', '>=', '><', '!><', '?', '=', '!=', '%', '!%', ''); public static function OnRestServiceBuildDescription() { if(CModule::IncludeModule('iblock')) { return array( 'entity' => array( 'entity.add' => array(__CLASS__, 'entityAdd'), 'entity.get' => array(__CLASS__, 'entityGet'), 'entity.update' => array(__CLASS__, 'entityUpdate'), 'entity.delete' => array(__CLASS__, 'entityDelete'), 'entity.rights' => array(__CLASS__, 'entityRights'), 'entity.section.add' => array(__CLASS__, 'entitySectionAdd'), 'entity.section.get' => array(__CLASS__, 'entitySectionGet'), 'entity.section.update' => array(__CLASS__, 'entitySectionUpdate'), 'entity.section.delete' => array(__CLASS__, 'entitySectionDelete'), 'entity.item.add' => array(__CLASS__, 'entityItemAdd'), 'entity.item.get' => array(__CLASS__, 'entityItemGet'), 'entity.item.update' => array(__CLASS__, 'entityItemUpdate'), 'entity.item.delete' => array(__CLASS__, 'entityItemDelete'), 'entity.item.property.add' => array(__CLASS__, 'entityItemPropertyAdd'), 'entity.item.property.get' => array(__CLASS__, 'entityItemPropertyGet'), 'entity.item.property.update' => array(__CLASS__, 'entityItemPropertyUpdate'), 'entity.item.property.delete' => array(__CLASS__, 'entityItemPropertyDelete'), ), ); } } public static function entityAdd($params, $n, $server) { global $USER; if(self::checkParams($params)) { if(!self::checkEntity($params['ENTITY'], $server)) { if(!isset($params['ACCESS']) || !is_array($params['ACCESS'])) { $params['ACCESS'] = array(); } $params['ACCESS']['U'.$USER->GetID()] = 'X'; $arIBlockFields = array( 'IBLOCK_TYPE_ID' => self::getIBlockType(), "NAME" => trim($params['NAME']), "CODE" => self::getEntityIBlockCode($params['ENTITY'], $server), "ACTIVE" => "Y", 'WORKFLOW' => 'N', 'INDEX_SECTION' => 'N', 'INDEX_ELEMENT' => 'N', 'VERSION' => 1, 'RIGHTS_MODE' => 'E', 'RIGHTS' => self::checkRights($params['ACCESS']), 'SITE_ID' => CSite::GetDefSite() ); $ib = new \CIBlock(); $ID = $ib->Add($arIBlockFields); if($ID > 0) { //$server->setStatus(\CRestServer::STATUS_CREATED); return true; } else { throw new RestException($ib->LAST_ERROR, RestException::ERROR_CORE); } } else { throw new RestException('Entity already exists', self::ERROR_ENTITY_ALREADY_EXISTS); } } } public static function entityGet($params, $n, $server) { $params = array_change_key_case($params, CASE_UPPER); if(isset($params['ENTITY'])) { if(self::checkParams($params)) { $arRes = self::getIBlock(self::getEntityIBlockCode($params['ENTITY'], $server)); if($arRes) { return array( 'ID' => $arRes['ID'], 'IBLOCK_TYPE_ID' => $arRes['IBLOCK_TYPE_ID'], 'ENTITY' => $params['ENTITY'], 'NAME' => $arRes['NAME'], ); } else { throw new RestException('Entity not found', self::ERROR_ENTITY_NOT_FOUND); } } } else { $res = array(); $dbRes = self::getIBlocks($server); while($arRes = $dbRes->Fetch()) { $entity = self::parseEntity($arRes['CODE'], $server); if($entity) { $res[] = array( 'ID' => $arRes['ID'], 'IBLOCK_TYPE_ID' => $arRes['IBLOCK_TYPE_ID'], 'ENTITY' => $entity, 'NAME' => $arRes['NAME'], ); } } return $res; } } public static function entityRights($params, $n, $server) { global $USER; if(self::checkParams($params)) { $arIBlock = self::getIBlock(self::getEntityIBlockCode($params['ENTITY'], $server)); if($arIBlock) { $obIBlockRights = new \CIBlockRights($arIBlock['ID']); if(isset($params['ACCESS']) && is_array($params['ACCESS']) && count($params['ACCESS']) > 0) { if(\CIBlockRights::UserHasRightTo($arIBlock['ID'], $arIBlock['ID'], 'iblock_edit')) { $params['ACCESS']['U'.