* $Sanitizer = new CBXSanitizer; * * $Sanitizer->SetLevel(CBXSanitizer::SECURE_LEVEL_MIDDLE); * or * $Sanitizer->AddTags( array ( * 'a' = > array('href','id','style','alt'...), * 'br' => array(), * .... )); * * $Sanitizer->SanitizeHtml($html); * * */ class CBXSanitizer { /** * Security levels */ const SECURE_LEVEL_CUSTOM = 0; const SECURE_LEVEL_HIGH = 1; const SECURE_LEVEL_MIDDLE = 2; const SECURE_LEVEL_LOW = 3; const TABLE_TOP = 0; const TABLE_CAPT = 1; const TABLE_GROUP = 2; const TABLE_ROWS = 3; const TABLE_COLS = 4; const ACTION_DEL = 'del'; const ACTION_ADD = 'add'; const ACTION_DEL_WITH_CONTENT = 'del_with_content'; /** * @deprecated For compability only will be erased next versions * @var mixed */ protected static $arOldTags = array(); protected $arHtmlTags = array(); protected $bHtmlSpecChars = true; protected $bDelSanitizedTags = true; protected $bDoubleEncode = true; protected $secLevel = self::SECURE_LEVEL_HIGH; protected $additionalAttrs = array(); protected $arNoClose = array( 'br','hr','img','area','base', 'basefont','col','frame','input', 'isindex','link','meta','param' ); protected $localAlph; protected $arTableTags = array( 'table' => self::TABLE_TOP, 'caption' => self::TABLE_CAPT, 'thead' => self::TABLE_GROUP, 'tfoot' => self::TABLE_GROUP, 'tbody' => self::TABLE_GROUP, 'tr' => self::TABLE_ROWS, 'th' => self::TABLE_COLS, 'td' => self::TABLE_COLS ); /** * Tags witch will be cut with their content * @var array */ protected $delTagsWithContent = ['script', 'style']; /** * CBXSanitizer constructor. */ public function __construct() { if(SITE_CHARSET == "UTF-8") { $this->localAlph="\p{L}".GetMessage("SNT_SYMB_NONE_LETTERS"); } elseif(LANGUAGE_ID != "en") { $this->localAlph=GetMessage("SNT_SYMB"); } else { $this->localAlph=""; } $this->localAlph .= '\\x80-\\xFF'; } /** * Allow additional attributes in html. * @param array $attrs Additional attrs * Example: $sanitizer->allowAttributes(array( 'aria-label' => array( 'tag' => function($tag) { return ($tag == 'div'); }, 'content' => function($value) { return !preg_match("#[^\\s\\w\\-\\#\\.;]#i" . BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, $value); } ) )); * @return void */ public function allowAttributes(array $attrs) { foreach ($attrs as $code => $item) { if ( isset($item['tag']) && is_callable($item['tag']) && isset($item['content']) && is_callable($item['content']) ) { $this->additionalAttrs[$code] = $item; } } } /** * Adds HTML tags and attributes to white list * @param mixed $arTags array('tagName1' = > array('attribute1','attribute2',...), 'tagName2' => ........) * @return int count of added tags */ public function AddTags($arTags) { if(!is_array($arTags)) return false; $counter = 0; $this->secLevel = self::SECURE_LEVEL_CUSTOM; foreach($arTags as $tagName => $arAttrs) { $tagName = mb_strtolower($tagName); $arAttrs = array_change_key_case($arAttrs, CASE_LOWER); $this->arHtmlTags[$tagName] = $arAttrs; $counter++; } return $counter; } /** * @see AddTags() */ public function UpdateTags($arTags) { return $this->AddTags($arTags); } /** * Deletes tags from white list * @param mixed $arTagNames array('tagName1','tagname2',...) * @return int count of deleted tags */ public function DelTags($arTagNames) { if(!is_array($arTagNames)) return false; $this->secLevel = self::SECURE_LEVEL_CUSTOM; $arTmp = array(); $counter = 0; foreach ($this->arHtmlTags as $tagName => $arAttrs) foreach ($arTagNames as $delTagName) if(mb_strtolower($delTagName) != $tagName) $arTmp[$tagName] = $arAttrs; else $counter++; $this->arHtmlTags = $arTmp; return $counter; } /** * @param array $arDeleteAttrs */ public function DeleteAttributes(array $arDeleteAttrs) { $this->secLevel = self::SECURE_LEVEL_CUSTOM; $arResultTags = array(); foreach ($this->arHtmlTags as $tagName => $arAttrs) { $arResultTags[$tagName] = array_diff($arAttrs, $arDeleteAttrs); } $this->arHtmlTags = $arResultTags; } /** * Deletes all tags from white list */ public function DelAllTags() { $this->secLevel = self::SECURE_LEVEL_CUSTOM; $this->arHtmlTags = array(); } /** * If is turned off Sanitizer will not encode existing html entities, * in text blocks. * The default is to convert everything. * http://php.net/manual/ru/function.htmlspecialchars.php (double_encode) * @param bool $bApply true|false */ public function ApplyDoubleEncode($bApply=true) { if($bApply) $this->bDoubleEncode = true; else $this->bDoubleEncode = false; } /** * Apply or not function htmlspecialchars to filtered tags and text * !WARNING! if DeleteSanitizedTags = false and ApplyHtmlSpecChars = false * html will not be sanitized! * @param bool $bApply true|false * @deprecated */ public function ApplyHtmlSpecChars($bApply=true) { if($bApply) { $this->bHtmlSpecChars = true; } else { $this->bHtmlSpecChars = false; trigger_error('It is strongly not recommended to use \CBXSanitizer::ApplyHtmlSpecChars(false)', E_USER_WARNING); } } /** * Delete or not filtered tags * !WARNING! if DeleteSanitizedTags = false and ApplyHtmlSpecChars = false * html will not be sanitized! * @param bool $bApply true|false */ public function DeleteSanitizedTags($bApply=true) { if($bApply) $this->bDelSanitizedTags = true; else $this->bDelSanitizedTags = false; } /** * Sets security level from predefined * @param int $secLevel { CBXSanitizer::SECURE_LEVEL_HIGH * | CBXSanitizer::SECURE_LEVEL_MIDDLE * | CBXSanitizer::SECURE_LEVEL_LOW } */ public function SetLevel($secLevel) { if($secLevel!=self::SECURE_LEVEL_HIGH && $secLevel!=self::SECURE_LEVEL_MIDDLE && $secLevel!=self::SECURE_LEVEL_LOW) $secLevel=self::SECURE_LEVEL_HIGH; switch ($secLevel) { case self::SECURE_LEVEL_HIGH: $arTags = array( 'b' => array(), 'br' => array(), 'big' => array(), 'blockquote' => array(), 'code' => array(), 'del' => array(), 'dt' => array(), 'dd' => array(), 'font' => array(), 'h1' => array(), 'h2' => array(), 'h3' => array(), 'h4' => array(), 'h5' => array(), 'h6' => array(), 'hr' => array(), 'i' => array(), 'ins' => array(), 'li' => array(), 'ol' => array(), 'p' => array(), 'small' => array(), 's' => array(), 'sub' => array(), 'sup' => array(), 'strong' => array(), 'pre' => array(), 'u' => array(), 'ul' => array() ); break; case self::SECURE_LEVEL_MIDDLE: $arTags = array( 'a' => array('href', 'title','name','alt'), 'b' => array(), 'br' => array(), 'big' => array(), 'blockquote' => array('title'), 'code' => array(), 'caption' => array(), 'del' => array('title'), 'dt' => array(), 'dd' => array(), 'font' => array('color','size'), 'color' => array(), 'h1' => array(), 'h2' => array(), 'h3' => array(), 'h4' => array(), 'h5' => array(), 'h6' => array(), 'hr' => array(), 'i' => array(), 'img' => array('src','alt','height','width','title'), 'ins' => array('title'), 'li' => array(), 'ol' => array(), 'p' => array(), 'pre' => array(), 's' => array(), 'small' => array(), 'strong' => array(), 'sub' => array(), 'sup' => array(), 'table' => array('border','width'), 'tbody' => array('align','valign'), 'td' => array('width','height','align','valign'), 'tfoot' => array('align','valign'), 'th' => array('width','height'), 'thead' => array('align','valign'), 'tr' => array('align','valign'), 'u' => array(), 'ul' => array() ); break; case self::SECURE_LEVEL_LOW: $arTags = array( 