client = new Web\HttpClient(); if (RequestLogger::isEnabled()) { $this->requestLogger = new RequestLogger((int)$userId, self::SERVICE_NAME); } if (CSocServGoogleProxyOAuth::isProxyAuth()) { $oAuth = new CSocServGoogleProxyOAuth($userId); } else { $oAuth = new CSocServGoogleOAuth($userId); } $oAuth->getEntityOAuth()->addScope( [ '', '', ] ); $oAuth->getEntityOAuth()->setUser($userId); if ($oAuth->getEntityOAuth()->GetAccessToken()) { $this->client->setHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' . $oAuth->getEntityOAuth()->getToken()); $this->client->setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); $this->client->setHeader('Referer', $this->getDomain()); unset($oAuth); } else { $this->errors[] = array("code" => "NO_ACCESS_TOKEN", "message" => "No access token found"); } } /** * @param $channelInfo * @return array * @throws ArgumentException * @throws ArgumentNullException * @throws ArgumentOutOfRangeException * @throws LoaderException */ public function openCalendarListChannel($channelInfo): array { $this->currentMethod = __METHOD__; return $this->doRequest( Web\HttpClient::HTTP_POST, self::API_BASE_URL. '/users/me/calendarList/watch', Web\Json::encode($channelInfo, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES) ); } /** * @param $calendarId * @param $channelInfo * @return array * @throws ArgumentException * @throws ArgumentNullException * @throws ArgumentOutOfRangeException * @throws LoaderException */ public function openEventsWatchChannel($calendarId, $channelInfo): array { $this->currentMethod = __METHOD__; return $this->doRequest( Web\HttpClient::HTTP_POST, self::API_BASE_URL . '/calendars/' . urlencode($calendarId) . '/events/watch', Web\Json::encode($channelInfo, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES) ); } /** * @param $channelId * @param $resourceId * @return array * @throws ArgumentException * @throws ArgumentNullException * @throws ArgumentOutOfRangeException * @throws LoaderException */ public function stopChannel($channelId, $resourceId): array { $this->currentMethod = __METHOD__; return $this->doRequest( Web\HttpClient::HTTP_POST, self::API_BASE_URL . '/channels/stop', Web\Json::encode(['id' => $channelId, 'resourceId' => $resourceId], JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES) ); } /** * @param $type * @param $url * @param $requestParams * @return array|mixed * @throws ArgumentException * @throws LoaderException */ private function doRequest($type, $url, $requestParams = '') { $this->errors = $response = []; if (!in_array($type, [Web\HttpClient::HTTP_PATCH, Web\HttpClient::HTTP_PUT, Web\HttpClient::HTTP_DELETE, Web\HttpClient::HTTP_GET, Web\HttpClient::HTTP_POST], true)) { throw new ArgumentException('Bad request type'); } $this->client->query($type, $url, ($requestParams ?: null)); //Only "OK" response is acceptable. if ($this->client->getStatus() === 200) { $contentType = $this->client->getHeaders()->getContentType(); if ($contentType === 'multipart/mixed') { $response = $this->multipartDecode($this->client->getResult()); } else { try { $response = Web\Json::decode($this->client->getResult()); } catch (ArgumentException $exception) { $response = null; } } } else { try { $error = Web\Json::decode($this->client->getResult()); $this->errors[] = ["code" => "CONNECTION", "message" => "[" . $error['error']['code'] . "] " . $error['error']['message']]; } catch (ArgumentException $exception) { foreach($this->client->getError() as $code => $error) { $this->errors[] = ["code" => $code, "message" => $error]; } } } if ($this->requestLogger) { $this->requestLogger->write([ 'requestParams' => $requestParams, 'url' => $url, 'method' => $type, 'statusCode' => $this->client->getStatus(), 'response' => $this->prepareResponseForDebug($response), 'error' => $this->prepareErrorForDebug(), ]); } return $response; } /** * Deletes event from google calendar * * @param $eventId * @param $calendarId * @return array|mixed */ public function deleteEvent($eventId, $calendarId) { $this->currentMethod = __METHOD__; return $this->doRequest(Web\HttpClient::HTTP_DELETE, self::API_BASE_URL . '/calendars/' . $calendarId . '/events/' . $eventId); } /** * Updates only specified event fields * * @param $patchData * @param $calendarId * @param $eventId * @return array|mixed */ public function patchEvent($patchData, $calendarId, $eventId) { $this->currentMethod = __METHOD__; $requestBody = Web\Json::encode($patchData, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES); return $this->doRequest(Web\HttpClient::HTTP_PUT, self::API_BASE_URL . '/calendars/' . $calendarId . '/events/' . $eventId, $requestBody); } /** * Updates instance for recurring event * * @param $eventData * @param $calendarId * @param $instanceId * @return array|mixed */ public function updateEvent($eventData, $calendarId, $eventId) { $this->currentMethod = __METHOD__; $requestBody = Web\Json::encode($eventData, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES); return $this->doRequest(Web\HttpClient::HTTP_PUT, self::API_BASE_URL . '/calendars/' . $calendarId . '/events/' . $eventId, $requestBody); } /** * Creates event at google calendar * * @param $eventData * @param $calendarId * @return array|mixed */ public function insertEvent($eventData, $calendarId) { $this->currentMethod = __METHOD__; $requestBody = Web\Json::encode($eventData, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES); return $this->doRequest(Web\HttpClient::HTTP_POST, self::API_BASE_URL . '/calendars/' . $calendarId . '/events/', $requestBody); } /** * Creates event at google calendar * * @param $eventData * @param $calendarId * @return array|mixed */ public function importEvent($eventData, $calendarId) { $this->currentMethod = __METHOD__; $requestBody = Web\Json::encode($eventData, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES); return $this->doRequest(Web\HttpClient::HTTP_POST, self::API_BASE_URL . '/calendars/' . $calendarId . '/events/import', $requestBody); } /** * @param $params * @return array * @throws ArgumentException */ public function getCalendarList(array $requestParameters = null): ?array { $this->currentMethod = __METHOD__; $url = self::API_BASE_URL . '/users/me/calendarList'; $url .= empty($requestParameters) ? '' : '?' . preg_replace('/(%3D)/', '=', http_build_query($requestParameters)); return $this->doRequest(Web\HttpClient::HTTP_GET, $url); } /** * get google calendar color codes * * @return array|mixed */ public function getColors() { $this->currentMethod = __METHOD__; return $this->doRequest(Web\HttpClient::HTTP_GET, self::API_BASE_URL . '/colors'); } /** * Get Event List from calendar * * @param $calendarId * @param string $syncToken * @return array|mixed */ public function getEvents($calendarId, $requestParams = array()) { $this->currentMethod = __METHOD__; $requestParams = array_filter($requestParams); $url = self::API_BASE_URL . '/calendars/' . urlencode($calendarId) . '/events'; $url .= empty($requestParams) ? '' : '?' . preg_replace('/(%3D)/', '=', http_build_query($requestParams)); return $this->doRequest(Web\HttpClient::HTTP_GET, $url); } /** * Getting array of errors. * * @return array */ public function getErrors() { return $this->errors; } /** * Getting array of errors with the specified code. * * @param string $code Code of error. * @return array */ public function getErrorsByCode($code) { return array_filter($this->errors, function($error) use ($code) { return $error['code'] == $code; }); } /** * Getting once error with the specified code. * * @param string $code Code of error. * @return array */ public function getErrorByCode($code) { if (!is_array($this->errors)) { return []; } $errorsByCode = array_filter($this->errors, function($error) use ($code) { return $error['code'] == $code; }); if (!empty($errorsByCode)) { return end($errorsByCode); } return []; } /** * getting id of the recurrent event instance * * @param $calendarId * @param $eventId * @param $originalStart * @return array|mixed */ public function getInstanceRecurringEvent($calendarId, $eventId, $originalStart) { $this->currentMethod = __METHOD__; $requestParameters = ['originalStart' => $originalStart]; $requestParameters = array_filter($requestParameters); $url = self::API_BASE_URL . '/calendars/' . urlencode($calendarId) . '/events/' . urlencode($eventId) . '/instances/'; $url .= empty($requestParameters) ? '' : '?' . preg_replace('/(%3D)/', '=', http_build_query($requestParameters)); return $this->doRequest(Web\HttpClient::HTTP_GET, $url); } /** * Creates local calendar at google calendar * * @param $eventData * @return array|mixed */ public function insertCalendar($calendarData) { $this->currentMethod = __METHOD__; $requestBody = Web\Json::encode($calendarData, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES); return $this->doRequest(Web\HttpClient::HTTP_POST, self::API_BASE_URL . '/calendars/', $requestBody); } public function sendBatchEvents($body, $calendarId, $params) { $url = ""; $requestBody = $this->prepareMultipartMixed($body, $calendarId, $params); return $this->doRequest(Web\HttpClient::HTTP_POST, $url, $requestBody); } /** * Performs multipart/mixed encoding. * * @param array $postData Entity of POST request * @return string */ protected function prepareMultipartMixed($postData, $calendarId, $params) { if (is_array($postData)) { $boundary = 'BXC'.md5(rand().time()); $this->client->setHeader('Content-type', 'multipart/mixed; boundary='.