml .= ""; $resultHtml .= "
\n"; else $resultHtml .= "\n"; $resultHtml .= $arProperties["NAME"].":"; if ($arProperties["TYPE"] == "CHECKBOX") { $resultHtml .= ''; $locationZipID = ((isset($curVal)) ? htmlspecialcharsEx($curVal) : htmlspecialcharsEx($arProperties["DEFAULT_VALUE"])); } if ($arProperties["IS_PAYER"] == "Y" && intval($USER_ID) <= 0) { $resultHtml .= '
0 || ($formVarsSubmit && $_REQUEST["btnTypeBuyer"] == "btnBuyerExist")) $resultHtml .= ' style="display:none"'; $resultHtml .= '>'; $BREAK_LAST_NAME_TMP = GetMessage('NEWO_BREAK_LAST_NAME'); if (isset($_REQUEST["BREAK_LAST_NAME"]) && $_REQUEST["BREAK_LAST_NAME"] <> '') $BREAK_LAST_NAME_TMP = htmlspecialcharsbx(trim($_REQUEST["BREAK_LAST_NAME"])); $NEWO_BREAK_NAME_TMP = GetMessage('NEWO_BREAK_NAME'); if (isset($_REQUEST["BREAK_NAME"]) && $_REQUEST["BREAK_NAME"] <> '') $NEWO_BREAK_NAME_TMP = htmlspecialcharsbx(trim($_REQUEST["BREAK_NAME"])); $BREAK_SECOND_NAME_TMP = GetMessage('NEWO_BREAK_SECOND_NAME'); if (isset($_REQUEST["BREAK_SECOND_NAME"]) && $_REQUEST["BREAK_SECOND_NAME"] <> '') $BREAK_SECOND_NAME_TMP = htmlspecialcharsbx(trim($_REQUEST["BREAK_SECOND_NAME"])); $resultHtml .= '
'. ''. '
'; $resultHtml .= '
'. ''. '
'; $resultHtml .= '
'. ''. '
'; $resultHtml .= '
'; $tmpNone = ''; $resultHtml .= '
'; } $resultHtml .= ''; if ($arProperties["IS_PAYER"] == "Y" && intval($USER_ID) <= 0) $resultHtml .= '
'; } elseif ($arProperties["TYPE"] == "SELECT") { $size = (intval($arProperties["SIZE1"]) > 0) ? intval($arProperties["SIZE1"]) : 5; $resultHtml .= ''; } elseif ($arProperties["TYPE"] == "MULTISELECT") { $size = (intval($arProperties["SIZE1"]) > 0) ? intval($arProperties["SIZE1"]) : 5; $resultHtml .= ''; } elseif ($arProperties["TYPE"] == "TEXTAREA") { $resultHtml .= ''; } elseif ($arProperties["TYPE"] == "LOCATION") { $DELIVERY_LOCATION = $arPropValues[intval($arProperties["ID"])]; $locationID = $curVal; ob_start(); ?> $LID, "AJAX_CALL" => "N", "COUNTRY_INPUT_NAME" => "ORDER_PROP_".$arProperties["ID"], "REGION_INPUT_NAME" => "REGION_ORDER_PROP_".$arProperties["ID"], "CITY_INPUT_NAME" => "CITY_ORDER_PROP_".$arProperties["ID"], "CITY_OUT_LOCATION" => "Y", "ALLOW_EMPTY_CITY" => "Y", "LOCATION_VALUE" => $curVal, "COUNTRY" => "", "ONCITYCHANGE" => "fChangeLocationCity", "PUBLIC" => "N", ), array( "JS_CALLBACK" => $arProperties['IS_LOCATION'] == 'Y' ? $funcId : false, "ID" => $curVal, "CODE" => '', "SHOW_DEFAULT_LOCATIONS" => 'Y', "JS_CONTROL_GLOBAL_ID" => intval($arProperties["ID"]), "PRECACHE_LAST_LEVEL" => "Y", "PRESELECT_TREE_TRUNK" => "Y" ), '', false, 'location-selector-wrapper prop-'.intval($arProperties["ID"]) ); $tmpLocation = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $resultHtml .= ''; $resultHtml .= $tmpLocation; } elseif ($arProperties["TYPE"] == "RADIO") { $dbVariants = CSaleOrderPropsVariant::GetList( array("SORT" => "ASC"), array("ORDER_PROPS_ID" => $arProperties["ID"]), false, false, array("*") ); $resultHtml .= '
';// type="radio" while ($arVariants = $dbVariants->Fetch()) { $resultHtml .= ''; } $resultHtml .= '