'a' => array('href', 'title','name','style','id','class','shape','coords','alt','target'), 'b' => array('style','id','class'), 'br' => array('style','id','class'), 'big' => array('style','id','class'), 'blockquote' => array('title','style','id','class'), 'caption' => array('style','id','class'), 'code' => array('style','id','class'), 'del' => array('title','style','id','class'), 'div' => array('title','style','id','class','align'), 'dt' => array('style','id','class'), 'dd' => array('style','id','class'), 'font' => array('color','size','face','style','id','class'), 'h1' => array('style','id','class','align'), 'h2' => array('style','id','class','align'), 'h3' => array('style','id','class','align'), 'h4' => array('style','id','class','align'), 'h5' => array('style','id','class','align'), 'h6' => array('style','id','class','align'), 'hr' => array('style','id','class'), 'i' => array('style','id','class'), 'img' => array('style','id','class','src','alt','height','width','title','align'), 'ins' => array('title','style','id','class'), 'li' => array('style','id','class'), 'map' => array('shape','coords','href','alt','title','style','id','class','name'), 'ol' => array('style','id','class'), 'p' => array('style','id','class','align'), 'pre' => array('style','id','class'), 's' => array('style','id','class'), 'small' => array('style','id','class'), 'strong' => array('style','id','class'), 'span' => array('title','style','id','class','align'), 'sub' => array('style','id','class'), 'sup' => array('style','id','class'), 'table' => array('border','width','style','id','class','cellspacing','cellpadding'), 'tbody' => array('align','valign','style','id','class'), 'td' => array('width','height','style','id','class','align','valign','colspan','rowspan'), 'tfoot' => array('align','valign','style','id','class','align','valign'), 'th' => array('width','height','style','id','class','colspan','rowspan'), 'thead' => array('align','valign','style','id','class'), 'tr' => array('align','valign','style','id','class'), 'u' => array('style','id','class'), 'ul' => array('style','id','class') ); break; default: $arTags = array(); break; } $this->DelAllTags(); $this->AddTags($arTags); $this->secLevel = $secLevel; } // Checks if tag's attributes are in white list ($this->arHtmlTags) protected function IsValidAttr(&$arAttr) { if (!isset($arAttr[1]) || !isset($arAttr[3])) { return false; } $attr = mb_strtolower($arAttr[1]); $attrValue = $this->Decode($arAttr[3]); switch ($attr) { case 'src': case 'href': case 'data-url': if(!preg_match("#^(http://|https://|ftp://|file://|mailto:|callto:|skype:|tel:|sms:|\\#|/)#i".BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, $attrValue)) { $arAttr[3] = 'http://' . $arAttr[3]; } $valid = (!preg_match("#javascript:|data:|[^\\w".$this->localAlph."a-zA-Z:/\\.=@;,!~\\*\\&\\#\\)(%\\s\\+\$\\?\\-\\[\\]]#i".BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, $attrValue)) ? true : false; break; case 'height': case 'width': case 'cellpadding': case 'cellspacing': $valid = !preg_match("#^[^0-9\\-]+(px|%|\\*)*#i".BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, $attrValue) ? true : false; break; case 'title': case 'alt': $valid = !preg_match("#[^\\w".$this->localAlph."\\.\\?!,:;\\s\\-]#i".BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, $attrValue) ? true : false; break; case 'style': $attrValue = str_replace('"', '', $attrValue); $valid = !preg_match("#(behavior|expression|javascript)#i".BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, $attrValue) && !preg_match("#[^\\/\\w\\s)(!