wizardName = $wizardName; $this->package = $package; $this->wizardSteps = Array(); $this->currentStepID = null; $this->firstStepID = null; $this->nextButtonID = "StepNext"; $this->prevButtonID = "StepPrevious"; $this->finishButtonID = "StepFinish"; $this->cancelButtonID = "StepCancel"; $this->nextStepHiddenID = "NextStepID"; $this->prevStepHiddenID = "PreviousStepID"; $this->finishStepHiddenID = "FinishStepID"; $this->cancelStepHiddenID = "CancelStepID"; $this->currentStepHiddenID = "CurrentStepID"; $this->variablePrefix = "__wiz_"; $this->formName = "__wizard_form"; $this->formActionScript = "/".ltrim($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], "/"); $this->returnOutput = false; $this->defaultVars = Array(); $this->arTemplates = Array(); $this->defaultTemplate = null; $this->useAdminTemplate = true; } function AddStep($obStep, $stepID = null) { if (!is_subclass_of($obStep, "CWizardStep")) { $this->__ShowError("Your class ".get_class($obStep)." is not a subclass of CWizardStep
"); return; } $obStep->_SetWizard($this); $obStep->InitStep(); $ownStepID = $obStep->GetStepID(); if ($ownStepID == null && $stepID == null) { $this->__ShowError("Your step (class ".get_class($obStep).") has no ID
"); return; } $stepID = ($stepID !== null ? $stepID : $ownStepID); $obStep->SetStepID($stepID); $this->wizardSteps[$stepID] = $obStep; if ($this->firstStepID === null) $this->SetFirstStep($stepID); } function AddSteps($arClasses) { if (!is_array($arClasses)) return false; foreach ($arClasses as $className) { if (!class_exists($className)) continue; $this->AddStep(new $className); } } function SetTemplate($obStepTemplate, $stepID = null) { if (!is_subclass_of($obStepTemplate, "CWizardTemplate")) return; $obStepTemplate->_SetWizard($this); if ($stepID === null) $this->defaultTemplate = $obStepTemplate; else $this->arTemplates[$stepID] = $obStepTemplate; } function DisableAdminTemplate() { $this->useAdminTemplate = false; } function SetFirstStep($stepID) { $this->firstStepID = $stepID; } function SetCurrentStep($stepID) { if (array_key_exists($stepID, $this->wizardSteps)) $this->currentStepID = $stepID; } function GetCurrentStepID() { return $this->currentStepID; } /** * @return CWizardStep */ function GetCurrentStep() { if (array_key_exists($this->currentStepID, $this->wizardSteps)) return $this->wizardSteps[$this->currentStepID]; return null; } function GetWizardSteps() { return $this->wizardSteps; } function GetVars($useDefault = false) { $arVars = Array(); $prefix = $this->GetVarPrefix(); $prefixLength = mb_strlen($prefix); foreach ($_REQUEST as $varName => $varValue) { if (strncmp($prefix, $varName, $prefixLength) == 0) $arVars[mb_substr($varName, $prefixLength)] = $varValue; } if ($useDefault) { $arDefault = $this->GetDefaultVars(); $arVars = array_merge($arDefault, $arVars); } return $arVars; } function GetVar($varName, $useDefault = false) { $varName = str_replace("[]", "", $varName); $trueName = $this->GetRealName($varName); if (array_key_exists($trueName, $_REQUEST)) return $_REQUEST[$trueName]; elseif(mb_strpos($trueName, '[')) { $varValue = $this->__GetComplexVar($trueName, $_REQUEST); if($varValue !== null) { return $varValue; } elseif($useDefault) { return $this->GetDefaultVar($varName); } } elseif ($useDefault) return $this->GetDefaultVar($varName); return null; } function SetVar($varName, $varValue) { $trueName = $this->GetRealName($varName); if (!mb_strpos($varName, '[')) $_REQUEST[$trueName] = $varValue; else $this->__SetComplexVar($trueName, $varValue, $_REQUEST); } function UnSetVar($varName) { $trueName = $this->GetRealName($varName); if (!mb_strpos($varName, '[')) unset($_REQUEST[$trueName]); else $this->__UnSetComplexVar($trueName, $_REQUEST); } function __GetComplexVar($varName, &$arVars) { $tokens = explode("[", str_replace("]", "", $varName)); $arValues =& $arVars; do { $token = array_shift($tokens); if (!isset($arValues[$token])) return null; $arValues =& $arValues[$token]; } while (!empty($tokens)); return $arValues; } function __SetComplexVar($varName, $value, &$arVars) { $tokens = explode("[", str_replace("]", "", $varName)); $arValues =& $arVars; do { $token = array_shift($tokens); if (!isset($arValues[$token])) $arValues[$token] = Array(); $arValues =& $arValues[$token]; } while (count($tokens) > 1); $arValues[$tokens[0]] = $value; } function __UnSetComplexVar($varName, &$arVars) { $tokens = explode("[", str_replace("]", "", $varName)); $arValues =& $arVars; do { $token = array_shift($tokens); if (!isset($arValues[$token])) return null; $arValues =& $arValues[$token]; } while (count($tokens) > 1); unset($arValues[array_pop($tokens)]); } function GetRealName($varName) { return $this->GetVarPrefix().$varName; } function GetVarPrefix() { return $this->variablePrefix; } function SetVarPrefix($varPrefix) { $this->variablePrefix = $varPrefix; } function SetDefaultVar($varName, $varValue) { $varName = str_replace("[]", "", $varName); if (!mb_strpos($varName, '[')) $this->defaultVars[$varName] = $varValue; else $this->__SetComplexVar($varName, $varValue, $this->defaultVars); } function SetDefaultVars($arVars) { if (!is_array($arVars)) return; foreach ($arVars as $varName => $varValue) $this->SetDefaultVar($varName, $varValue); } function GetDefaultVar($varName) { $varName = str_replace("[]", "", $varName); if (array_key_exists($varName, $this->defaultVars)) return $this->defaultVars[$varName]; elseif(mb_strpos($varName, '[')) { return $this->__GetComplexVar($varName, $this->defaultVars); } return null; } function GetDefaultVars() { return $this->defaultVars; } function GetWizardName() { return $this->wizardName; } function SetFormName($formName) { $this->formName = $formName; } function GetFormName() { return $this->formName; } function SetFormActionScript($actionScript) { $this->formActionScript = $actionScript; } function GetFormActionScript() { return $this->formActionScript; } function IsNextButtonClick() { return ( isset($_REQUEST[$this->nextButtonID]) && isset($_REQUEST[$this->nextStepHiddenID]) ); } function IsPrevButtonClick() { return ( isset($_REQUEST[$this->prevButtonID]) && isset($_REQUEST[$this->prevStepHiddenID]) ); } function IsFinishButtonClick() { return ( isset($_REQUEST[$this->finishButtonID]) && isset($_REQUEST[$this->finishStepHiddenID]) ); } function IsCancelButtonClick() { return ( isset($_REQUEST[$this->cancelButtonID]) && isset($_REQUEST[$this->cancelStepHiddenID]) ); } function SetNextButtonID($buttonID) { $this->nextButtonID = $buttonID; } function GetNextButtonID() { return $this->nextButtonID; } function GetNextStepID() { if (isset($_REQUEST[$this->nextStepHiddenID])) return $_REQUEST[$this->nextStepHiddenID]; return null; } function SetPrevButtonID($buttonID) { $this->prevButtonID = $buttonID; } function GetPrevButtonID() { return $this->prevButtonID; } function GetPrevStepID() { if (isset($_REQUEST[$this->prevStepHiddenID])) return $_REQUEST[$this->prevStepHiddenID]; return null; } function SetFinishButtonID($buttonID) { $this->finishButtonID = $buttonID; } function GetFinishButtonID() { return $this->finishButtonID; } function GetFinishStepID() { if (isset($_REQUEST[$this->finishStepHiddenID])) return $_REQUEST[$this->finishStepHiddenID]; return null; } function SetCancelButtonID($buttonID) { $this->cancelButtonID = $buttonID; } function GetCancelButtonID() { return $this->cancelButtonID; } function GetCancelStepID() { if (isset($_REQUEST[$this->cancelStepHiddenID])) return $_REQUEST[$this->cancelStepHiddenID]; return null; } function SetReturnOutput($mode = true) { $this->returnOutput = (bool)$mode; } function GetPackage() { return $this->package; } function Display() { $currentStep = &$this->currentStepID; //What button has just been pressed if ($this->IsPrevButtonClick()) $currentStep = $this->GetPrevStepID(); elseif ($this->IsNextButtonClick()) $currentStep = $this->GetNextStepID(); elseif ($this->IsCancelButtonClick()) $currentStep = $this->GetCancelStepID(); elseif ($this->IsFinishButtonClick()) $currentStep = $this->GetFinishStepID(); //Execute current step action if ( isset($_REQUEST[$this->currentStepHiddenID]) && isset($this->wizardSteps[$_REQUEST[$this->currentStepHiddenID]]) ) { $oCurrentStep = $this->wizardSteps[$_REQUEST[$this->currentStepHiddenID]]; if (method_exists($oCurrentStep, "OnPostForm")) { $oCurrentStep->OnPostForm(); if (!empty($oCurrentStep->stepErrors)) $currentStep = $_REQUEST[$this->currentStepHiddenID]; } } //If step is not found, show a first step if (!isset($this->wizardSteps[$currentStep])) { if (isset($this->wizardSteps[$this->firstStepID])) $currentStep = $this->firstStepID; else { $this->__ShowError("Wizard has no any step"); return; } } return $this->_DisplayStep(); } function _DisplayStep() { $oStep = $this->GetCurrentStep(); $oStep->ShowStep(); $formStart = '
'; $formStart .= ''; $formStart .= $this->__DisplayHiddenVars($this->GetVars(), $oStep); /* if ($oStep->prevStepID !== null) $strResult .= ' '; if ($oStep->nextStepID !== null) $strResult .= ' '; if ($oStep->finishStepID !== null) $strResult .= ' '; if ($oStep->cancelStepID !== null) $strResult .= '   '; */ $formEnd = "
"; $stepLayout = $this->__GetStepLayout(); $stepLayout = $stepLayout->GetLayout(); $buttonsHtml = ""; $prevButtonHtml = ""; if ($oStep->prevStepID !== null) { $formStart .= ''; $prevButtonHtml = ''; $buttonsHtml .= $prevButtonHtml; } $nextButtonHtml = ""; if ($oStep->nextStepID !== null) { $formStart .= ''; $nextButtonHtml = ''; $buttonsHtml .= ($buttonsHtml <> '' ? " " : "").$nextButtonHtml; } $finishButtonHtml = ""; if ($oStep->finishStepID !== null) { $formStart .= ''; $finishButtonHtml = ''; $buttonsHtml .= ($buttonsHtml <> '' ? " " : "").$finishButtonHtml; } $cancelButtonHtml = ""; if ($oStep->cancelStepID !== null) { $formStart .= ''; $cancelButtonHtml = ''; $buttonsHtml .= ($buttonsHtml <> '' ? "   " : "").$cancelButtonHtml; } $output = str_replace("{#FORM_START#}", $formStart, $stepLayout); $output = str_replace("{#FORM_END#}", $formEnd, $output); $output = str_replace("{#CONTENT#}", $oStep->content, $output); //$output = str_replace("{#BUTTONS#}", $this->__DisplayButtons(), $output); $output = str_replace("{#BUTTONS#}", $buttonsHtml, $output); $output = str_replace("{#BUTTON_PREVIOUS#}", $prevButtonHtml, $output); $output = str_replace("{#BUTTON_NEXT#}", $nextButtonHtml, $output); $output = str_replace("{#BUTTON_CANCEL#}", $finishButtonHtml, $output); $output = str_replace("{#BUTTON_FINISH#}", $cancelButtonHtml, $output); if ($this->returnOutput) return $output; else echo $output; } function __GetStepLayout() { if (defined("ADMIN_SECTION") && ADMIN_SECTION === true && $this->useAdminTemplate === true) { $template = new CWizardAdminTemplate; $template->_SetWizard($this); return $template; } elseif (isset($this->arTemplates[$this->currentStepID])) { return $this->arTemplates[$this->currentStepID]; } elseif (is_object($this->defaultTemplate)) { return $this->defaultTemplate; } else { $template = new CWizardTemplate; $template->_SetWizard($this); return $template; } } function __DisplayHiddenVars($arVars, $oStep, $concatString = null) { $strReturn = ""; foreach ($arVars as $varName => $varValue) { if ($concatString !== null) $varName = $concatString."[".$varName."]"; if ($oStep->DisplayVarExists($varName)) continue; if (is_array($varValue)) $strReturn .= $this->__DisplayHiddenVars($varValue, $oStep, $varName); else $strReturn .= ' '; } return $strReturn; } function __ShowError($errorMessage) { if ($errorMessage <> '') echo ''.$errorMessage.''; } /* Old compatible Methods*/ function GetID() { if ($this->package === null) return ""; return $this->package->GetID(); } function GetPath() { if ($this->package === null) return ""; return $this->package->GetPath(); } function GetSiteTemplateID() { if ($this->package === null) return null; return $this->package->GetSiteTemplateID(); } function GetSiteGroupID() { if ($this->package === null) return null; return $this->package->GetSiteGroupID(); } function GetSiteID() { if ($this->package === null) return null; return $this->package->GetSiteID(); } function GetSiteServiceID() { if ($this->package === null) return