'; } elseif ($arProperties["TYPE"] == "FILE") { $arValues = array(); $arTmpValues = array(); if (isset($arPropValues[$arProperties["ID"]])) { $arTmpValues = explode(", ", $arPropValues[$arProperties["ID"]]); foreach ($arTmpValues as $key => $value) $arValues[$value] = $value; } $resultHtml .= fShowFilePropertyField("ORDER_PROP_".$arProperties["ID"], $arProperties, $arValues, $arProperties["SIZE1"], $formVarsSubmit); } if ($arProperties["DESCRIPTION"] <> '') { $resultHtml .= "
".htmlspecialcharsEx($arProperties["DESCRIPTION"]).""; } $resultHtml .= "\n
"; return $resultHtml; } /* * Returns HTML controls of the order properties * * Currently is used to show order properties related to payment/delivery systems in the order_new form */ function getOrderPropertiesHTML($arOrderProps, $arPropValues = array(), $LID = '', $USER_ID = '', $ORDER_ID = 0, $formVarsSubmit = false) { $propertyGroupID = -1; $arDisableFieldForLocation = array(); $resultHtml = ""; // get order properties values if ($formVarsSubmit) { $locationIndexForm = ""; foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { if (mb_substr($key, 0, mb_strlen("CITY_ORDER_PROP_")) == "CITY_ORDER_PROP_") { $arPropValues[intval(mb_substr($key, mb_strlen("CITY_ORDER_PROP_")))] = htmlspecialcharsbx($value); $locationIndexForm = intval(mb_substr($key, mb_strlen("CITY_ORDER_PROP_"))); } if (mb_substr($key, 0, mb_strlen("ORDER_PROP_")) == "ORDER_PROP_") { if ($locationIndexForm != intval(mb_substr($key, mb_strlen("ORDER_PROP_")))) { if (!is_array($value)) $arPropValues[intval(mb_substr($key, mb_strlen("ORDER_PROP_")))] = htmlspecialcharsbx($value); else { $arValues = array(); foreach ($value as $k => $v) $arValues[$key] = htmlspecialcharsbx($v); $arPropValues[intval(mb_substr($key, mb_strlen("ORDER_PROP_")))] = $arValues; } } } } } // iterate over list of properties if (is_array($arOrderProps)) { foreach ($arOrderProps as $arProperties) { if (intval($arProperties["PROPS_GROUP_ID"]) != $propertyGroupID) { $resultHtml .= "\n"; $propertyGroupID = intval($arProperties["PROPS_GROUP_ID"]); } if (intval($arProperties["PROPS_GROUP_ID"]) != $propertyGroupID) $propertyGroupID = intval($arProperties["PROPS_GROUP_ID"]); $adit = ""; $requiredField = ""; if ($arProperties["REQUIED"] == "Y" || $arProperties["IS_PROFILE_NAME"] == "Y" || $arProperties["IS_LOCATION"] == "Y" || $arProperties["IS_LOCATION4TAX"] == "Y" || $arProperties["IS_PAYER"] == "Y" || $arProperties["IS_ZIP"] == "Y") { $adit = " class=\"adm-detail-required-field\""; $requiredField = " class=\"adm-detail-content-cell-l\""; } //delete town from location if (in_array($arProperties["ID"], $arDisableFieldForLocation)) $resultHtml .= "\n"; else $resultHtml .= "\n"; if(($arProperties["TYPE"] == "MULTISELECT" || $arProperties["TYPE"] == "TEXTAREA") || ($ORDER_ID <= 0 && $arProperties["IS_PROFILE_NAME"] == "Y") ) $resultHtml .= ""; $curVal = $arPropValues[intval($arProperties["ID"])]; if($arProperties["IS_EMAIL"] == "Y" || $arProperties["IS_PAYER"] == "Y") { if($arProperties["DEFAULT_VALUE"] == '' && intval($USER_ID) > 0) { $rsUser = CUser::GetByID($USER_ID); if ($arUser = $rsUser->Fetch()) { if($arProperties["IS_EMAIL"] == "Y") $arProperties["DEFAULT_VALUE"] = $arUser["EMAIL"]; else { if ($arUser["LAST_NAME"] <> '') $arProperties["DEFAULT_VALUE"] .