%,:\\.;\\-\\#\\']#i".BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, $attrValue) ? true : false; break; case 'coords': $valid = !preg_match("#[^0-9\\s,\\-]#i".BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, $attrValue) ? true : false; break; default: if (array_key_exists($attr, $this->additionalAttrs)) { $valid = true === call_user_func_array( $this->additionalAttrs[$attr]['content'], array($attrValue) ); } else { $valid = !preg_match("#[^\\s\\w" . $this->localAlph . "\\-\\#\\.\/;]#i" . BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, $attrValue) ? true : false; } break; } return $valid; } protected function encodeAttributeValue(array $attr) { if (!$this->bHtmlSpecChars) { return $attr[3]; } $result = $attr[3]; $flags = ENT_QUOTES; if ($attr[1] === 'style') { $flags = ENT_COMPAT; } elseif ($attr[1] === 'href') { $result = str_replace('&', '##AMP##', $result); } $result = htmlspecialchars($result, $flags, LANG_CHARSET, $this->bDoubleEncode); if ($attr[1] === 'href') { $result = str_replace('##AMP##', '&', $result); } return $result; } /** * Returns allowed tags and attributies * @return string */ public function GetTags() { if(!is_array($this->arHtmlTags)) return false; $confStr=""; foreach ($this->arHtmlTags as $tag => $arAttrs) { $confStr.=$tag." ("; foreach ($arAttrs as $attr) if($attr) $confStr.=" ".$attr." "; $confStr.=")
"; } return $confStr; } /** * @deprecated For compability only will be erased next versions */ public static function SetTags($arTags) { self::$arOldTags = $arTags; /* for next version $this->DelAllTags(); return $this->AddTags($arTags); */ } /** * @deprecated For compability only will be erased next versions */ public static function Sanitize($html, $secLevel='HIGH', $htmlspecialchars=true, $delTags=true) { $Sanitizer = new self; if(empty(self::$arOldTags)) $Sanitizer->SetLevel(self::SECURE_LEVEL_HIGH); else { $Sanitizer->DelAllTags(); $Sanitizer->AddTags(self::$arOldTags); } $Sanitizer->ApplyHtmlSpecChars($htmlspecialchars); $Sanitizer->DeleteSanitizedTags($delTags); $Sanitizer->ApplyDoubleEncode(); return $Sanitizer->SanitizeHtml($html); } /** * Split html to tags and simple text chunks * @param string $html * @return array */ protected function splitHtml($html) { $result = []; $arData = preg_split('/(<[^<>]+>)/si'.BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, $html, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); foreach($arData as $i => $chunk) { $isTag = $i % 2 || (mb_substr($chunk, 0, 1) == '<' && mb_substr($chunk, -1) == '>'); if ($isTag) { $result[] = array('segType'=>'tag', 'value'=>$chunk); } elseif ($chunk != "") { $result[]=array('segType'=>'text', 'value'=> $chunk); } } return $result; } /** * Erases, or HtmlSpecChares Tags and attributies wich not contained in white list * from inputted HTML * @param string $html Dirty HTML * @return string filtered HTML */ public function SanitizeHtml($html) { if(empty($this->arHtmlTags)) $this->SetLevel(self::SECURE_LEVEL_HIGH); $openTagsStack = array(); $isCode = false; $seg = $this->splitHtml($html); //process segments $segCount = count($seg); for($i=0; $i<$segCount; $i++) { if($seg[$i]['segType'] == 'text') { if (trim($seg[$i]['value']) && ($tp = array_search('table', $openTagsStack)) !