null; return $this->package->GetSiteServiceID(); } /* Old compatible methods */ } class CWizardStep { var $stepTitle; var $stepSubTitle; var $stepID; var $nextStepID; var $prevStepID; var $finishStepID; var $cancelStepID; var $nextCaption; var $prevCaption; var $finishCaption; var $cancelCaption; var $displayVars; var $stepErrors; var $wizard; // reference to wizard object var $content; var $autoSubmit; public function __construct() { $this->stepTitle = ""; $this->stepSubTitle = ""; $this->stepID = null; $this->prevCaption = GetMessage("MAIN_WIZARD_PREV_CAPTION"); $this->nextCaption = GetMessage("MAIN_WIZARD_NEXT_CAPTION"); $this->finishCaption = GetMessage("MAIN_WIZARD_FINISH_CAPTION"); $this->cancelCaption = GetMessage("MAIN_WIZARD_CANCEL_CAPTION"); $this->nextStepID = null; $this->prevStepID = null; $this->finishStepID = null; $this->cancelStepID = null; $this->wizard = null; $this->displayVars = Array(); $this->stepErrors = Array(); $this->content = ""; $this->autoSubmit = false; } //Step initialization function InitStep() { //should be overloaded } //Step action function OnPostForm() { //should be overloaded } //Step output function ShowStep() { //should be overloaded } function SetTitle($title) { $this->stepTitle = $title; } function GetTitle() { return $this->stepTitle; } function SetSubTitle($stepSubTitle) { $this->stepSubTitle = $stepSubTitle; } function GetSubTitle() { return $this->stepSubTitle; } function SetStepID($stepID) { $this->stepID = $stepID; } function GetStepID() { return $this->stepID; } function SetNextStep($stepID) { $this->nextStepID = $stepID; } function GetNextStepID() { return $this->nextStepID; } function SetNextCaption($caption) { $this->nextCaption = $caption; } function GetNextCaption() { return $this->nextCaption; } function SetPrevStep($stepID) { $this->prevStepID = $stepID; } function GetPrevStepID() { return $this->prevStepID; } function SetPrevCaption($caption) { $this->prevCaption = $caption; } function GetPrevCaption() { return $this->prevCaption; } function SetFinishStep($stepID) { $this->finishStepID = $stepID; } function GetFinishStepID() { return $this->finishStepID; } function SetFinishCaption($caption) { $this->finishCaption = $caption; } function GetFinishCaption() { return $this->finishCaption; } function SetCancelStep($stepID) { $this->cancelStepID = $stepID; } function GetCancelStepID() { return $this->cancelStepID; } function SetCancelCaption($caption) { $this->cancelCaption = $caption; } function GetCancelCaption() { return $this->cancelCaption; } function SetDisplayVars($arVars) { if (!is_array($arVars)) return; $wizard = $this->GetWizard(); foreach ($arVars as $varName) { $varName = str_replace("[]", "", $varName); if (!in_array($varName, $this->displayVars)) $this->displayVars[] = $varName; } } function DisplayVarExists($varName) { $varName = str_replace("[]", "", $varName); if (in_array($varName, $this->displayVars, true)) return true; return null; } function GetDisplayVars() { return $this->displayVars; } function SetError($strError, $id = false) { $this->stepErrors[] = Array($strError, $id); } function GetErrors() { return $this->stepErrors; } //Text and textarea controls function ShowInputField($type, $name, $arAttributes = Array()) { $strReturn = ""; $wizard = $this->GetWizard(); $prefixName = $wizard->GetRealName($name); $value = (($v = $wizard->GetVar($name)) <> '' ? $v : $wizard->GetDefaultVar($name)); $this->SetDisplayVars(Array($name)); switch ($type) { case "text": if (!isset($arAttributes["size"])) $arAttributes["size"] = 10; $strReturn .= '_ShowAttributes($arAttributes).' />'; break; case "password": if (!isset($arAttributes["size"])) $arAttributes["size"] = 10; $strReturn .= '_ShowAttributes($arAttributes).' />'; break; case "textarea": $strReturn .= ''; break; } return $strReturn; } //Checkbox control function ShowCheckboxField($name, $value, $arAttributes = Array()) { $this->SetDisplayVars(Array($name)); $wizard = $this->GetWizard(); $valueFromPost = $wizard->GetVar($name); if ($valueFromPost !