$USER->GetID()] = 'X'; $arRights = self::checkRights($params['ACCESS']); $obIBlockRights->SetRights($arRights); $obIBlockRights->Recalculate(); } else { throw new AccessException(); } } $arRights = $obIBlockRights->GetRights(); $res = array(); foreach($arRights as $arRight) { $res[$arRight['GROUP_CODE']] = \CIBlockRights::TaskToLetter($arRight['TASK_ID']); } return $res; } } } public static function entityUpdate($params, $n, $server) { global $USER; if(self::checkParams($params)) { $arIBlock = self::getIBlock(self::getEntityIBlockCode($params['ENTITY'], $server)); if($arIBlock) { if(\CIBlockRights::UserHasRightTo($arIBlock['ID'], $arIBlock['ID'], 'iblock_edit')) { $recalcRights = false; $arIBlockFields = array(); if(isset($params['NAME'])) { $arIBlockFields["NAME"] = trim($params['NAME']); } if(isset($params['ENTITY_NEW']) && $params['ENTITY_NEW'] != $params['ENTITY']) { if (self::checkEntity($params['ENTITY_NEW'], $server)) { throw new RestException('Entity already exists', self::ERROR_ENTITY_ALREADY_EXISTS); } $arIBlockFields["CODE"] = self::getEntityIBlockCode($params['ENTITY_NEW'], $server); } if(isset($params['ACCESS']) && is_array($params['ACCESS']) && count($params['ACCESS']) > 0) { $recalcRights = true; $params['ACCESS']['U'.$USER->GetID()] = 'X'; $arIBlockFields['RIGHTS'] = self::checkRights($params['ACCESS']); } if(count($arIBlockFields) > 0) { $ib = new \CIBlock(); if(!$ib->Update($arIBlock['ID'], $arIBlockFields)) { throw new RestException($ib->LAST_ERROR, RestException::ERROR_CORE); } elseif($recalcRights) { $obIBlockRights = new CIBlockRights($arIBlock['ID']); $obIBlockRights->Recalculate(); } } return true; } else { throw new AccessException(); } } else { throw new RestException('Entity not found', self::ERROR_ENTITY_NOT_FOUND); } } } public static function entityDelete($params, $n, $server) { if(self::checkParams($params)) { $arIBlock = self::getIBlock(self::getEntityIBlockCode($params['ENTITY'], $server)); if($arIBlock) { if(\CIBlockRights::UserHasRightTo($arIBlock['ID'], $arIBlock['ID'], 'iblock_edit')) { $ib = new \CIBlock(); if(!$ib->Delete($arIBlock['ID'])) { throw new RestException($ib->LAST_ERROR, RestException::ERROR_CORE); } return true; } else { throw new AccessException(); } } else { throw new RestException('Entity not found', self::ERROR_ENTITY_NOT_FOUND); } } } public static function entitySectionGet($params, $n, $server) { if(self::checkSectionParams($params)) { $arIBlock = self::getIBlock(self::getEntityIBlockCode($params['ENTITY'], $server)); if($arIBlock) { $arSort = array('ID' => 'ASC'); $arFilter = array(); if(isset($params['SORT']) && is_array($params['SORT'])) { $arSort = array_change_key_case($params['SORT'], CASE_UPPER); } if(isset($params['FILTER']) && is_array($params['FILTER'])) { $arFilter = array_change_key_case($params['FILTER'], CASE_UPPER); } $arFilter = self::checkSectionFilter($arFilter); $arFilter['IBLOCK_ID'] = $arIBlock['ID']; $arFilter['CHECK_PERMISSIONS'] = 'Y'; $dbRes = \CIBlockSection::GetList( $arSort, $arFilter, false, array('ID', 'IBLOCK_ID', 'CODE', 'TIMESTAMP_X', 'DATE_CREATE', 'CREATED_BY', 'MODIFIED_BY', 'ACTIVE', 'SORT', 'NAME', 'PICTURE', 'DETAIL_PICTURE', 'DESCRIPTION', 'LEFT_MARGIN', 'RIGHT_MARGIN', 'DEPTH_LEVEL', 'IBLOCK_SECTION_ID'), self::getNavData($n) ); $result = array(); while ($res = $dbRes->Fetch(false, false)) { $res['ENTITY'] = $params['ENTITY']; $res['SECTION'] = $res['IBLOCK_SECTION_ID']; $res['TIMESTAMP_X'] = CRestUtil::ConvertDateTime($res['TIMESTAMP_X']); $res['DATE_CREATE'] = CRestUtil::ConvertDateTime($res['DATE_CREATE']); if($res['PICTURE'] > 0) $res['PICTURE'] = self::getFile($res['PICTURE']); if($res['DETAIL_PICTURE'] > 0) $res['DETAIL_PICTURE'] = self::getFile($res['DETAIL_PICTURE']); unset($res['IBLOCK_ID']); unset($res['IBLOCK_SECTION_ID']); unset($res['DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE']); unset($res['DESCRIPTION_TYPE']); $result[] = $res; } return self::setNavData($result, $dbRes); } else { throw new RestException('Entity not found', self::ERROR_ENTITY_NOT_FOUND); } } } public