== false) { $cellTags = array_intersect(array('td', 'th'), array_keys($this->arHtmlTags)); if ($cellTags && !array_intersect($cellTags, array_slice($openTagsStack, $tp+1))) { array_splice($seg, $i, 0, array(array('segType' => 'tag', 'value' => sprintf('<%s>', reset($cellTags))))); $i--; $segCount++; continue; } } if ($this->bHtmlSpecChars) { $openTagsStackSize = count($openTagsStack); $entQuotes = ($openTagsStackSize && $openTagsStack[$openTagsStackSize-1] === 'style' ? ENT_NOQUOTES : ENT_QUOTES); $seg[$i]['value'] = htmlspecialchars( $seg[$i]['value'], $entQuotes, LANG_CHARSET, $this->bDoubleEncode ); } } elseif( $seg[$i]['segType'] == 'tag' && ( preg_match('/^$/', $seg[$i]['value']) ) ) { //Keep ms html comments https://stackoverflow.design/email/base/mso/ $seg[$i]['segType'] = 'text'; } elseif($seg[$i]['segType'] == 'tag') { //find tag type (open/close), tag name, attributies preg_match('#^<\s*(/)?\s*([a-z0-9]+)(.*?)>$#si'.BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, $seg[$i]['value'], $matches); $seg[$i]['tagType'] = !empty($matches[1]) ? 'close' : 'open'; $seg[$i]['tagName'] = mb_strtolower($matches[2] ?? ''); if(($seg[$i]['tagName']=='code') && ($seg[$i]['tagType']=='close')) $isCode = false; //if tag founded inside it is simple text if($isCode) { $seg[$i]['segType'] = 'text'; $i--; continue; } if($seg[$i]['tagType'] == 'open') { // if tag unallowed screen it, or erase if(!array_key_exists($seg[$i]['tagName'], $this->arHtmlTags)) { if($this->bDelSanitizedTags) { $seg[$i]['action'] = self::ACTION_DEL; } else { $seg[$i]['segType'] = 'text'; $i--; continue; } } //if allowed else { if (in_array('table', $openTagsStack)) { if ($openTagsStack[count($openTagsStack)-1] == 'table') { if (array_key_exists('tr', $this->arHtmlTags) && !in_array($seg[$i]['tagName'], array('thead', 'tfoot', 'tbody', 'tr'))) { array_splice($seg, $i, 0, array(array('segType' => 'tag', 'tagType' => 'open', 'tagName' => 'tr', 'action' => self::ACTION_ADD))); $i++; $segCount++; $openTagsStack[] = 'tr'; } } if (in_array($openTagsStack[count($openTagsStack)-1], array('thead', 'tfoot', 'tbody'))) { if (array_key_exists('tr', $this->arHtmlTags) && $seg[$i]['tagName'] != 'tr') { array_splice($seg, $i, 0, array(array('segType' => 'tag', 'tagType' => 'open', 'tagName' => 'tr', 'action' => self::ACTION_ADD))); $i++; $segCount++; $openTagsStack[] = 'tr'; } } if ($seg[$i]['tagName'] == 'tr') { for ($j = count($openTagsStack)-1; $j >= 0; $j--) { if (in_array($openTagsStack[$j], array('table', 'thead', 'tfoot', 'tbody'))) break; array_splice($seg, $i, 0, array(array('segType' => 'tag', 'tagType' => 'close', 'tagName' => $openTagsStack[$j], 'action' => self::ACTION_ADD))); $i++; $segCount++; array_splice($openTagsStack, $j, 1); } } if ($openTagsStack[count($openTagsStack)-1] == 'tr') { $cellTags = array_intersect(array('td', 'th'), array_keys($this->arHtmlTags)); if ($cellTags && !in_array($seg[$i]['tagName'], $cellTags)) { array_splice($seg, $i, 0, array(array('segType' => 'tag', 'tagType' => 'open', 'tagName' => reset($cellTags), 'action' => self::ACTION_ADD))); $i++; $segCount++; $openTagsStack[] = 'td'; } } if (in_array($seg[$i]['tagName'], array('td', 'th'))) { for ($j = count($openTagsStack)-1; $j >= 0; $j--) { if ($openTagsStack[$j] == 'tr') break; array_splice($seg, $i, 0, array(array('segType' => 'tag', 'tagType' => 'close', 'tagName' => $openTagsStack[$j], 'action' => self::ACTION_ADD))); $i++; $segCount++; array_splice($openTagsStack, $j, 1); } } } //Processing valid tables //if find 'tr','td', etc... if(array_key_exists($seg[$i]['tagName'], $this->arTableTags)) { $this->CleanTable($seg, $openTagsStack, $i, false); if(isset($seg[$i]['action']) && $seg[$i]['action'] == self::ACTION_DEL) continue; } $seg[$i]['attr'] = $this->processAttributes( (string)$matches[3], //attributes string (string)$seg[$i]['tagName'] ); if($seg[$i]['tagName'] === 'code') { $isCode = true; } //if tag need close tag add it to stack opened tags if(!in_array($seg[$i]['tagName'], $this->arNoClose)) //!count($this->arHtmlTags[$seg[$i]['tagName']]) || fix:
