extensions !== null) { return $this->extensions; } return $this->extensions = new \Protobuf\Extension\ExtensionFieldMap(__CLASS__); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function unknownFieldSet() { return $this->unknownFieldSet; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public static function fromStream($stream, \Protobuf\Configuration $configuration = null) { return new self($stream, $configuration); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public static function fromArray(array $values) { $message = new self(); $values = array_merge([ ], $values); return $message; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public static function descriptor() { return \google\protobuf\DescriptorProto::fromArray([ 'name' => 'ServerStatsRequest', ]); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function toStream(\Protobuf\Configuration $configuration = null) { $config = $configuration ?: \Protobuf\Configuration::getInstance(); $context = $config->createWriteContext(); $stream = $context->getStream(); $this->writeTo($context); $stream->seek(0); return $stream; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function writeTo(\Protobuf\WriteContext $context) { $stream = $context->getStream(); $writer = $context->getWriter(); $sizeContext = $context->getComputeSizeContext(); if ($this->extensions !== null) { $this->extensions->writeTo($context); } return $stream; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function readFrom(\Protobuf\ReadContext $context) { $reader = $context->getReader(); $length = $context->getLength(); $stream = $context->getStream(); $limit = ($length !== null) ? ($stream->tell() + $length) : null; while ($limit === null || $stream->tell() < $limit) { if ($stream->eof()) { break; } $key = $reader->readVarint($stream); $wire = \Protobuf\WireFormat::getTagWireType($key); $tag = \Protobuf\WireFormat::getTagFieldNumber($key); if ($stream->eof()) { break; } $extensions = $context->getExtensionRegistry(); $extension = $extensions ? $extensions->findByNumber(__CLASS__, $tag) : null; if ($extension !== null) { $this->extensions()->add($extension, $extension->readFrom($context, $wire)); continue; } if ($this->unknownFieldSet === null) { $this->unknownFieldSet = new \Protobuf\UnknownFieldSet(); } $data = $reader->readUnknown($stream, $wire); $unknown = new \Protobuf\Unknown($tag, $wire, $data); $this->unknownFieldSet->add($unknown); } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function serializedSize(\Protobuf\ComputeSizeContext $context) { $calculator = $context->getSizeCalculator(); $size = 0; if ($this->extensions !== null) { $size += $this->extensions->serializedSize($context); } return $size; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function clear() { } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function merge(\Protobuf\Message $message) { if ( ! $message instanceof \Bitrix\Pull\Protobuf\ServerStatsRequest) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Argument 1 passed to %s must be a %s, %s given', __METHOD__, __CLASS__, get_class($message))); } } }