== null && !is_array($valueFromPost)) $valueFromPost = Array($valueFromPost); $valueFromDefault = $wizard->GetDefaultVar($name); if ($valueFromDefault !== null && !is_array($valueFromDefault)) $valueFromDefault = Array($valueFromDefault); $checked = ( (($valueFromPost !== null && in_array($value, $valueFromPost)) || ($valueFromDefault !== null && $valueFromPost == "" && in_array($value, $valueFromDefault))) && ($arAttributes["checked"] !== false) ); static $arViewedField = Array(); $viewName = str_replace("[]", "", $name); $strReturn = ""; if (!in_array($viewName, $arViewedField) /*&& !$valueWasViewed*/) { $arViewedField[] = $viewName; $strReturn .= ''; } $prefixName = $wizard->GetRealName($name); $strReturn .= '_ShowAttributes($arAttributes).' />'; return $strReturn; } //Radio button control function ShowRadioField($name, $value, $arAttributes = Array()) { $this->SetDisplayVars(Array($name)); $wizard = $this->GetWizard(); $valueFromPost = $wizard->GetVar($name); if ($valueFromPost !== null && !is_array($valueFromPost)) $valueFromPost = Array($valueFromPost); $valueFromDefault = $wizard->GetDefaultVar($name); if ($valueFromDefault !== null && !is_array($valueFromDefault)) $valueFromDefault = Array($valueFromDefault); static $arCheckedField = Array(); $checked = false; $checkName = str_replace("[]", "", $name); if (!in_array($checkName, $arCheckedField)) { $checked = ( ($valueFromPost !== null && in_array($value, $valueFromPost)) || ($valueFromDefault !== null && $valueFromPost === null && in_array($value, $valueFromDefault)) ); if ($checked) $arCheckedField[] = $checkName; } $prefixName = $wizard->GetRealName($name); return '_ShowAttributes($arAttributes).' />'; } //Dropdown and multiple controls function ShowSelectField($name, $arValues = Array(), $arAttributes = Array()) { $wizard = $this->GetWizard(); $this->SetDisplayVars(Array($name)); $varValue = $wizard->GetVar($name); $selectedValues = ( $varValue !== null && $varValue != "" ? $varValue : ( $varValue === "" ? Array() : $wizard->GetDefaultVar($name) ) ); if (!is_array($selectedValues)) $selectedValues = Array($selectedValues); $viewName = $wizard->GetRealName(str_replace("[]", "", $name)); $strReturn = ''; $prefixName = $wizard->GetRealName($name); $strReturn .= ''; return $strReturn; } //Hidden control function ShowHiddenField($name, $value, $arAttributes = Array()) { $wizard = $this->GetWizard(); $this->SetDisplayVars(Array($name)); $trueName = $wizard->GetRealName($name); $strReturn = '_ShowAttributes($arAttributes).' />'; return $strReturn; } //File control function ShowFileField($name, $arAttributes = Array()) { $wizard = $this->GetWizard(); $strReturn = ""; if (array_key_exists("max_file_size", $arAttributes)) { $strReturn .= ''; unset($arAttributes["max_file_size"]); } $strReturn .= '_ShowAttributes($arAttributes).' />'; $fileID = intval($wizard->GetVar($name)); if ($fileID > 0) { $obFile = CFile::GetByID($fileID); if ($arFile = $obFile->Fetch()) { $deleteName = $wizard->GetRealName($name."_del"); $oldName = $wizard->GetRealName($name."_old"); $show_file_info = (isset($arAttributes["show_file_info"]) && $arAttributes["show_file_info"] == "N" ? false : true); if ($show_file_info) { $strReturn .= "
 ".GetMessage("MAIN_WIZARD_FILE_NAME").": ".htmlspecialcharsEx($arFile["ORIGINAL_NAME"]); if ($arFile["HEIGHT"] > 0 && $arFile["WIDTH"]) { $strReturn .= "
 ".GetMessage("MAIN_WIZARD_FILE_WIDTH").": ".intval($arFile["WIDTH"]); $strReturn .= "
 ".GetMessage("MAIN_WIZARD_FILE_HEIGHT").": ".intval($arFile["HEIGHT"]); } $sizes = array("b", "Kb", "Mb", "Gb"); $pos = 0; $size = $arFile["FILE_SIZE"]; while($size >= 1024) { $size /= 1024; $pos++; } $strReturn .= "
 ".GetMessage("MAIN_WIZARD_FILE_SIZE").": ".round($size, 2)." ".$sizes[$pos]; } $strReturn .= '