{ $openTagsStack[] = $seg[$i]['tagName']; $seg[$i]['closeIndex'] = count($openTagsStack)-1; } } } //if closing tag else { //if tag allowed if(array_key_exists($seg[$i]['tagName'], $this->arHtmlTags) && (!count($this->arHtmlTags[$seg[$i]['tagName']]) || ($this->arHtmlTags[$seg[$i]['tagName']][count($this->arHtmlTags[$seg[$i]['tagName']])-1] != false))) { if($seg[$i]['tagName'] == 'code') { $isCode = false; } //if open tags stack is empty, or not include it's name lets screen/erase it if((empty($openTagsStack)) || (!in_array($seg[$i]['tagName'], $openTagsStack))) { if($this->bDelSanitizedTags || $this->arNoClose) { $seg[$i]['action'] = self::ACTION_DEL; } else { $seg[$i]['segType'] = 'text'; $i--; continue; } } else { //if this tag don't match last from open tags stack , adding right close tag $tagName = array_pop($openTagsStack); if($seg[$i]['tagName'] != $tagName) { array_splice($seg, $i, 0, array(array('segType'=>'tag', 'tagType'=>'close', 'tagName'=>$tagName, 'action'=>self::ACTION_ADD))); $segCount++; } } } //if tag unallowed erase it else { if($this->bDelSanitizedTags) { $seg[$i]['action'] = self::ACTION_DEL; } else { $seg[$i]['segType'] = 'text'; $i--; continue; } } } } } //close tags stayed in stack foreach(array_reverse($openTagsStack) as $val) array_push($seg, array('segType'=>'tag', 'tagType'=>'close', 'tagName'=>$val, 'action'=>self::ACTION_ADD)); //build filtered code and return it $filteredHTML = ''; $flagDeleteContent = false; foreach($seg as $segt) { if(($segt['action'] ?? '') != self::ACTION_DEL && !$flagDeleteContent) { if($segt['segType'] == 'text') { $filteredHTML .= $segt['value']; } elseif($segt['segType'] == 'tag') { if($segt['tagType'] == 'open') { $filteredHTML .= '<'.$segt['tagName']; if(isset($segt['attr']) && is_array($segt['attr'])) foreach($segt['attr'] as $attr_key => $attr_val) $filteredHTML .= ' '.$attr_key.'="'.$attr_val.'"'; if (count($this->arHtmlTags[$segt['tagName']]) && ($this->arHtmlTags[$segt['tagName']][count($this->arHtmlTags[$segt['tagName']])-1] == false)) $filteredHTML .= " /"; $filteredHTML .= '>'; } elseif($segt['tagType'] == 'close') $filteredHTML .= ''; } } else { if(in_array($segt['tagName'], $this->delTagsWithContent)) { $flagDeleteContent = $segt['tagType'] == 'open'; } } } if(!$this->bHtmlSpecChars && $html != $filteredHTML) { $filteredHTML = $this->SanitizeHtml($filteredHTML); } return $filteredHTML; } protected function extractAttributes(string $attrData): array { $result = []; preg_match_all( '#([a-z0-9_-]+)\s*=\s*([\'\"]?)(?:\s*)(.*?)(?:\s*)\2(\s|$|(?:\/\s*$))+#is'.BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, $attrData, $result, PREG_SET_ORDER ); return $result; } protected function processAttributes(string $attrData, string $currTag): array { $attr = []; $arTagAttrs = $this->extractAttributes($attrData); foreach($arTagAttrs as $arTagAttr) { // Attribute name $arTagAttr[1] = mb_strtolower($arTagAttr[1]); $attrAllowed = in_array($arTagAttr[1], $this->arHtmlTags[$currTag], true); if (!