= $arUser["LAST_NAME"]; if ($arUser["NAME"] <> '') $arProperties["DEFAULT_VALUE"] .= " ".$arUser["NAME"]; if ($arUser["SECOND_NAME"] <> '' AND $arUser["NAME"] <> '') $arProperties["DEFAULT_VALUE"] .= " ".$arUser["SECOND_NAME"]; } } } } $resultHtml .= "\n"; }//end while } $resultHtml .= ""; return $resultHtml; } /* * Returns HTML control with payment systems data */ function fGetPaySystemsHTML($PERSON_TYPE_ID, $PAY_SYSTEM_ID) { $resultHtml = ""; $resultHtml .= "\n\n"; $resultHtml .= "
".GetMessage("SOE_PAY_SYSTEM").":"; $arPaySystem = CSalePaySystem::DoLoadPaySystems($PERSON_TYPE_ID); $resultHtml .= ""; $resultHtml .= "
"; return $resultHtml; } /* * user profile */ function fUserProfile($USER_ID, $BUYER_TYPE = '', $default = '') { $userProfileSelect = ""; return $userProfileSelect; } /* * user balance */ function fGetPayFromAccount($USER_ID, $CURRENCY) { $arResult = array("PAY_MESSAGE" => GetMessage("NEWO_PAY_FROM_ACCOUNT_NO")); $dbUserAccount = CSaleUserAccount::GetList( array(), array( "USER_ID" => $USER_ID, "CURRENCY" => $CURRENCY, ) ); if ($arUserAccount = $dbUserAccount->GetNext()) { if ((float)$arUserAccount["CURRENT_BUDGET"] > 0) { $arResult["PAY_BUDGET"] = SaleFormatCurrency($arUserAccount["CURRENT_BUDGET"], $CURRENCY); $arResult["PAY_MESSAGE"] = str_replace("#MONEY#", $arResult["PAY_BUDGET"], GetMessage("NEWO_PAY_FROM_ACCOUNT_YES")); $arResult["CURRENT_BUDGET"] = $arUserAccount["CURRENT_BUDGET"]; } } return $arResult; } /** * Returns HTML select control with delivery services data for admin pages * @deprecated */ function fGetDeliverySystemsHTML($location, $locationZip, $weight, $price, $currency, $siteId, $defaultDelivery, $arShoppingCart) { $arResult = array(); $description = ""; $error = ""; $setDeliveryPrice = false; $arDelivery = CSaleDelivery::DoLoadDelivery($location, $locationZip, $weight, $price, $currency, $siteId, $arShoppingCart); if (empty($arDelivery) || !is_array($arDelivery)) { $arDelivery = []; } $deliveryHTML = ""; $arResult["DELIVERY"] = $deliveryHTML; $arResult["DELIVERY_DEFAULT"] = $defaultDelivery; $arResult["DELIVERY_DEFAULT_PRICE"] = (count($arDelivery) > 0 && $setDeliveryPrice === true) ? $price : 0; $arResult["DELIVERY_DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION"] = $description; $arResult["DELIVERY_DEFAULT_ERR"] = $error; $arResult["CURRENCY"] = $currency; return $arResult; } /* * coupons */ function fGetCoupon($COUPON) { $arCoupon = array(); if (!empty($COUPON)) { if (is_array($COUPON)) { foreach ($COUPON as &$oneCoupon) { $oneCoupon = trim((string)$oneCoupon); if ($oneCoupon != '') $arCoupon[] = $oneCoupon; } unset($oneCoupon); } else { $coupons = explode(",", $COUPON); if (!empty($coupons)) { foreach($coupons as &$val) { $val = trim($val); if ($val != '') $arCoupon[] = $val; } unset($val); } } } return $arCoupon; } /* * get location ID and ZIP */ function fGetLocationID($PERSON_TYPE_ID) { $arResult = array(); $dbProperties = CSaleOrderProps::GetList( array("SORT" => "ASC"), array("PERSON_TYPE_ID" => $PERSON_TYPE_ID), false, false, array("TYPE", "IS_ZIP", "ID", "SORT") ); while ($arProperties = $dbProperties->Fetch()) { if ($arProperties["TYPE"] == "TEXT") { if ($arProperties["IS_ZIP"] == "Y") { $arResult["LOCATION_ZIP_ID"] = $arProperties["ID"]; } } elseif ($arProperties["TYPE"] == "LOCATION") { $arResult["LOCATION_ID"] = $arProperties["ID"]; } } return $arResult; } /* * product basket array */ function fGetUserShoppingCart($arProduct, $LID, $recalcOrder) { $arOrderProductPrice = array(); $i = 0; $arSortNum = array(); foreach($arProduct as $key => $val) { $arSortNum[] = $val['PRICE_DEFAULT']; $arProduct[$key]["PRODUCT_ID"] = (int)$val["PRODUCT_ID"]; $arProduct[$key]["TABLE_ROW_ID"] = $key; } if (!empty($arProduct) && !empty($arSortNum)) array_multisort($arSortNum, SORT_DESC, $arProduct); $arBasketIds = array(); $basketMap = array(); foreach($arProduct as $key => $val) { $val["QUANTITY"] = abs(str_replace(",", ".", $val["QUANTITY"])); $val["QUANTITY_DEFAULT"] = $val["QUANTITY"]; $val["PRICE"] = str_replace(",", ".", $val["PRICE"]); // Y is used when custom price was set in the admin form if ($val["CALLBACK_FUNC"] == "Y") { $val["CALLBACK_FUNC"] = false; $val["CUSTOM_PRICE"] = "Y"; if (isset($val["BASKET_ID"]) && (int)$val["BASKET_ID"] > 0) { CSaleBasket::Update($val["BASKET_ID"], array("CUSTOM_PRICE" => "Y")); } //$val["DISCOUNT_PRICE"] = $val["PRICE_DEFAULT"] - $val["PRICE"]; } $arOrderProductPrice[$i] = $val; $arOrderProductPrice[$i]["TABLE_ROW_ID"] = $val["TABLE_ROW_ID"]; $arOrderProductPrice[$i]["NAME"] = htmlspecialcharsback($val["NAME"]); $arOrderProductPrice[$i]["LID"] = $LID; $arOrderProductPrice[$i]["CAN_BUY"] = "Y"; $arOrderProductPrice[$i]['RESERVED'] = 'N'; if (isset($val["BASKET_ID"]) && (int)$val["BASKET_ID"] > 0) { $basketId = (int)$val["BASKET_ID"]; $arOrderProductPrice[$i]["ID"] = $basketId; $arBasketIds[] = $basketId; $basketMap[$basketId] = &$arOrderProductPrice[$i]; if ($recalcOrder != "Y" && $arOrderProductPrice[$i]["CALLBACK_FUNC"] != false) unset($arOrderProductPrice[$i]["CALLBACK_FUNC"]); $arNewProps = array(); if (is_array($val["PROPS"])) { foreach($val["PROPS"] as $k => $v) { if ($v["NAME"] != "" AND $v["VALUE"] != "") $arNewProps[$k] = $v; } } else $arNewProps = array("NAME" => "", "VALUE" => "", "CODE" => "", "SORT" => ""); $arOrderProductPrice[$i]["PROPS"] = $arNewProps; } $i++; }//endforeach $arProduct // collect status of reservation elements basket if (!empty($arBasketIds)) { $rsBasketItems = CSaleBasket::GetList( array(), array("ID" => $arBasketIds), false, false, array( "ID", "RESERVED", ) ); while ($arBasketItems = $rsBasketItems->Fetch()) { $arBasketItems['ID'] = (int)$arBasketItems['ID']; if (!isset($basketMap[$arBasketItems['ID']])) continue; $basketMap[$arBasketItems['ID']]['RESERVED'] = $arBasketItems['RESERVED']; } unset($arBasketItems, $rsBasketItems); } unset($basketMap, $arBasketIds); return $arOrderProductPrice; } /* * Returns HTML for recommended product, basket product or product from the viewed list */ function fGetFormatedProduct($USER_ID, $LID, $arData, $currency, $type = '') { global $crmMode; $result = ""; $arSet = array(); if (!is_array($arData["ITEMS"]) || count($arData["ITEMS"]) <= 0) return $result; $result = ""; if (CModule::IncludeModule('catalog') && CModule::IncludeModule('iblock')) { $arProductId = array(); $arDataTab = array(); $arSkuParentChildren = array(); $arSkuParentId = array(); $arSkuParent = array(); foreach ($arData["ITEMS"] as $item) { if (!empty($item["CURRENCY"]) && $item["CURRENCY"] != $currency) { if (floatval($item["PRICE"]) > 0) $item["PRICE"] = CCurrencyRates::ConvertCurrency($item["PRICE"], $item["CURRENCY"], $currency); if (floatval($item["DISCOUNT_PRICE"]) > 0) $item["DISCOUNT_PRICE"] = CCurrencyRates::ConvertCurrency($item["DISCOUNT_PRICE"], $item["CURRENCY"], $currency); $item["CURRENCY"] = $currency; } /** @var $productProvider IBXSaleProductProvider */ if ($productProvider = CSaleBasket::GetProductProvider($item)) { if (method_exists($productProvider, "GetSetItems")) { $itemInfo = (isset($item['ID']) ? array('BASKET_ID' => $item['ID']) : array()); $arSets = $productProvider::GetSetItems($item["PRODUCT_ID"], CSaleBasket::TYPE_SET, $itemInfo); unset($itemInfo); if (is_array($arSets)) { foreach ($arSets as $arSetData) { foreach ($arSetData["ITEMS"] as $setItem) { $setItem["FUSER_ID"] = $item["FUSER_ID"]; $setItem["LID"] = $item["LID"]; $setItem["MODULE"] = $item["MODULE"]; $setItem["PRODUCT_PROVIDER_CLASS"] = $productProvider; $setItem["SET_PARENT_ID"] = $item["ID"]; $arSet[$item["PRODUCT_ID"]][] = $setItem; } } } } } if ($item["MODULE"] == "catalog") { $arProductId[$item["PRODUCT_ID"]] = $item["PRODUCT_ID"]; $arDataTab[$item["PRODUCT_ID"]] = $item; $arParent = CCatalogSku::GetProductInfo($item["PRODUCT_ID"]); if ($arParent) { $arSkuParentChildren[$item["PRODUCT_ID"]] = $arParent["ID"]; $arSkuParentId[$arParent["ID"]] = $arParent["ID"]; } } } if(!empty($arSkuParentId)) { $res = CIBlockElement::GetList(array(), array("ID" => $arSkuParentId), false, false, array("ID", "IBLOCK_ID", "IBLOCK_SECTION_ID", "PREVIEW_PICTURE", "DETAIL_PICTURE", "NAME", "DETAIL_PAGE_URL")); while ($arItems = $res->GetNext()) $arSkuParent[$arItems["ID"]] = $arItems; } if(!empty($arProductId)) { $dbProduct = CIBlockElement::GetList(array(), array("ID" => $arProductId), false, false, array('ID', 'IBLOCK_ID', 'IBLOCK_SECTION_ID', 'DETAIL_PICTURE', 'PREVIEW_PICTURE', 'IBLOCK_TYPE_ID')); while($arProduct = $dbProduct->Fetch()) { $imgCode = 0; $arImgProduct = false; $arFile = false; $imgUrl = ''; $imgProduct = ''; $arDataTab[$arProduct['ID']]['IBLOCK_ID'] = $arProduct['IBLOCK_ID']; $arDataTab[$arProduct['ID']]['IBLOCK_SECTION_ID'] = $arProduct['IBLOCK_SECTION_ID']; $arDataTab[$arProduct['ID']]['DETAIL_PICTURE'] = $arProduct['DETAIL_PICTURE']; $arDataTab[$arProduct['ID']]['PREVIEW_PICTURE'] = $arProduct['PREVIEW_PICTURE']; $arDataTab[$arProduct['ID']]['IBLOCK_TYPE_ID'] = $arProduct['IBLOCK_TYPE_ID']; $item = $arDataTab[$arProduct['ID']]; if ($item["PREVIEW_PICTURE"] == "" && $item["DETAIL_PICTURE"] == "" && is_set($arSkuParentChildren[$item["PRODUCT_ID"]])) { $idTmp = $arSkuParentChildren[$item["PRODUCT_ID"]]; $item["DETAIL_PICTURE"] = $arSkuParent[$idTmp]["DETAIL_PICTURE"]; $item["PREVIEW_PICTURE"] = $arSkuParent[$idTmp]["PREVIEW_PICTURE"]; } if ($item["DETAIL_PICTURE"] > 0) $imgCode = $item["DETAIL_PICTURE"]; elseif ($item["PREVIEW_PICTURE"] > 0) $imgCode = $item["PREVIEW_PICTURE"]; $arSkuProperty = CSaleProduct::GetProductSkuProps($item["PRODUCT_ID"], $item["IBLOCK_ID"]); $item["NAME"] = htmlspecialcharsex($item["NAME"]); $item["EDIT_PAGE_URL"] = htmlspecialcharsex($item["EDIT_PAGE_URL"]); $item["CURRENCY"] = htmlspecialcharsex($item["CURRENCY"]); if ($imgCode > 0) { $arFile = CFile::GetFileArray($imgCode); $arImgProduct = CFile::ResizeImageGet($arFile, array('width'=>80, 'height'=>80), BX_RESIZE_IMAGE_PROPORTIONAL, false, false); } if (is_array($arImgProduct)) { $imgUrl = $arImgProduct["src"]; $imgProduct = "\"\""; } else $imgProduct = "
"; $arCurFormat = CCurrencyLang::GetCurrencyFormat($item["CURRENCY"]); $priceValutaFormat = str_replace("#", '', $arCurFormat["FORMAT_STRING"]); $currentTotalPrice = ($item["PRICE"] + $item["DISCOUNT_PRICE"]); $discountPercent = 0; if ($item["DISCOUNT_PRICE"] > 0) $discountPercent = intval(($item["DISCOUNT_PRICE"] * 100) / $currentTotalPrice); $arProduct = CCatalogProduct::GetByID($item["PRODUCT_ID"]); $balance = floatval($arProduct["QUANTITY"]); $result .= ""; // show set items if (!empty($arSet) && array_key_exists($arProduct["ID"], $arSet)) { foreach ($arSet[$arProduct["ID"]] as $set) { $editUrl = CIBlock::GetAdminElementEditLink($set["IBLOCK_ID"], $set["ITEM_ID"], array( "find_section_section" => $set["IBLOCK_SECTION_ID"], 'WF' => 'Y', )); if ($set["PREVIEW_PICTURE"] > 0) $imgCode = $set["PREVIEW_PICTURE"]; elseif ($set["DETAIL_PICTURE"] > 0) $imgCode = $set["DETAIL_PICTURE"]; if ($imgCode > 0) { $arFile = CFile::GetFileArray($imgCode); $arImgProduct = CFile::ResizeImageGet($arFile, array('width'=>80, 'height'=>80), BX_RESIZE_IMAGE_PROPORTIONAL, false, false); if (is_array($arImgProduct)) { $imgUrl = $arImgProduct["src"]; $img = ''; } } else $img = '
"; $result .= ' '; } } }//end foreach } }//end if if ($arData["CNT"] > 2 && $arData["CNT"] != count($arData["ITEMS"])) { $result .= ""; } $result .= "
".GetMessage('NEWO_SUBTAB_PRICE').": ".SaleFormatCurrency($item["PRICE"], $currency).""; if (!empty($arSet) && array_key_exists($arProduct["ID"], $arSet)) // show/hide set item link { $result .= '
'; } $result .= "
"; $arResult = CSaleProduct::GetProductSku($USER_ID, $LID, $item["PRODUCT_ID"], $item["NAME"], $currency, $arProduct); if (count($arResult["SKU_ELEMENTS"]) > 0) { foreach ($arResult["SKU_ELEMENTS"] as $key => $val) { $arTmp = array(); foreach ($val as $k => $v) { if (is_numeric($k)) { $arTmp[$arResult["SKU_PROPERTIES"][$k]["NAME"]] = $v; } } $arResult["SKU_ELEMENTS"][$key]["SKU_PROPS"] = CUtil::PhpToJSObject($arTmp); } } $arResult["POPUP_MESSAGE"] = array( "PRODUCT_ADD" => GetMessage('NEWO_POPUP_TO_BASKET'), "PRODUCT_ORDER" => GetMessage('NEWO_POPUP_TO_ORDER'), "PRODUCT_NOT_ADD" => GetMessage('NEWO_POPUP_DONT_CAN_BUY'), "PRODUCT_PRICE_FROM" => GetMessage('NEWO_POPUP_FROM') ); if (count($arResult["SKU_ELEMENTS"]) <= 0) $result .= "".GetMessage('NEWO_SUBTAB_ADD_BASKET')."
"; else $result .= "".GetMessage('NEWO_SUBTAB_ADD_BASKET')."