'; $strReturn .= ''; $strReturn .= ''; } } return $strReturn; } function SaveFile($name, $arRestriction = Array()) { $wizard = $this->GetWizard(); $deleteFile = $wizard->GetVar($name."_del"); $wizard->UnSetVar($name."_del"); $oldFileID = $wizard->GetVar($name); $fileNew = $wizard->GetRealName($name."_new"); if (!array_key_exists($fileNew, $_FILES) || ($_FILES[$fileNew]["name"] == '' && $deleteFile === null)) return; if ($_FILES[$fileNew]["tmp_name"] == '' && $deleteFile === null) { $this->SetError(GetMessage("MAIN_WIZARD_FILE_UPLOAD_ERROR"), $name."_new"); return; } $arFile = $_FILES[$fileNew] + Array( "del" => ($deleteFile == "Y" ? "Y" : ""), "old_file" => (intval($oldFileID) > 0 ? intval($oldFileID): 0 ), "MODULE_ID" => "tmp_wizard" ); $max_file_size = (array_key_exists("max_file_size", $arRestriction) ? intval($arRestriction["max_file_size"]) : 0); $max_width = (array_key_exists("max_width", $arRestriction) ? intval($arRestriction["max_width"]) : 0); $max_height = (array_key_exists("max_height", $arRestriction) ? intval($arRestriction["max_height"]) : 0); $extensions = (array_key_exists("extensions", $arRestriction) && $arRestriction["extensions"] <> '' ? trim($arRestriction["extensions"]) : false); $make_preview = (array_key_exists("make_preview", $arRestriction) && $arRestriction["make_preview"] == "Y" ? true : false); $error = CFile::CheckFile($arFile, $max_file_size, false, $extensions); if ($error <> '') { $this->SetError($error, $name."_new"); return; } if ($make_preview && $max_width > 0 && $max_height > 0) { $info = (new \Bitrix\Main\File\Image($arFile["tmp_name"]))->getInfo(); if($info) { if ($info->getWidth() > $max_width || $info->getHeight() > $max_height) { $success = CWizardUtil::CreateThumbnail($arFile["tmp_name"], $arFile["tmp_name"], $max_width, $max_height); if ($success) $arFile["size"] = @filesize($arFile["tmp_name"]); } } } elseif ($max_width > 0 || $max_height > 0) { $error = CFile::CheckImageFile($arFile, $max_file_size, $max_width, $max_height); if ($error <> '') { $this->SetError($error, $name."_new"); return; } } $fileID = (int)CFile::SaveFile($arFile, "tmp"); if ($fileID > 0) $wizard->SetVar($name, $fileID); else $wizard->UnSetVar($name); return $fileID; } function _ShowAttributes($arAttributes) { if (!is_array($arAttributes)) return ""; $strReturn = ""; foreach ($arAttributes as $name => $value) $strReturn .= ' '.htmlspecialcharsbx($name).'="'.htmlspecialcharsEx($value).'"'; return $strReturn; } /** * Returns wizard reference * * @return CWizardBase */ function GetWizard() { return $this->wizard; } function _SetWizard($wizard) { $this->wizard = $wizard; } function SetAutoSubmit($bool = true) { $this->autoSubmit = (bool)$bool; } function IsAutoSubmit() { return (bool)$this->autoSubmit; } } class CWizardTemplate { var $wizard; function GetLayout() { $wizard = $this->GetWizard(); $obStep = $wizard->GetCurrentStep(); $wizardName = htmlspecialcharsEx($wizard->GetWizardName()); $formName = htmlspecialcharsbx($wizard->GetFormName()); $nextButtonID = htmlspecialcharsbx($wizard->GetNextButtonID()); $prevButtonID = htmlspecialcharsbx($wizard->GetPrevButtonID()); $cancelButtonID = htmlspecialcharsbx($wizard->GetCancelButtonID()); $finishButtonID = htmlspecialcharsbx($wizard->GetFinishButtonID()); if (isset($GLOBALS["APPLICATION"]) && is_object($GLOBALS["APPLICATION"])) { $GLOBALS["APPLICATION"]->AddHeadString($styles); IncludeAJAX(); } //IncludeAJAX(); $styles = << /*Data table*/ table.wizard-data-table { border:1px solid #7d7d7d; border-collapse:collapse; } /*Any cell*/ table.wizard-data-table td { border:1px solid #7d7d7d; background-color:#FFFFFF; padding:3px 5px; } /*Head cell*/ table.wizard-data-table thead td, table.wizard-data-table th { background-color:#F2F2EA; font-weight:normal; background-image:none; border:1px solid #7d7d7d; padding:4px; } /*Body cell*/ table.wizard-data-table tbody td { background-color:#FFF; background-image:none; } /*Foot cell*/ table.wizard-data-table tfoot td { background-color:#fff; padding:4px; } .wizard-note-box { background:#EAE9E4; padding:7px; border:1px solid #797672; } .wizard-required { color:red; } STYLES; //$GLOBALS["APPLICATION"]->AddHeadString($styles); $arErrors = $obStep->GetErrors(); $strError = ""; if (!empty($arErrors)) { foreach ($arErrors as $arError) $strError .= $arError[0]."