$attrAllowed && array_key_exists($arTagAttr[1], $this->additionalAttrs)) { $attrAllowed = true === call_user_func($this->additionalAttrs[$arTagAttr[1]]['tag'], $currTag); } if ($attrAllowed) { // Attribute value. Wrap attribute by " $arTagAttr[3] = str_replace('"', "'", $arTagAttr[3]); if($this->IsValidAttr($arTagAttr)) { $attr[$arTagAttr[1]] = $this->encodeAttributeValue($arTagAttr); } } } return $attr; } /** * function CleanTable * Check if table code is valid, and corrects. If need * deletes all text and tags between diferent table tags if $delTextBetweenTags=true. * Checks if where are open tags from upper level if not - self-distructs. */ protected function CleanTable(&$seg, &$openTagsStack, $segIndex, $delTextBetweenTags=true) { //if we found up level or not $bFindUp = false; //count open & close tags $arOpenClose = array(); for ($tElCategory=self::TABLE_COLS;$tElCategory>self::TABLE_TOP;$tElCategory--) { if($this->arTableTags[$seg[$segIndex]['tagName']] != $tElCategory) continue; //find back upper level for($j=$segIndex-1;$j>=0;$j--) { if ($seg[$j]['segType'] != 'tag' || !array_key_exists($seg[$j]['tagName'], $this->arTableTags)) continue; if(isset($seg[$j]['action']) && $seg[$j]['action'] == self::ACTION_DEL) continue; if($tElCategory == self::TABLE_COLS) { if($this->arTableTags[$seg[$j]['tagName']] == self::TABLE_COLS || $this->arTableTags[$seg[$j]['tagName']] == self::TABLE_ROWS) $bFindUp = true; } else if($this->arTableTags[$seg[$j]['tagName']] <= $tElCategory) $bFindUp = true; if(!$bFindUp) continue; //count opened and closed tags if (!isset($arOpenClose[$seg[$j]['tagName']][$seg[$j]['tagType']])) { $arOpenClose[$seg[$j]['tagName']][$seg[$j]['tagType']] = 0; } $arOpenClose[$seg[$j]['tagName']][$seg[$j]['tagType']]++; //if opened tag not found yet, searching for more $openCount = $arOpenClose[$seg[$j]['tagName']]['open'] ?? 0; $closeCount = $arOpenClose[$seg[$j]['tagName']]['close'] ?? 0; if($openCount <= $closeCount) { $bFindUp = false; continue; } if(!$delTextBetweenTags) break; //if find up level let's mark all middle text and tags for del-action for($k=$segIndex-1;$k>$j;$k--) { //lt's save text-format if($seg[$k]['segType'] == 'text' && !preg_match("#[^\n\r\s]#i".BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, $seg[$k]['value'])) continue; $seg[$k]['action'] = self::ACTION_DEL; if(isset($seg[$k]['closeIndex'])) unset($openTagsStack[$seg[$k]['closeIndex']]); } break; } //if we didn't find up levels,lets mark this block as del if(!$bFindUp) $seg[$segIndex]['action'] = self::ACTION_DEL; break; } return $bFindUp; } /** * Decodes text from codes like &#***, html-entities wich may be coded several times; * @param string $str * @return string decoded * */ public function Decode($str) { $str1=""; while($str1 <> $str) { $str1 = $str; $str = $this->_decode($str); $str = str_replace("\x00", "", $str); $str = preg_replace("/\&\#0+(;|([^\d;]))/is", "\\2", $str); $str = preg_replace("/\&\#x0+(;|([^\da-f;]))/is", "\\2", $str); } return $str1; } /* Function is used in regular expressions in order to decode characters presented as { */ protected function _decode_cb($in) { $ad = $in[2]; if($ad == ';') $ad=""; $num = intval($in[1]); return chr($num).$ad; } /* Function is used in regular expressions in order to decode characters presented as « */ protected function _decode_cb_hex($in) { $ad = $in[2]; if($ad==';') $ad=""; $num = intval(hexdec($in[1])); return chr($num).$ad; } /* Decodes string from html codes &#***; One pass! -- Decode only a-zA-Z:().=, because only theese are used in filters */ protected function _decode($str) { $str = preg_replace_callback("/\&\#(\d+)([^\d])/is", array("CBXSanitizer", "_decode_cb"), $str); $str = preg_replace_callback("/\&\#x([\da-f]+)([^\da-f])/is", array("CBXSanitizer", "_decode_cb_hex"), $str); return str_replace(array(":","&tab;","&newline;"), array(":","\t","\n"), $str); } /** * @param array $tags */ public function setDelTagsWithContent(array $tags) { $this->delTagsWithContent = $tags; } /** * @return array */ public function getDelTagsWithContent() { return $this->delTagsWithContent; } };