one hour"; $MESS["ABTEST_DURATION_OF"] = "of"; $MESS["ABTEST_TEST_TITLE_A"] = "Group A"; $MESS["ABTEST_TEST_TITLE_B"] = "Group B"; $MESS["ABTEST_CONVERSION_GRAPH_HINT_A"] = "Group A conversion"; $MESS["ABTEST_CONVERSION_GRAPH_HINT_B"] = "Group B conversion"; $MESS["ABTEST_CONVERSION_GRAPH_SHOW_ALL"] = "Show all"; $MESS["ABTEST_VISITS"] = "visitors"; $MESS["ABTEST_CONVERSION_VALUE_TITLE"] = "Conversion"; $MESS["ABTEST_CONVERSION_DIFF_TITLE"] = "Dynamics"; $MESS["ABTEST_CONVERSION_CNT_TITLE"] = "Quantity"; $MESS["ABTEST_CONVERSION_SUM_TITLE"] = "Amount"; $MESS["ABTEST_CONVERSION_UNAVAILABLE"] = "The Conversion module is required to view conversion data."; $MESS["ABTEST_CONVERSION_RESULT_TITLE"] = "Test result"; $MESS["ABTEST_CONVERSION_GRAPH_TITLE1"] = "A/B test \"Test ##ID#\""; $MESS["ABTEST_CONVERSION_GRAPH_TITLE2"] = "A/B test \"#NAME#\""; $MESS["ABTEST_CONVERSION_GRAPH_DESCR"] = "Make sure the conversion result for group B is higher."; $MESS["ABTEST_CONVERSION_GRAPH_EMPTY"] = "No data."; $MESS["ABTEST_CONVERSION_GRAPH_LOADING"] = "Loading data"; $MESS["ABTEST_CONVERSION_DETAILS"] = "View summary"; $MESS["ABTEST_CONVERSION_FUNNEL_TITLE"] = "Main conversion index"; $MESS["ABTEST_CONVERSION_COUNTERS_TITLE"] = "All conversion values"; $MESS["ABTEST_CONVERSION_SUM_UNIT"] = "USD"; $MESS["ABTEST_CONVRATES_UNAVAILABLE"] = "No data to create the conversion report."; $MESS["ABTEST_DURATION_NA"] = "no data"; $MESS["ABTEST_START_DATE2"] = "Last run on"; $MESS["ABTEST_STOP_DATE2"] = "Expected to complete on"; $MESS["ABTEST_MATH_POWER_YES"] = "Sufficient statistical power reached"; $MESS["ABTEST_MATH_POWER_NO"] = "Sufficient statistical power not reached"; $MESS["ABTEST_MATH_SIGNIFICANCE_YES"] = "The test result is statistically significant."; $MESS["ABTEST_MATH_SIGNIFICANCE_NO"] = "The test result is not statistically significant."; $MESS["ABTEST_MATH_POWER_HINT"] = "Statistical power is the likelihood that the test will detect a difference between the two options if there is a discernible difference to be detected. Statistical power increases proportionally to sample size. Test result cannot be trusted if statistical power is lower than 80%."; $MESS["ABTEST_MATH_SIGNIFICANCE_HINT"] = "Statistical significance is the likelihood that the test result is not accidental. The result of A/B test is considered to be statistically significant if the probability that an observed difference does not really exist is low (or the probability of observing this effect while doing an A/A test is low). Statistical significance should not be lower than 95%."; $MESS["ABTEST_DURATION_EST"] = "in: #NUM# #UNIT#"; ?>