static function entitySectionAdd($params, $n, $server) { if(self::checkSectionParams($params)) { $arIBlock = self::getIBlock(self::getEntityIBlockCode($params['ENTITY'], $server)); if($arIBlock) { if(\CIBlockRights::UserHasRightTo($arIBlock['ID'], $arIBlock['ID'], 'section_edit')) { $arSectionFields = self::prepareSection($params, $arIBlock, $server); $ib = new \CIBlockSection(); $ID = $ib->Add($arSectionFields); if($ID > 0) { //$server->setStatus(\CRestServer::STATUS_CREATED); return $ID; } else { throw new RestException($ib->LAST_ERROR, RestException::ERROR_CORE); } } else { throw new AccessException(); } } else { throw new RestException('Entity not found', self::ERROR_ENTITY_NOT_FOUND); } } } public static function entitySectionUpdate($params, $n, $server) { if(self::checkSectionParams($params)) { $params['ID'] = intval($params['ID']); if($params['ID'] <= 0) { throw new \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentNullException("ID"); } else { $arIBlock = self::getIBlock(self::getEntityIBlockCode($params['ENTITY'], $server)); if($arIBlock) { if(\CIBlockRights::UserHasRightTo($arIBlock['ID'], $arIBlock['ID'], 'section_edit')) { $dbRes = \CIBlockSection::GetList(array(), array( 'ID' => $params['ID'], 'IBLOCK_ID' => $arIBlock['ID'] ), false, array('ID')); $arRes = $dbRes->Fetch(); if($arRes) { $arSectionFields = self::prepareSection($params, $arIBlock, $server); if(count($arSectionFields) > 0) { $ib = new \CIBlockSection(); $res = $ib->Update($arRes['ID'], $arSectionFields); if(!$res) { throw new RestException($ib->LAST_ERROR, RestException::ERROR_CORE); } } return true; } else { throw new RestException('Section not found', self::ERROR_SECTION_NOT_FOUND); } } else { throw new AccessException(); } } else { throw new RestException('Entity not found', self::ERROR_ENTITY_NOT_FOUND); } } } } public static function entitySectionDelete($params, $n, $server) { if(self::checkSectionParams($params)) { $params['ID'] = intval($params['ID']); if($params['ID'] <= 0) { throw new \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentNullException("ID"); } else { $arIBlock = self::getIBlock(self::getEntityIBlockCode($params['ENTITY'], $server)); if($arIBlock) { if(\CIBlockRights::UserHasRightTo($arIBlock['ID'], $arIBlock['ID'], 'section_delete')) { $dbRes = \CIBlockSection::GetList(array(), array( 'ID' => $params['ID'], 'IBLOCK_ID' => $arIBlock['ID'] ), false, array('ID')); $arRes = $dbRes->Fetch(); if($arRes) { if(!\CIBlockSection::Delete($params['ID'])) { throw new RestException('Unable to delete section', RestException::ERROR_CORE); } return true; } else { throw new RestException('Section not found', self::ERROR_SECTION_NOT_FOUND); } } else { throw new AccessException(); } } else { throw new RestException('Entity not found', self::ERROR_ENTITY_NOT_FOUND); } } } } public static function entityItemGet($params, $n, $server) { if(self::checkItemParams($params)) { $arIBlock = self::getIBlock(self::getEntityIBlockCode($params['ENTITY'], $server)); if($arIBlock) { $arFields = array(); $dbRes = self::getItemProperties($params['ENTITY'], $server); while ($arField = $dbRes->Fetch()) { $arFields[$arField['CODE']] = $arField['ID']; } $arSort = array('ID' => 'ASC'); $arFilter = array(); if(isset($params['SORT']) && is_array($params['SORT'])) { $arSort = array_change_key_case($params['SORT'], CASE_UPPER); } if(isset($params['FILTER']) && is_array($params['FILTER'])) { $arFilter = array_change_key_case($params['FILTER'], CASE_UPPER); } $arFilter = self::checkFilter($arFilter); $arFilter['IBLOCK_ID'] = $arIBlock['ID']; $arFilter['CHECK_PERMISSIONS'] = 'Y'; $dbRes = \CIBlockElement::GetList( $arSort, $arFilter, false, self::getNavData($n), array('ID', 'IBLOCK_ID', 'TIMESTAMP_X', 'MODIFIED_BY', 'DATE_CREATE', 'CREATED_BY', 'ACTIVE', 'DATE_ACTIVE_FROM', 'DATE_ACTIVE_TO', 'SORT', 'NAME', 'PREVIEW_PICTURE', 'PREVIEW_TEXT', 'DETAIL_PICTURE', 'DETAIL_TEXT', 'CODE', 'IBLOCK_SECTION_ID') ); $result = array(); while ($el = $dbRes->GetNextElement(false)) { $res = $el->GetFields(); $arProps = $el->GetProperties(); foreach($res as $key => $value) { if(array_key_exists('~'.