"; $MESS ['CATI_LINE_NO'] = "String"; $MESS ['CATI_NOIDNAME'] = "Unable to identify the product because the Name and Unique ID are not specified."; $MESS ['CATI_ERROR_LOADING'] = "Error loading product:"; $MESS ['CATI_TOTAL_ERRS'] = "Total bad records:"; $MESS ['CATI_TOTAL_COR1'] = "Correctly loaded"; $MESS ['CATI_TOTAL_COR2'] = "records."; $MESS ['CATI_PAGE_TITLE'] = "Catalog import: step "; $MESS ['CATI_NEXT_STEP'] = "Next"; $MESS ['CATI_DATA_LOADING'] = "Data import"; $MESS ['CATI_DATA_FILE_COMP'] = "Data file from local computer:"; $MESS ['CATI_DATA_FILE_OR'] = "OR"; $MESS ['CATI_DATA_FILE_SITE'] = "Data file from the site:"; $MESS ['CATI_INFOBLOCK'] = "Information block:"; $MESS ['CATI_LOADSCHEME'] = "Load scheme:"; $MESS ['CATI_NOT'] = "No"; $MESS ['CATI_DEL'] = "delete"; $MESS ['CATI_CHOOSE_APPR_FORMAT'] = "Please select the appropriate data format and set its properties"; $MESS ['CATI_RAZDELITEL'] = "separated - fields are separated with a special symbol"; $MESS ['CATI_FIXED'] = "fixed field width"; $MESS ['CATI_RAZDEL1'] = "Use separators"; $MESS ['CATI_RAZDEL_TYPE'] = "Field separator"; $MESS ['CATI_TAB'] = "tab"; $MESS ['CATI_TZP'] = "semicolon"; $MESS ['CATI_ZPT'] = "comma"; $MESS ['CATI_SPS'] = "space"; $MESS ['CATI_OTR'] = "other"; $MESS ['CATI_FIRST_NAMES'] = "First row contains field names"; $MESS ['CATI_FIX1'] = "Fixed field width"; $MESS ['CATI_FIX_MET'] = "Separator marks"; $MESS ['CATI_FIX_MET_DESCR'] = "Please specify numbers of columns used to separate the fields (one by one)"; $MESS ['CATI_DATA_SAMPLES'] = "Data samples"; $MESS ['CATI_FIELDS_SOOT'] = "Please assign the file fields to the database fields"; $MESS ['CATI_FI_NAME'] = "Name"; $MESS ['CATI_FI_ACTIV'] = "Active"; $MESS ['CATI_FI_ACTIVFROM'] = "Active from"; $MESS ['CATI_FI_ACTIVTO'] = "Active till"; $MESS ['CATI_FI_CATIMG'] = "List image"; $MESS ['CATI_FI_CATDESCR'] = "List description"; $MESS ['CATI_FI_DETIMG'] = "Image"; $MESS ['CATI_FI_DETDESCR'] = "Description"; $MESS ['CATI_FI_UNIXML'] = "Unique ID"; $MESS ['CATI_FI_QUANT'] = "Quantity"; $MESS ['CATI_FI_WEIGHT'] = "Weight"; $MESS ['CATI_FI_PROPS'] = "Property"; $MESS ['CATI_FI_GROUP_LEV'] = "Group of level"; $MESS ['CATI_FI_PRICE_TYPE'] = "Price of type"; $MESS ['CATI_FIELD'] = "Field"; $MESS ['CATI_ADDIT_SETTINGS'] = "Additional settings"; $MESS ['CATI_IMG_PATH'] = "Path to images"; $MESS ['CATI_IMG_PATH_DESCR'] = "The full path is built starting from the site root as \"<path to images>/<file name>\""; $MESS ['CATI_OUTFILE'] = "Products absent from the file"; $MESS ['CATI_OF_DEACT'] = "deactivate"; $MESS ['CATI_OF_DEL'] = "remove"; $MESS ['CATI_OF_KEEP'] = "leave"; $MESS ['CATI_SAVE_SCHEME_AS'] = "Save settings as scheme"; $MESS ['CATI_SUCCESS'] = "Import completed"; $MESS ['CATI_SU_ALL'] = "Total lines processed:"; $MESS ['CATI_SU_CORR'] = "including completely correct lines:"; $MESS ['CATI_SU_ER'] = "Bad lines:"; $MESS ['CATI_BACK'] = "Back"; $MESS ['CATI_NEXT_STEP_F'] = "Load data"; $MESS ['CATI_INFOBLOCK_SELECT'] = "- Select -"; $MESS ['CATI_SU_KILLED'] = "Outdated products removed: "; $MESS ['CATI_SU_HIDED'] = "Outdated products deactivated:"; $MESS ['CATI_AUTO_REFRESH'] = "If the page does not refresh automatically click the link"; $MESS ['CATI_AUTO_REFRESH_STEP'] = "Next step"; $MESS ['CATI_DEL_LOAD_SCHEME'] = "Delete the load scheme?"; $MESS ['CATI_INACTIVE_PRODS'] = "Inactive products / categories"; $MESS ['CATI_KEEP_AS_IS'] = "leave unchanged"; $MESS ['CATI_ACTIVATE_PROD'] = "activate"; $MESS ['CATI_AUTO_STEP_TIME'] = "Time for step processing"; $MESS ['CATI_AUTO_STEP_TIME_NOTE'] = "0 - load all at once
positive value - number of seconds for processing one step"; $MESS ['CATI_AUTO_REFRESH_CONTINUE'] = "Continue step-by-step loading..."; $MESS ['CATI_DATA_FILE'] = "Data file from local computer:"; $MESS ['CATI_OR_DATA_FILE'] = "OR data file from the site:"; ?>