"; if (!$crmMode) { if (count($arResult["SKU_ELEMENTS"]) > 0) { $result .= "".GetMessage('NEWO_SUBTAB_ADD_ORDER').""; } else { $cntProd = (floatval($item["QUANTITY"]) > 0) ? floatval($item["QUANTITY"]) : 1; $url = "/bitrix/admin/sale_order_new.php?lang=".LANGUAGE_ID."&user_id=".$USER_ID."&LID=".$LID."&product[".$item["PRODUCT_ID"]."]=".$cntProd; $result .= "".GetMessage('NEWO_SUBTAB_ADD_ORDER').""; } } $result .= "
"; if ($type == "basket") $result .= "".GetMessage('NEWO_SUBTAB_MORE').""; elseif ($type == "viewed") $result .= "".GetMessage('NEWO_SUBTAB_MORE').""; else $result .= "".GetMessage('NEWO_SUBTAB_MORE').""; $result .= "
"; return $result; } function fDeleteDoubleProduct($arShoppingCart = array(), $arDelete = array(), $showAll = 'N') { global $COUNT_RECOM_BASKET_PROD; $arResult = array( "CNT" => 0, "ITEMS" => array(), ); $arShoppingCartTmp = array(); $arProductId = array(); if (empty($arDelete) ||!is_array($arDelete)) $arDelete = array(); if (!empty($arShoppingCart) && is_array($arShoppingCart)) { foreach($arShoppingCart as $key => $val) { if (!in_array($val["PRODUCT_ID"], $arDelete)) { $arShoppingCartTmp[] = $val; $arProductId[] = $val["PRODUCT_ID"]; } } } if (!empty($arShoppingCartTmp)) { if (CModule::IncludeModule('catalog')) { $i = 0; $arSection = array(); $res = CIBlockElement::GetList(array(), array("ID" => $arProductId), false, false, array('ID', 'IBLOCK_ID', 'IBLOCK_SECTION_ID', 'IBLOCK_TYPE_ID')); while ($arSectionTmp = $res->Fetch()) $arSection[$arSectionTmp["ID"]] = $arSectionTmp; foreach($arShoppingCartTmp as $key => $val) { if (!isset($val["PRODUCT_ID"])) $val["PRODUCT_ID"] = $val["ID"]; if ((!isset($val["EDIT_PAGE_URL"]) || $val["EDIT_PAGE_URL"] == "") && $arSection[$val["PRODUCT_ID"]]["IBLOCK_ID"] > 0) { $val["EDIT_PAGE_URL"] = CIBlock::GetAdminElementEditLink($arSection[$val["PRODUCT_ID"]]["IBLOCK_ID"], $val["PRODUCT_ID"], array( "find_section_section" => $arSection[$val["PRODUCT_ID"]]["IBLOCK_SECTION_ID"], 'WF' => 'Y', )); } $arResult["ITEMS"][] = $val; $i++; if ($i >= $COUNT_RECOM_BASKET_PROD && $showAll == "N") break; } } } if ($showAll == "Y") $arResult["CNT"] = count($arResult["ITEMS"]); else $arResult["CNT"] = count($arShoppingCartTmp); return $arResult; } function getNameCount($propName, $propCode, $arProps) { $count = 1; foreach ($arProps as &$arData) { if (isset($arData["NAME"]) && $arData["NAME"] == $propName && $propCode != $arData["CODE"]) $count++; } unset($arData); return $count; } function getIblockNames($arIblockIDs, $arIblockNames) { $str = ''; foreach ($arIblockIDs as &$iblockID) { $str .= '"'.$arIblockNames[$iblockID].'", '; } unset($iblockID); $str .= '#'; return str_replace(', #', '', $str); } function getAdditionalColumns() { static $propList = null; if ($propList === null && Loader::includeModule('catalog')) { $arIblockIDs = array(); $arIblockNames = array(); $catalogIterator = Catalog\CatalogIblockTable::getList(array( 'select' => array('IBLOCK_ID', 'NAME' => 'IBLOCK.NAME'), 'order' => array('IBLOCK_ID' => 'ASC') )); while ($catalog = $catalogIterator->fetch()) { $catalog['IBLOCK_ID'] = (int)$catalog['IBLOCK_ID']; $arIblockIDs[] = $catalog['IBLOCK_ID']; $arIblockNames[$catalog['IBLOCK_ID']] = $catalog['NAME']; } unset($catalog, $catalogIterator); if (!empty($arIblockIDs)) { $arProps = array(); $propertyIterator = Iblock\PropertyTable::getList(array( 'select' => array('ID', 'CODE', 'NAME', 'IBLOCK_ID'), 'filter' => array('@IBLOCK_ID' => $arIblockIDs, '=ACTIVE' => 'Y'), 'order' => array('IBLOCK_ID' => 'ASC', 'SORT' => 'ASC', 'ID' => 'ASC') )); while ($property = $propertyIterator->fetch()) { $property['ID'] = (int)$property['ID']; $property['IBLOCK_ID'] = (int)$property['IBLOCK_ID']; $property['CODE'] = (string)$property['CODE']; if ($property['CODE'] == '') $property['CODE'] = $property['ID']; if (!isset($arProps[$property['CODE']])) { $arProps[$property['CODE']] = array( 'CODE' => $property['CODE'], 'TITLE' => $property['NAME'].' ['.