$key, $res)) { $res[$key] = $res['~'.$key]; unset($res['~'.$key]); } } $res['ENTITY'] = $params['ENTITY']; $res['SECTION'] = $res['IBLOCK_SECTION_ID']; if(!empty($arProps)) { $res['PROPERTY_VALUES'] = array(); foreach($arProps as $prop) { if($prop['PROPERTY_TYPE'] == 'F') { if($prop['VALUE'] > 0) { $prop['~VALUE'] = self::getFile($prop['~VALUE']); } } $res['PROPERTY_VALUES'][$prop['CODE']] = $prop['~VALUE']; } } $res['DATE_ACTIVE_FROM'] = CRestUtil::ConvertDateTime($res['DATE_ACTIVE_FROM']); $res['DATE_ACTIVE_TO'] = CRestUtil::ConvertDateTime($res['DATE_ACTIVE_TO']); $res['TIMESTAMP_X'] = CRestUtil::ConvertDateTime($res['TIMESTAMP_X']); $res['DATE_CREATE'] = CRestUtil::ConvertDateTime($res['DATE_CREATE']); if($res['PREVIEW_PICTURE'] > 0) $res['PREVIEW_PICTURE'] = self::getFile($res['PREVIEW_PICTURE']); if($res['DETAIL_PICTURE'] > 0) $res['DETAIL_PICTURE'] = self::getFile($res['DETAIL_PICTURE']); unset($res['IBLOCK_ID']); unset($res['IBLOCK_SECTION_ID']); unset($res['DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE']); unset($res['PREVIEW_TEXT_TYPE']); unset($res['ACTIVE_FROM']); unset($res['ACTIVE_TO']); $result[] = $res; } return self::setNavData($result, $dbRes); } else { throw new RestException('Entity not found', self::ERROR_ENTITY_NOT_FOUND); } } } public static function entityItemAdd($params, $n, $server) { if(self::checkItemParams($params)) { $arIBlock = self::getIBlock(self::getEntityIBlockCode($params['ENTITY'], $server)); if($arIBlock) { if(\CIBlockRights::UserHasRightTo($arIBlock['ID'], $arIBlock['ID'], 'element_edit')) { $arItemFields = self::prepareItem($params, $arIBlock, $server); $ib = new \CIBlockElement(); $ID = $ib->Add($arItemFields); if($ID > 0) { //$server->setStatus(\CRestServer::STATUS_CREATED); return $ID; } else { throw new RestException($ib->LAST_ERROR, RestException::ERROR_CORE); } } else { throw new AccessException(); } } else { throw new RestException('Entity not found', self::ERROR_ENTITY_NOT_FOUND); } } } public static function entityItemUpdate($params, $n, $server) { if(self::checkItemParams($params)) { $params['ID'] = intval($params['ID']); if($params['ID'] <= 0) { throw new \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentNullException("ID"); } else { $arIBlock = self::getIBlock(self::getEntityIBlockCode($params['ENTITY'], $server)); if($arIBlock) { if(\CIBlockRights::UserHasRightTo($arIBlock['ID'], $arIBlock['ID'], 'element_edit')) { $dbRes = \CIBlockElement::GetList(array(), array( 'ID' => $params['ID'], 'IBLOCK_ID' => $arIBlock['ID'] ), false, false, array('ID')); $arRes = $dbRes->Fetch(); if($arRes) { $arItemFields = self::prepareItem($params, $arIBlock, $server); if(count($arItemFields) > 0) { $ib = new \CIBlockElement(); $PROPS = false; if(isset($arItemFields['PROPERTY_VALUES'])) { $PROPS = $arItemFields['PROPERTY_VALUES']; unset($arItemFields['PROPERTY_VALUES']); } if(isset($arItemFields["PREVIEW_PICTURE"]) && $arItemFields["PREVIEW_PICTURE"] == false) { $arItemFields["PREVIEW_PICTURE"] = array("del" => "Y"); } if(isset($arItemFields["DETAIL_PICTURE"]) && $arItemFields["DETAIL_PICTURE"] == false) { $arItemFields["DETAIL_PICTURE"] = array("del" => "Y"); } $res = $ib->Update($arRes['ID'], $arItemFields); if($res) { if($PROPS) { \CIBlockElement::SetPropertyValuesEx($arRes['ID'], $arIBlock['ID'], $PROPS); } } else { throw new RestException($ib->LAST_ERROR, RestException::ERROR_CORE); } } return