"; $strError = ''.$strError.''; } $stepTitle = $obStep->GetTitle(); $stepSubTitle = $obStep->GetSubTitle(); $autoSubmit = ""; if ($obStep->IsAutoSubmit()) $autoSubmit = 'setTimeout("WizardAutoSubmit();", 500);'; $BX_ROOT = BX_ROOT; $alertText = GetMessageJS("MAIN_WIZARD_WANT_TO_CANCEL"); $loadingText = GetMessageJS("MAIN_WIZARD_WAIT_WINDOW_TEXT"); return << {$wizardName}
{$strError} {#CONTENT#} {#BUTTONS#} {#FORM_END#} HTML; } /** * Returns wizard reference * * @return CWizardBase */ function GetWizard() { return $this->wizard; } function _SetWizard($wizard) { $this->wizard = $wizard; } } class CWizardAdminTemplate extends CWizardTemplate { function GetLayout() { $wizard = $this->GetWizard(); $formName = htmlspecialcharsbx($wizard->GetFormName()); CUtil::InitJSCore(array("ajax")); $adminPage = new CAdminPage(); $adminScript = $adminPage->ShowScript(); $charset = LANG_CHARSET; $wizardName = htmlspecialcharsEx($wizard->GetWizardName()); $nextButtonID = htmlspecialcharsbx($wizard->GetNextButtonID()); $prevButtonID = htmlspecialcharsbx($wizard->GetPrevButtonID()); $cancelButtonID = htmlspecialcharsbx($wizard->GetCancelButtonID()); $finishButtonID = htmlspecialcharsbx($wizard->GetFinishButtonID()); IncludeAJAX(); $ajaxScripts = $GLOBALS["APPLICATION"]->GetHeadStrings(); $ajaxScripts .= $GLOBALS["APPLICATION"]->GetHeadScripts(); $obStep = $wizard->GetCurrentStep(); $arErrors = $obStep->GetErrors(); $strError = $strJsError = ""; if (!empty($arErrors)) { foreach ($arErrors as $arError) { $strError .= $arError[0]."
"; if ($arError[1] !== false) $strJsError .= ($strJsError <> ""? ", ":"")."{'name':'".CUtil::addslashes($wizard->GetRealName($arError[1]))."', 'title':'".CUtil::addslashes(htmlspecialcharsback($arError[0]))."'}"; } if ($strError <> '') $strError = '
"; $strJsError = ' '; } $stepTitle = $obStep->GetTitle(); $stepSubTitle = $obStep->GetSubTitle(); $autoSubmit = ""; if ($obStep->IsAutoSubmit()) $autoSubmit = 'setTimeout("AutoSubmit();", 500);'; $alertText = GetMessageJS("MAIN_WIZARD_WANT_TO_CANCEL"); $loadingText = GetMessageJS("MAIN_WIZARD_WAIT_WINDOW_TEXT"); $package = $wizard->GetPackage(); return << {$wizardName} {$ajaxScripts} {$adminScript} {#FORM_START#}
{$strError} {#CONTENT#}
{#FORM_END#} {$strJsError} HTML; } } ?>