$property['CODE'].']', 'ID' => array($property['ID']), 'IBLOCK_ID' => array($property['IBLOCK_ID'] => $property['IBLOCK_ID']), 'IBLOCK_TITLE' => array($property['IBLOCK_ID'] => $arIblockNames[$property['IBLOCK_ID']]), 'COUNT' => 1 ); } else { $arProps[$property['CODE']]['ID'][] = $property['ID']; $arProps[$property['CODE']]['IBLOCK_ID'][$property['IBLOCK_ID']] = $property['IBLOCK_ID']; if ($arProps[$property['CODE']]['COUNT'] < 2) $arProps[$property['CODE']]['IBLOCK_TITLE'][$property['IBLOCK_ID']] = $arIblockNames[$property['IBLOCK_ID']]; $arProps[$property['CODE']]['COUNT']++; } } unset($property, $propertyIterator, $arIblockNames, $arIblockIDs); $propList = array(); foreach ($arProps as &$property) { $iblockList = ''; if ($property['COUNT'] > 1) { $iblockList = ($property['COUNT'] > 2 ? ' ( ... )' : ' ('.implode(', ', $property['IBLOCK_TITLE']).')'); } $propList['PROPERTY_'.$property['CODE']] = $property['TITLE'].$iblockList; } unset($property, $arProps); } } return (empty($propList) ? array() : $propList); } /* * Returns old history data records (used before august 2013) in the new format */ function convertHistoryToNewFormat($arFields) { foreach ($arFields as $fieldname => $fieldvalue) { if ($fieldvalue <> '') { foreach (CSaleOrderChangeFormat::$operationTypes as $code => $arInfo) { if (in_array($fieldname, $arInfo["TRIGGER_FIELDS"])) { $arData = array(); foreach ($arInfo["DATA_FIELDS"] as $field) $arData[$field] = $arFields["$field"]; return array( "ID" => $arFields["ID"], "ORDER_ID" => $arFields["H_ORDER_ID"], "TYPE" => $code, "DATA" => serialize($arData), "DATE_CREATE" => $arFields["H_DATE_INSERT"], "DATE_MODIFY" => $arFields["H_DATE_INSERT"], "USER_ID" => $arFields["H_USER_ID"] ); } } } } return false; } /* * Returns HTML to download or view file (if image) in the order_detail */ function showImageOrDownloadLink($fileId, $orderId = 0, $arSize = array("WIDTH" => 90, "HEIGHT" => 90)) { $resultHTML = ""; $arFile = CFile::GetFileArray($fileId); if ($arFile) { $is_image = CFile::IsImage($arFile["FILE_NAME"], $arFile["CONTENT_TYPE"]); if ($is_image) $resultHTML = CFile::ShowImage($arFile["ID"], $arSize["WIDTH"], $arSize["HEIGHT"], "border=0", "", true); else $resultHTML = "".$arFile["ORIGINAL_NAME"].""; } return $resultHTML; } function getIblockPropInfo($value, $propData, $arSize = array("WIDTH" => 90, "HEIGHT" => 90), $orderId = 0) { $res = ""; if ($propData["MULTIPLE"] == "Y") { $arVal = array(); if (!is_array($value)) { if (mb_strpos($value, ",") !== false) $arVal = explode(",", $value); else $arVal[] = $value; } else $arVal = $value; if (count($arVal) > 0) { foreach ($arVal as $key => $val) { if ($propData["PROPERTY_TYPE"] == "F") { if ($res <> '') $res .= "
".showImageOrDownloadLink(trim($val), $orderId, $arSize); else $res = showImageOrDownloadLink(trim($val), $orderId, $arSize); } else { if ($res <> '') $res .= ", ".$val; else $res = $val; } } } } else { if ($propData["PROPERTY_TYPE"] == "F") $res = showImageOrDownloadLink($value, $orderId, $arSize); else $res = $value; } if ($res == '') $res = " "; return $res; } /* * Returns HTML of columns names () for the basket items table * Used in the order_new and order_detail */ function getColumnsHeaders($arUserColumns, $page = "edit", $bWithStores = false) { $prefix = ($page == "edit") ? "NEW_" : "SOD_"; if ($page != "edit") $bWithStores = false; foreach ($arUserColumns as $columnCode => $columnName) { switch ($columnCode) { case "COLUMN_NUMBER": ?>
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function GetMessage() in D:\ktt\ttepla.com\public_html\bitrix\modules\sale\general\admin_tool.php:2219 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in D:\ktt\ttepla.com\public_html\bitrix\modules\sale\general\admin_tool.php on line 2219