true; } else { throw new RestException('Item not found', self::ERROR_ITEM_NOT_FOUND); } } else { throw new AccessException(); } } else { throw new RestException('Entity not found', self::ERROR_ENTITY_NOT_FOUND); } } } } public static function entityItemDelete($params, $n, $server) { if(self::checkItemParams($params)) { $params['ID'] = intval($params['ID']); if($params['ID'] <= 0) { throw new \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentNullException("ID"); } else { $arIBlock = self::getIBlock(self::getEntityIBlockCode($params['ENTITY'], $server)); if($arIBlock) { if(\CIBlockRights::UserHasRightTo($arIBlock['ID'], $arIBlock['ID'], 'element_delete')) { $dbRes = \CIBlockElement::GetList(array(), array( 'ID' => $params['ID'], 'IBLOCK_ID' => $arIBlock['ID'] )); $arRes = $dbRes->Fetch(); if($arRes) { if(!\CIBlockElement::Delete($params['ID'])) { throw new RestException('Unable to delete item', RestException::ERROR_CORE); } return true; } else { throw new RestException('Item not found', self::ERROR_ITEM_NOT_FOUND); } } else { throw new AccessException(); } } else { throw new RestException('Entity not found', self::ERROR_ENTITY_NOT_FOUND); } } } } public static function entityItemPropertyGet($params, $n, $server) { if(self::checkItemPropertyParams($params)) { if(self::checkEntity($params['ENTITY'], $server)) { if(isset($params['PROPERTY']) && $params['PROPERTY'] != '') { $arField = self::getItemProperty($params['PROPERTY'], $params['ENTITY'], $server); if(is_array($arField)) { return array( 'PROPERTY' => $arField['CODE'], 'NAME' => $arField['NAME'], 'TYPE' => $arField['PROPERTY_TYPE'], 'SORT' => $arField['SORT'], ); } else { throw new RestException('Property not found', self::ERROR_PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND); } } else { $result = array(); $dbRes = self::getItemProperties($params['ENTITY'], $server); while ($arField = $dbRes->Fetch()) { $result[] = array( 'PROPERTY' => $arField['CODE'], 'NAME' => $arField['NAME'], 'TYPE' => $arField['PROPERTY_TYPE'], 'SORT' => $arField['SORT'], ); } return $result; } } else { throw new RestException('Entity not found', self::ERROR_ENTITY_NOT_FOUND); } } } public static function entityItemPropertyAdd($params, $n, $server) { if(self::checkItemPropertyParams($params)) { if(!self::checkItemProperty($params['PROPERTY'], $params['ENTITY'], $server)) { if(!isset($params['PROPERTY'])) { throw new \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentNullException('PROPERTY'); } $arIBlock = self::getIBlock(self::getEntityIBlockCode($params['ENTITY'], $server)); if($arIBlock) { if(\CIBlockRights::UserHasRightTo($arIBlock['ID'], $arIBlock['ID'], 'iblock_edit')) { $arFields = array( "IBLOCK_ID" => $arIBlock['ID'], "CODE" => $params['PROPERTY'], "NAME" => $params['NAME'], "ACTIVE" => "Y", "PROPERTY_TYPE" => $params['TYPE'], "SORT" => $params['SORT'], ); if($params['TYPE'] == 'L') { throw new \Bitrix\Main\NotSupportedException(self::ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_PROPERTY_TYPE); } $ibp = new \CIBlockProperty; $propId = $ibp->Add($arFields); if($propId <= 0) { throw new RestException($ibp->LAST_ERROR, RestException::ERROR_CORE); } //$server->setStatus(\CRestServer::STATUS_CREATED); return true; } else { throw new AccessException(); } } else { throw new RestException('Entity not found', self::ERROR_ENTITY_NOT_FOUND); } } else { throw new RestException ('Property already exists', self::ERROR_PROPERTY_ALREADY_EXISTS); } } } public static function entityItemPropertyUpdate($params, $n, $server) { if(self::checkItemPropertyParams($params)) { if(self::checkEntity($params['ENTITY'], $server)) { $arField = self::getItemProperty($params['PROPERTY'], $params['ENTITY'], $server); if($arField) { if(\CIBlockRights::UserHasRightTo($arField['IBLOCK_ID'], $arField['IBLOCK_ID'], 'iblock_edit')) { $arPropFields = array(); if(isset($params['PROPERTY_NEW']) && $params['PROPERTY_NEW'] != $params['PROPERTY']) { if (self::checkItemProperty($params['PROPERTY_NEW'], $params['ENTITY'], $server)) { throw new RestException ('Property '.