$boundary); $data = ''; foreach ($postData as $key => $value) { $data .= '--'.$boundary."\r\n"; if (is_array($value)) { $contentId = ''; if (is_array($value)) { $data .= 'Content-Type: application/http'."\r\n"; $data .= 'Content-ID: '.$contentId."\r\n\r\n"; if (!empty($value['gEventId'])) { $data .= $params['method'].' /calendar/v3/calendars/'.$calendarId.'/events/'.$value['gEventId']."\r\n"; } else { $data .= 'POST /calendar/v3/calendars/'.$calendarId.'/events'."\r\n"; } $data .= 'Content-type: application/json'."\r\n"; $data .= 'Content-Length: '.mb_strlen($value['partBody'])."\r\n\r\n"; $data .= $value['partBody']; $data .= "\r\n\r\n"; } } } $data .= '--'.$boundary."--\r\n"; $postData = $data; } return $postData; } /** * @param $response * @return array * @throws ArgumentException */ public function multipartDecode($response): array { $events = []; $boundary = $this->client->getHeaders()->getBoundary(); $response = str_replace("--$boundary--", "--$boundary", $response); $parts = explode("--$boundary\r\n", $response); foreach ($parts as $key => $part) { $part = trim($part); if (!empty($part)) { $partEvent = explode("\r\n\r\n", $part); $data = $this->getMetaInfo($partEvent[1]); if ($data['status'] === 200) { $id = $this->getId($partEvent[0]); if ($id === null) { continue; } try { $event = Web\Json::decode($partEvent[2]); } catch(Exception $exception) { continue; } $event['etag'] = $data['etag']; $events[$id] = $event; } else { AddMessage2Log('Event sync error. ID: ' . $this->getId($partEvent[0])); } } } return $events; } private function getMetaInfo($headers): array { $data = []; foreach (explode("\n", $headers) as $k => $header) { if($k === 0) { if(preg_match('#HTTP\S+ (\d+)#', $header, $find)) { $data['status'] = (int)$find[1]; } } elseif(mb_strpos($header, ':') !== false) { [$headerName, $headerValue] = explode(':', $header, 2); if(mb_strtolower($headerName) === 'etag') { $data['etag'] = trim($headerValue); } } } return $data; } /** * @param $headers * @return int|null */ private function getId ($headers): ?int { $id = null; foreach (explode("\n", $headers) as $k => $header) { if(mb_strpos($header, ':') !== false) { [$headerName, $headerValue] = explode(':', $header, 2); if(mb_strtolower($headerName) === 'content-id') { $part = explode(':', $headerValue); $id = rtrim($part[1], ">"); } } } return (int)$id; } /** * @param string $calendarId * @return array * @throws ArgumentException */ public function deleteCalendar(string $calendarId): array { $this->currentMethod = __METHOD__; return $this->doRequest(Web\HttpClient::HTTP_DELETE, self::API_BASE_URL . '/calendars/' . $calendarId . ''); } /** * @return string */ private function getDomain(): string { if (CCalendar::isBitrix24()) { return ''; } if (defined('BX24_HOST_NAME') && BX24_HOST_NAME) { return "https://" . (string)BX24_HOST_NAME; } $server = Application::getInstance()->getContext()->getServer(); return "https://" . (string)$server['HTTP_HOST']; } /** * @param string $calendarId * @param $calendarData * @return array * @throws ArgumentException */ public function updateCalendar(string $calendarId, $calendarData): array { $this->currentMethod = __METHOD__; $requestBody = Web\Json::encode($calendarData, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES); return $this->doRequest(Web\HttpClient::HTTP_PUT, self::API_BASE_URL . '/calendars/' . $calendarId, $requestBody); } /** * @param string $calendarId * @param $calendarData * @return array * @throws ArgumentException */ public function updateCalendarList(string $calendarId, $calendarData): array { $this->currentMethod = __METHOD__; $url = self::API_BASE_URL . '/users/me/calendarList/' . $calendarId; $url .= '?' . preg_replace('/(%3D)/', '=', http_build_query(['colorRgbFormat' => "True"])); $requestBody = Web\Json::encode($calendarData, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES); return $this->doRequest(Web\HttpClient::HTTP_PUT, $url, $requestBody); } /** * @param $response * @return string */ private function prepareResponseForDebug($response): string { if (!$response || !is_array($response)) { return ''; } $result = ''; foreach ($response as $key => $value) { if (is_string($value)) { $result .= "{$key}:{$value}; "; } elseif (is_array($value)) { $result .= "{$key}:"; foreach ($value as $valueKey => $valueValue) { $result .= "{$valueKey}:{$valueValue}, "; } $result .= "; "; } } return $result; } /** * @return string */ private function prepareErrorForDebug(): string { if (!$this->errors || !is_array($this->errors)) { return ''; } $result = ''; foreach ($this->errors as $error) { $result .= $error['code'] . " " . $error['message'] . "; "; } return $result; } }