array( "forum.message.user.get" => array('callback' => array(__CLASS__, 'getUserMessage'), 'options' => array('private' => true)), "forum.message.delete" => array(__CLASS__, "deleteMessage") ) ); } public static function getUserMessage($arParams, $offset, CRestServer $server) { $arParams = array_change_key_case($arParams, CASE_UPPER); global $USER; $result = array( 'MESSAGES' => array(), 'FILES' => array(), ); $userId = ( isset($arParams["USER_ID"]) && intval($arParams["USER_ID"]) > 0 && self::isAdmin() ? $arParams["USER_ID"] : $USER->getId() ); $otherUserMode = ($userId != $USER->getId()); if ($userId <= 0) { throw new Bitrix\Rest\RestException("User ID can't be empty", "ID_EMPTY", CRestServer::STATUS_WRONG_REQUEST); } if (isset($arParams['FIRST_ID'])) { $options['FIRST_ID'] = intval($arParams['FIRST_ID']); } else { $options['LAST_ID'] = isset($arParams['LAST_ID']) && intval($arParams['LAST_ID']) > 0? intval($arParams['LAST_ID']): 0; } $options['LIMIT'] = isset($arParams['LIMIT'])? (intval($arParams['LIMIT']) > 1000? 1000: intval($arParams['LIMIT'])): 100; $filter = Array( '=AUTHOR_ID' => $userId ); if (isset($options['FIRST_ID'])) { $order = array(); if (intval($options['FIRST_ID']) > 0) { $filter['>ID'] = $options['FIRST_ID']; } } else { $order = array('ID' => 'DESC'); if (isset($options['LAST_ID']) && intval($options['LAST_ID']) > 0) { $filter[' $filter, 'select' => array( 'ID', 'POST_DATE', 'POST_MESSAGE', 'UF_FORUM_MESSAGE_DOC' ), 'order' => $order, 'limit' => $options['LIMIT'] )); $attachedIdList = array(); $messageAttachedList = array(); while($messageFields = $res->fetch()) { $result['MESSAGES'][$messageFields['ID']] = array( 'ID' => (int)$messageFields['ID'], 'MESSAGE_ID' => (int)$messageFields['ID'], 'DATE' => $messageFields['POST_DATE'], 'MESSAGE' => ($otherUserMode ? '' : (string)$messageFields['POST_MESSAGE']), 'ATTACH' => array() ); if (!empty($messageFields['UF_FORUM_MESSAGE_DOC'])) { if (is_array($messageFields['UF_FORUM_MESSAGE_DOC'])) { $attached = $messageFields['UF_FORUM_MESSAGE_DOC']; } elseif (intval($messageFields['UF_FORUM_MESSAGE_DOC']) > 0) { $attached = array(intval($messageFields['UF_FORUM_MESSAGE_DOC'])); } else { $attached = array(); } if (!empty($attached)) { $attachedIdList = array_merge($attachedIdList, $attached); } $messageAttachedList[$messageFields['ID']] = $attached; } } $attachedObjectList = array(); if ( !empty($attachedIdList) && Loader::includeModule('disk') ) { $res = Bitrix\Disk\AttachedObject::getList(array( 'filter' => array( '@ID' => array_unique($attachedIdList) ), 'select' => array('ID', 'OBJECT_ID') )); while($attachedObjectFields = $res->fetch()) { $diskObjectId = $attachedObjectFields['OBJECT_ID']; if ($fileData = self::getFileData($diskObjectId)) { $attachedObjectList[$attachedObjectFields['ID']] = $diskObjectId; $result['FILES'][$diskObjectId] = $fileData; } } } foreach ($result['MESSAGES'] as $key => $value) { if ($value['DATE'] instanceof \Bitrix\Main\Type\DateTime) { $result['MESSAGES'][$key]['DATE'] = date('c', $value['DATE']->getTimestamp()); } if (!empty($messageAttachedList[$key])) { foreach($messageAttachedList[$key] as $attachedId) { if (!empty($attachedObjectList[$attachedId])) { $result['MESSAGES'][$key]['ATTACH'][] = $attachedObjectList[$attachedId]; } } } $result['MESSAGES'][$key] = array_change_key_case($result['MESSAGES'][$key], CASE_LOWER); } $result['MESSAGES'] = array_values($result['MESSAGES']); $result['FILES'] = self::convertFileData($result['FILES']); return $result; } public static function deleteMessage($arFields) { global $USER; static $obCache = null; $messageId = intval($arFields['MESSAGE_ID']); if($messageId <= 0) { throw new Exception('Wrong message ID'); } $currentUserId = ( isset($arFields["USER_ID"]) && intval($arFields["USER_ID"]) > 0 && self::isAdmin() ? $arFields["USER_ID"] : $USER->getId() ); $arMessage = self::getForumMessageFields($messageId); if (empty($arMessage)) { throw new Exception('No message found'); } $currentUserPerm = self::getForumMessagePerm(array( 'USER_ID' => $currentUserId, 'MESSAGE_ID' => $messageId )); if ($currentUserPerm < self::PERM_WRITE) { throw new Exception('No write perms'); } if ( ($result = \CForumMessage::Delete($messageId)) && Loader::includeModule('socialnetwork') ) { $logIdList = array(); $res = Bitrix\Socialnetwork\LogTable::getList(array( 'filter' => array( '=SOURCE_ID' => $messageId, '@EVENT_ID' => array('forum') // replace with provider getEventId ), 'select' => array('ID') )); while ($logFields = $res->fetch()) { if (CSocNetLog::delete($logFields['ID'])) { $logIdList[] = intval($logFields['ID']); } } if (empty($logIdList)) { $res = Bitrix\Socialnetwork\LogCommentTable::getList(array( 'filter' => array( '=SOURCE_ID' => $messageId, '@EVENT_ID' => array('forum', 'tasks_comment', 'calendar_comment', 'timeman_entry_comment', 'report_comment', 'photo_comment', 'wiki_comment', 'lists_new_element_comment') // replace with provider getEventId ), 'select' => array('ID', 'LOG_ID') )); while ($logCommentFields = $res->fetch()) { if (CSocNetLogComments::delete($logCommentFields['ID'])) { $logIdList[] = intval($logFields['LOG_ID']); } } } if (!empty($logIdList)) { foreach($logIdList as $logId) { if ($obCache === null) { $obCache = new CPHPCache; } $obCache->CleanDir("/sonet/log/".intval($logId / 1000)."/".$logId."/comments/"); } } } return (bool)$result; } private static function getForumMessagePerm($arFields) { global $USER; $result = self::PERM_DENY; $messageId = $arFields['MESSAGE_ID']; $currentUserId = ( isset($arFields["USER_ID"]) && intval($arFields["USER_ID"]) > 0 && $USER->isAdmin() ? $arFields["USER_ID"] : $USER->getId() ); $arMessage = self::getForumMessageFields($messageId); if (empty($arMessage)) { return $result; } if ( $arMessage["AUTHOR_ID"] == $currentUserId || ( Loader::includeModule('socialnetwork') && CSocNetUser::isUserModuleAdmin($currentUserId, SITE_ID) ) ) { $result = self::PERM_WRITE; } return $result; } private static function getForumMessageFields($messageId) { $result = array(); $res = \Bitrix\Forum\MessageTable::getList(array( 'filter' => array( '=ID' => $messageId ), 'select' => array('*') )); if ($messageFields = $res->fetch()) { $result = $messageFields; } return $result; } private static function isAdmin() { global $USER; return ( $USER->isAdmin() || ( Loader::includeModule('bitrix24') && \CBitrix24::isPortalAdmin($USER->getId()) ) ); } private static function getFileData($diskObjectId) { $result = false; $diskObjectId = intval($diskObjectId); if ($diskObjectId <= 0) { return $result; } if ($fileModel = \Bitrix\Disk\File::getById($diskObjectId)) { /** @var \Bitrix\Disk\File $fileModel */ $contentType = 'file'; $imageParams = false; if (\Bitrix\Disk\TypeFile::isImage($fileModel->getName())) { $contentType = 'image'; $params = $fileModel->getFile(); $imageParams = Array( 'width' => (int)$params['WIDTH'], 'height' => (int)$params['HEIGHT'], ); } else if (\Bitrix\Disk\TypeFile::isVideo($fileModel->getName())) { $contentType = 'video'; $params = $fileModel->getView()->getPreviewData(); $imageParams = Array( 'width' => (int)$params['WIDTH'], 'height' => (int)$params['HEIGHT'], ); } $isImage = \Bitrix\Disk\TypeFile::isImage($fileModel); $urlManager = \Bitrix\Disk\Driver::getInstance()->getUrlManager(); $result = array( 'id' => (int)$fileModel->getId(), 'date' => $fileModel->getCreateTime(), 'type' => $contentType, 'name' => $fileModel->getName(), 'size' => (int)$fileModel->getSize(), 'image' => $imageParams, 'authorId' => (int)$fileModel->getCreatedBy(), 'authorName' => CUser::FormatName(CSite::getNameFormat(false), $fileModel->getCreateUser(), true, true), 'urlPreview' => ( $fileModel->getPreviewId() ? $urlManager->getUrlForShowPreview($fileModel, [ 'width' => 640, 'height' => 640]) : ( $isImage ? $urlManager->getUrlForShowFile($fileModel, [ 'width' => 640, 'height' => 640]) : null ) ), 'urlShow' => ($isImage ? $urlManager->getUrlForShowFile($fileModel) : $urlManager->getUrlForDownloadFile($fileModel)), 'urlDownload' => $urlManager->getUrlForDownloadFile($fileModel) ); } return $result; } private static function convertFileData($fileData) { if (!is_array($fileData)) { return array(); } foreach ($fileData as $key => $value) { if ($value['date'] instanceof \Bitrix\Main\Type\DateTime) { $fileData[$key]['date'] = date('c', $value['date']->getTimestamp()); } foreach (['urlPreview', 'urlShow', 'urlDownload'] as $field) { $url = $fileData[$key][$field]; if (is_string($url) && $url && mb_strpos($url, 'http') !== 0) { $fileData[$key][$field] = self::getPublicDomain().$url; } } } return $fileData; } private static function getPublicDomain() { static $result = null; if ($result === null) { $result = (\Bitrix\Main\Context::getCurrent()->getRequest()->isHttps() ? "https" : "http")."://".((defined("SITE_SERVER_NAME") && SITE_SERVER_NAME <> '') ? SITE_SERVER_NAME : \Bitrix\Main\Config\Option::get("main", "server_name", $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])); } return $result; } } ?>