$params['PROPERTY_NEW'].' already exists', self::ERROR_PROPERTY_ALREADY_EXISTS); } $arPropFields["CODE"] = $params['PROPERTY_NEW']; } if(isset($params['NAME'])) { $arPropFields['NAME'] = trim($params['NAME']); } if(isset($params['SORT'])) { $arPropFields['SORT'] = trim($params['SORT']); } if(isset($params['TYPE']) && $arField['PROPERTY_TYPE'] != $params['TYPE']) { if($params['TYPE'] == 'F') { throw new \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException('Cannot change property type to File', "TYPE"); } // elseif($params['TYPE'] == 'L') // { // throw new \Bitrix\Main\NotSupportedException(self::ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_PROPERTY_TYPE); // } else { $arPropFields['PROPERTY_TYPE'] = $params['TYPE']; } } $ibp = new \CIBlockProperty; if(!$ibp->Update($arField['ID'], $arPropFields)) { throw new RestException($ibp->LAST_ERROR, RestException::ERROR_CORE); } return true; } else { throw new AccessException(); } } else { throw new RestException('Property not found', self::ERROR_PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND); } } else { throw new RestException('Entity not found', self::ERROR_ENTITY_NOT_FOUND); } } } public static function entityItemPropertyDelete($params, $n, $server) { if(self::checkItemPropertyParams($params)) { if(self::checkEntity($params['ENTITY'], $server)) { $arField = self::getItemProperty($params['PROPERTY'], $params['ENTITY'], $server); if($arField) { if(\CIBlockRights::UserHasRightTo($arField['IBLOCK_ID'], $arField['IBLOCK_ID'], 'iblock_edit')) { $ibp = new \CIBlockProperty; if(!$ibp->Delete($arField['ID'])) { throw new RestException($ibp->LAST_ERROR, RestException::ERROR_CORE); } return true; } else { throw new AccessException(); } } else { throw new RestException('Property not found', self::ERROR_PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND); } } else { throw new RestException('Entity not found', self::ERROR_ENTITY_NOT_FOUND); } } } public static function Clean($appId) { if(CModule::IncludeModule('iblock')) { $dbRes = \CIBlock::GetList(array(), array( '=TYPE' => self::getIBlockType(), 'CODE' => self::ENTITY_IBLOCK_CODE_PREFIX."_".$appId.'%' )); while ($arRes = $dbRes->Fetch()) { \CIBlock::Delete($arRes['ID']); } } } protected static function checkIblockType() { $iblockType = COption::GetOptionString("rest", "entity_iblock_type", "rest_entity"); $arIBlockTypeData = array( 'ID' => $iblockType, 'SECTIONS' => 'Y', 'IN_RSS' => 'N', ); $obBlocktype = new \CIBlockType(); if($obBlocktype->Add($arIBlockTypeData)) { COption::SetOptionString("rest", "entity_iblock_type", $iblockType); $dbRes = \CIBlock::GetList(array(), array('TYPE' => $iblockType)); $taskId = \CIBlockRights::LetterToTask('X'); while ($arIBlock = $dbRes->Fetch()) { $obIBlockRights = new \CIBlockRights($arIBlock['ID']); $arRights = $obIBlockRights->GetRights(); foreach($arRights as $key => $arRight) { if($arRight['GROUP_CODE'] == 'U1') { unset($arRights[$key]); } } $arRights['n0'] = array( 'GROUP_CODE' => 'U1', 'TASK_ID' => $taskId, 'DO_CLEAN' => 'N', ); $obIBlockRights->SetRights($arRights); } } } protected static function getIBlock($code, $bSkipCheck = false) { $dbRes = \CIBlock::GetList(array(), array( '=TYPE' => self::getIBlockType(), '=CODE' => $code, )); $arRes = $dbRes->Fetch(); if(!$arRes && !