: #TYPE#"; $MESS["ABTEST_TEST_SELECT_PAGE"] = "Select file"; $MESS["ABTEST_TEST_COPY_PAGE"] = "Copy page"; $MESS["ABTEST_TEST_EDIT_PAGE"] = "Edit page"; $MESS["ABTEST_AJAX_ERROR"] = "Error sending request."; $MESS["ABTEST_TEST_CHECK"] = "View"; $MESS["ABTEST_TEST_EDIT_WARNING"] = "Attention! Changing preferences of a running A/B test may produce incorrect results."; $MESS["ABTEST_EMPTY_SITE"] = "No site specified."; $MESS["ABTEST_UNKNOWN_SITE"] = "Unknown site: #VALUE#"; $MESS["ABTEST_SITE_FIELD"] = "Site"; $MESS["ABTEST_UNKNOWN_PAGE"] = "The page does not exist."; $MESS["ABTEST_DURATION_OPTION_A"] = "Auto (approx. days: #NUM#)"; $MESS["ABTEST_DURATION_OPTION_NA"] = "n/a"; $MESS["ABTEST_DURATION_AUTO_HINT"] = "Auto test duration is forecasted based on current website traffic and sample size required to achieve the statistical power of 80%. The test will be finished automatically after a required sample size is reached in both groups."; $MESS["ABTEST_MATH_POWER_HINT"] = "Statistical power is the likelihood that the test will detect a difference between the two options if there is a discernible difference to be detected. Statistical power increases proportionally to sample size. Test result cannot be trusted if statistical power is lower than 80%."; ?>