GetGroupRight("sale") < "W") $APPLICATION->AuthForm(Loc::getMessage("SALE_MODULE_ACCES_DENIED")); $userIsAdmin = $APPLICATION->GetGroupRight("sale") >= "W"; CSaleLocation::locationProCheckEnabled(); // temporal ##################################### #### Data prepare ##################################### try { $fatalFailure = false; ##################################### #### ACTIONS ##################################### $actionFailure = false; $id = intval($_REQUEST['id']) ? intval($_REQUEST['id']) : false; $copyId = intval($_REQUEST['copy_id']) ? intval($_REQUEST['copy_id']) : false; $actionSave = isset($_REQUEST['save']); $actionApply = isset($_REQUEST['apply']); $actionSaveAndAdd = isset($_REQUEST['save_and_add']); $formSubmitted = ($actionSave || $actionApply || $actionSaveAndAdd) && check_bitrix_sessid(); $returnUrl = strlen($_REQUEST['return_url']) ? $_REQUEST['return_url'] : false; if($userIsAdmin && !empty($_REQUEST['element']) && $formSubmitted) // form submitted, handling it { $saveAsId = intval($_REQUEST['element']['ID']); global $DB; $redirectUrl = false; try { $DB->StartTransaction(); if($saveAsId) // existed, updating { $res = Helper::update($saveAsId, $_REQUEST['element']); if($res['success']) // on successfull update ... { if($actionSave) $redirectUrl = $returnUrl ? $returnUrl : Helper::getListUrl(); // go to the page of just created item // $actionApply : do nothing } } else // new or copyed item { $res = Helper::add($_REQUEST['element']); if($res['success']) // on successfull add ... { if($actionSave) $redirectUrl = $returnUrl ? $returnUrl : Helper::getListUrl(); // go to the list page if($actionApply) $redirectUrl = $returnUrl ? $returnUrl : Helper::getEditUrl(array('id' => $res['id'])); // go to the page of just created item } } // no matter we updated or added a new item - we go to blank page on $actionSaveAndAdd if($res['success'] && $actionSaveAndAdd) $redirectUrl = Helper::getEditUrl(); // go to the blank page // on failure just show sad message if(!$res['success']) throw new Main\SystemException(implode('
', $res['errors'])); $DB->Commit(); if($redirectUrl) LocalRedirect($redirectUrl); } catch(Main\SystemException $e) { $actionFailure = true; $code = $e->getCode(); $message = $e->getMessage().(!empty($code) ? ' ('.$code.')' : ''); $actionFailureMessage = Loc::getMessage('SALE_LOCATION_E_CANNOT_'.($saveAsId ? 'UPDATE' : 'SAVE').'_ITEM').(strlen($message) ? ':

'.$message : ''); $DB->Rollback(); } } if(!$returnUrl) $returnUrl = Helper::getListUrl(); // default return page for "cancel" action // read data to display $readAsId = $id ? $id : $copyId; if($formSubmitted && $actionFailure) // if form were submitted, but form action (add or update) failed { // load from request $formData = $_REQUEST['element']; if($readAsId) $nameToDisplay = Helper::getNameToDisplay($readAsId); } else { if($readAsId) { // load from database $formData = Helper::getFormData($readAsId); if($readAsId) { $langU = ToUpper(LANGUAGE_ID); $nameToDisplay = strlen($formData['NAME_'.$langU]) ? $formData['NAME_'.$langU] : $formData['CODE']; } } else { // load blank form $formData = array(); } } } catch(Main\SystemException $e) { $fatalFailure = true; $code = $e->getCode(); $fatalFailureMessage = $e->getMessage().(!empty($code) ? ' ('.$code.')' : ''); } ##################################### #### PAGE INTERFACE GENERATION ##################################### if(!$fatalFailure) // no fatals like "module not installed, etc." { $topMenu = new CAdminContextMenu(array( array( "TEXT" => GetMessage("SALE_LOCATION_E_GO_BACK"), "LINK" => Helper::getListUrl(array('id' => $parentId)), "ICON" => "btn_list", ) )); $tabControl = new CAdminForm("tabcntrl_location_group_edit", array( array( "DIV" => "main", "TAB" => Loc::getMessage('SALE_LOCATION_E_MAIN_TAB'), "TITLE" => Loc::getMessage('SALE_LOCATION_E_MAIN_TAB_TITLE') ) )); $tabControl->BeginPrologContent(); $tabControl->EndPrologContent(); $tabControl->BeginEpilogContent(); ?>