$bSkipCheck) { self::checkIblockType(); return self::getIBlock($code, true); } return $arRes; } protected static function getIBlocks($server) { return \CIBlock::GetList(array(), array( '=TYPE' => self::getIBlockType(), 'CODE' => self::getEntityIBlockCode('%', $server) )); } protected static function getItemProperty($property, $entity, $server) { $dbRes = \CIBlockProperty::GetByID($property, false, self::getEntityIBlockCode($entity, $server)); return $dbRes->Fetch(); } protected static function getItemProperties($entity, $server) { return \CIBlockProperty::GetList( array('SORT' => 'ASC'), array('IBLOCK_CODE' => self::getEntityIBlockCode($entity, $server)) ); } protected static function checkParams(&$params) { $params = array_change_key_case($params, CASE_UPPER); if(isset($params['ENTITY'])) { $params['ENTITY'] = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/i', '', trim(strval($params['ENTITY']))); if($params['ENTITY'] == '') { throw new \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentNullException("ENTITY"); } if(isset($params['ENTITY_NEW'])) { $params['ENTITY_NEW'] = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/i', '', trim(strval($params['ENTITY_NEW']))); } } else { throw new \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentNullException("ENTITY"); } return true; } protected static function checkItemParams(&$params) { if(self::checkParams($params)) { return true; } else { return false; } } protected static function checkSectionParams(&$params) { if(self::checkParams($params)) { return true; } else { return false; } } protected static function checkItemPropertyParams(&$params) { if(self::checkParams($params)) { if(isset($params['PROPERTY'])) { $params['PROPERTY'] = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/i', '', trim(strval($params['PROPERTY']))); } if(isset($params['PROPERTY_NEW'])) { $params['PROPERTY_NEW'] = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/i', '', trim(strval($params['PROPERTY_NEW']))); } if(isset($params['TYPE'])) { $params['TYPE'] = ToUpper($params['TYPE']); if(!in_array($params['TYPE'], array('S', 'N', 'F'/*, 'L'*/))) { throw new \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException('Wrong entity item property type', "TYPE"); } } if(isset($params['SORT'])) { $params['SORT'] = intval($params['SORT']); } return true; } else { return false; } } protected static function checkEntity($entity, $server) { if(self::getIBlock(self::getEntityIBlockCode($entity, $server))) return true; else return false; } protected static function checkItemProperty($property, $entity, $server) { if(self::getItemProperty($property, $entity, $server)) return true; else return false; } protected static function parseEntity($iblock, \CRestServer $server) { if(!$server->getClientId()) { throw new AccessException("Application context required"); } $str = self::ENTITY_IBLOCK_CODE_PREFIX."_".$server->getClientId()."_"; if(mb_substr($iblock, 0, mb_strlen($str)) === $str) { return mb_substr($iblock, mb_strlen($str)); } else { return false; } } protected static function getEntityIBlockCode($entity, \CRestServer $server) { if(!$server->getClientId()) { throw new AccessException("Application context required"); } return self::ENTITY_IBLOCK_CODE_PREFIX."_".$server->getClientId()."_".$entity; } protected static function getIBlockType() { return COption::GetOptionString("rest", "entity_iblock_type", "rest_entity"); } protected static function prepareItem($params, $arIBlock, $server) { $arItemFields = array(); foreach($params as $key => $param) { switch($key) { case 'ENTITY': case 'IBLOCK_ID': case 'ID': case 'RIGHTS': case 'PREVIEW_TEXT_TYPE': case 'DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE': case 'CREATED_BY': case 'MODIFIED_BY': case 'DATE_CREATE': case 'SHOW_COUNTER': case 'SHOW_COUNTER_START': case 'TAGS': break; case 'PROPERTY_VALUES': $PROPS = array(); $dbRes = self::getItemProperties($params['ENTITY'], $server); while ($arField = $dbRes->Fetch()) { if(isset($param[$arField['CODE']])) { if($arField['PROPERTY_TYPE'] == 'F') { $PROPS[$arField['CODE']] = CRestUtil::saveFile($param[$arField['CODE']]); } else { $PROPS[$arField['CODE']] = $param[$arField['CODE']]; } } } $arItemFields['PROPERTY_VALUES'] = $PROPS; break; case 'DATE_ACTIVE_FROM': case 'DATE_ACTIVE_TO': $arItemFields[$key] = CRestUtil::unConvertDateTime($param, true); break; case 'PREVIEW_PICTURE': case 'DETAIL_PICTURE': $arItemFields[$key] = CRestUtil::saveFile($param); break; case 'SECTION': $arItemFields['IBLOCK_SECTION_ID'] = $param; break; default: if(!preg_match('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/', $key)) $arItemFields[$key] = $param; break; } } $arItemFields['IBLOCK_ID'] = $arIBlock['ID']; return $arItemFields; } protected static function prepareSection($params, $arIBlock, $server) { $arSectionFields = array(); foreach($params as $key => $param) { switch($key) { case 'ENTITY': case 'IBLOCK_ID': case 'ID': case 'RIGHTS': case 'DESCRIPTION_TYPE': case 'CREATED_BY': case 'MODIFIED_BY': case 'DATE_CREATE': case 'XML_ID': case 'EXTERNAL_ID': case 'TIMESTAMP_X_UNIX': break; case 'PICTURE': case 'DETAIL_PICTURE': $arSectionFields[$key] = CRestUtil::saveFile($param); break; case 'SECTION': $arSectionFields['IBLOCK_SECTION_ID'] = $param; break; default: if(!preg_match('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/', $key)) $arSectionFields[$key] = $param; break; } } $arSectionFields['IBLOCK_ID'] = $arIBlock['ID']; return $arSectionFields; } protected static function checkFilter($arFilter, $bChangeLogic = true) { if(is_array($arFilter)) { $arFilter = array_change_key_case($arFilter, CASE_UPPER); foreach ($arFilter as $key => $value) { if(is_numeric($key) && is_array($value)) { $arFilter[$key] = self::checkFilter($value, false); } elseif(preg_match('/^([^a-zA-Z]*)(.*)/', $key, $matches)) { $operation = $matches[1]; $field = $matches[2]; if(!in_array($operation, self::$arAllowedOperations)) { unset($arFilter[$key]); } else { switch($field) { case 'DATE_ACTIVE_FROM': case 'DATE_ACTIVE_TO': case 'TIMESTAMP_X': case 'DATE_CREATE': $arFilter[$key] = CRestUtil::unConvertDateTime($value, true); break; case 'SECTION': $arFilter[$operation.'IBLOCK_SECTION_ID'] = $value; unset($arFilter[$key]); break; case 'IBLOCK_ID': case 'CHECK_PERMISSIONS': unset($arFilter[$key]); break; case 'LOGIC': if($bChangeLogic) unset($arFilter[$key]); break; default: break; } } } else { unset($arFilter[$key]); } } } return $arFilter; } protected static function checkSectionFilter($arFilter, $bChangeLogic = true) { if(is_array($arFilter)) { $arFilter = array_change_key_case($arFilter, CASE_UPPER); foreach ($arFilter as $key => $value) { if(preg_match('/^([^a-zA-Z]*)(.*)/', $key, $matches)) { $operation = $matches[1]; $field = $matches[2]; if(!in_array($operation, self::$arAllowedOperations)) { unset($arFilter[$key]); } else { switch($field) { case 'TIMESTAMP_X': case 'DATE_CREATE': $arFilter[$key] = CRestUtil::unConvertDateTime($value, true); break; case 'SECTION': $arFilter[$operation.'IBLOCK_SECTION_ID'] = $value; unset($arFilter[$key]); break; case 'IBLOCK_ID': case 'CHECK_PERMISSIONS': unset($arFilter[$key]); break; default: break; } } } else { unset($arFilter[$key]); } } } return $arFilter; } protected static function checkRights($arRights) { $res = array(); $i = 0; foreach($arRights as $rightCode => $access) { if($access == 'W' || $access == 'R' || $access == 'X') { $res['n'.($i++)] = array( 'GROUP_CODE' => $rightCode, 'TASK_ID' => \CIBlockRights::LetterToTask($access), 'DO_CLEAN' => 'N', ); } } return $res; } protected static function getFile($fileId) { $arFile = CFile::GetFileArray($fileId); if(is_array($arFile)) { return \CHTTP::URN2URI($arFile['SRC']); } else { return ''; } } } ?>